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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. That was a reply on what CharonY said....the only one that seems to care more for science then beliefs. It's interesting to see you people have everything but a scientific mindset, while you probably think you do. And seeing how little you people (and many other people on this forum) understand about evolution, it's very clear why there is still so much creationism in the world. Religion and science are two sides of the same coin. The Last time people disagreed with me this fervently, my claims were backed by one of the best physicists of this time.
  2. We don't know how strong this link is...or what premature birth or a problem during pregnancy causes hormone-wise.
  3. Itoero

    about Monsanto

    In Belgium a massive amount of bees died mostly because of a pesticide from Bayer. It seems that this counts for Europe and USA. Things like this, make my blood boil. http://grist.org/article/2011-01-21-top-usda-bee-researcher-also-found-bayer-pesticide-harmful/ This is the insecticide which is probably the main cause for the decline of honey bee colonies in Europe and North America observed since 2006. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imidacloprid
  4. I let that out because I don't think it has much meaning. I also used 'marked' instead of 'characterized'.
  5. Itoero

    about Monsanto

    Monsanto My English is obviously lacking. I changed it.
  6. So if prenatal hormones have an important role in adult sexual orientation and a premature birth causes prenatal hormones not to fulfill their duty, then in your opinion that does not mean that the sexual orientation is out of balance which increases the chance of being gay??????????????????
  7. So that's a non sequitur? You make me laugh I get a -1 because Strange makes me laugh???
  8. Itoero

    about Monsanto

    What do you think about Monsanto? I know Monsanto because they created Roundup, which contains Glyphosate: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23756170 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3945755/
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion Ok but proof does not change the 'fact' that it's an emotional decision. Emotions can be defined as a positive or negative experience that is associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity. The use of a hash concerns a positive experience.
  10. Today I learned Mexico city is sinking! It's mostly built on a lake bed, filled with aquifers. They are draining the aquifers to drink and it causes the city to drop. It has sunk more then 9 meters in a 100 years!
  11. The lions is just an example. It's known that prenatal hormones are determinant (there are other factors of course) for adult sexual orientation. So logic dictates a prematurely born infant, or when something went 'wrong' during pregnancy has a higher chance of becoming gay. The fact that prenatal hormones(there are other factors of course) are determinant for adult sexual orientation also evolved via survival of the fittest.
  12. If it happens often that prematurely born lions die because they are straight then prematures have a higher risk of surviving when they are gay. The genes that cause premature birth will then (indirect) have a chance of surviving. Prenatal hormones may be seen as the primary determinant of adult sexual orientation, or a co-factor with genes, biological factors and/or environmental and social conditions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prenatal_hormones_and_sexual_orientation
  13. Do you understand that my explanation concerns evolution and not how it is at this moment?
  14. Having health problems and/or being gay reduces your chance of having offspring. Without offspring you have a lot of spare time and you can protect and help raise nieces and nephews which indirectly increases the chance that your genes will survive. Therefor it's very logic that health problems because of prematurely birth and being gay are linked. Prematurely born infants have a higher chance of being gay but the chance is still rather small. And premature birth and having health problems are obviously not the only reasons for being gay. You should not think in term of 'cause'. It's all about survival. Take a lion pride as example. In a 'normal' pride, young males will become interested in the females of the pride and start to rebel. The alpha male(s) will chase them away. When young males are gay, they will not be interested in the females of the pride and will probably not rebel. The alpha male(s) will not chase them away and they can help protect the pride and help raise nieces and nephews.(this is the gay uncle theory) When males are born with health problems or are weaker then their siblings then they can't survive long on their own and don't have the strength to start a pride...so it's in their best interest to remain in the pride. In order for those males with health problems to remain in the pride, they can't rebel or show interest in females or they will be chased away and can even be killed. So it's in their best interest to be gay. Imo a long evolutionary process cause being gay to be related to having health problems.
  15. You decide it because you think it's much faster...that's an emotional decision. An emotion is a brief conscious experience marked by intense mental activity.
  16. True, I use 'probably' because we can't really prove anything concerning abiogenesis.
  17. Which laws prevent abiogenesis from happening? And which experimentation/observation rejects abiogenesis? Stop being that ignorant/dishonest. There is alot we do understand/know on how abiogenesis probably happened.
  18. Every decision is imo emotional and depending on personal experiences or your state of mind, you can call it rational or not.
  19. This would then be the gay prematurely born uncle theory. The gay uncle theory is about an uncle or aunt which is gay and therefor does not have children and can help raising his nieces and nephews. A prematurely born person with health problems will most of the times have no children, which also allows it to help raising nieces and nephews....that's imo why prematurely born infants have a higher chance of becoming gay.
  20. It is. So the lower the resistance, the higher the wattage... But resistance causes brightness/heat. Then you have higher wattage with lower brightness/heat?
  21. This is semantics I think. It's true that everyone thinks their belief system is the right one...regardless whether they are religious or not.
  22. Ok, but I'm not talking about the wattage. I'm pointing out that the diameter of the filament influences the resistance, which influences brightness.
  23. iNow said this: "The "true" religion is the one to which each individual happens to ascribe. " I don't understand what he or she means by that...which is why I asked for an example.
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