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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. A thick copper wire has lower resistance than an otherwise identical thin copper wire. The resistance is also proportional to the length. A long copper wire has higher resistance than an otherwise-identical short copper wire. Resistance is a measure of how much resistance there is for free electrons moving through the solid. The energy that moves the electrons forward is converted to heat because of friction. A light bulb is a nice example. A wire filament is heated to such a high temperature (has high resistance) that it glows with visible light. When filaments are thinner, have higher resistance, they will heat up more and give brighter light.
  2. I don't, Randolpin did in #49.
  3. Yes, but people with a scientific mindset believe in whatever is sufficiently proven...can you call that a religion?
  4. An explanation I found on google: "1. A physical change is reversible, a chemical change is not. For example, the freezing of water would be a physical change because it can be reversed, whereas the burning of wood is a chemical change - you can't 'unburn' it 2. A physical change is a change in which no new substance is formed; a chemical change results in the formation of one or more new substances. Again, consider the previous examples: Freezing water into ice just results in water molecules which are 'stuck' together - it's still H2O. Whereas burning wood results in ash, carbon dioxide, etc, all new substances which weren't there when you started." =>You might say that physical/chemical reactions happen at the same time. You just call it chemical of physical depending on the used measuring devices.
  5. Can you give an example of this?
  6. From an evolutionary point of view it imo makes a lot of sense. Prematurely born infants have more risk on health problems...they are on average less suited to 'start a family' and predisposed to nurture their nieces and nephews as a way of helping to ensure their own genes get passed down to the next generation. This is 'the gay uncle theory'. Richard Dawkins explains it in this video.
  7. Do you know about the strong secularity in many countries?
  8. Yes, don't forget to add the acid to the water!
  9. I have colour blindness because of retinal degeneration. I see less difference between colours. Green-yellow colour blindness is pretty rare I think. Can she see red-green and blue-yellow?
  10. Today I learned that most or many Greenland sharks are blind due to parasitic copepods living on their eyeballs. They are ectotherm and live in water that's about 2°C which explains why they move so slowly, they swim 1,22 km/h on average. The Greenland shark has the longest known lifespan of all vertebrate species. One shark was estimated to be a minimum of 272 years and a maximum of 512 years. And they probably reach sexual maturity at 150 years.
  11. I've been several times to Florence. I love Tuscany.
  12. Which life survived? Doers abiogenesis have to happen again?
  13. True, that's why I don't like it how scientists claim to find scientific evidence for god...it's imo pointless. Mixing religion and science like that just doesn't work. Hugh Ross, for example, is a Canadian astrophysicist which finds evidence for God in science. He does acknowledges that all versions of intelligent design are pseudoscience and finds it should not be taught in the classroom as science. He is honest...
  14. I collected fossils and crystals when I was young... I have many shell fossils, mostly out of the Apennine Mountains in Italy. And I received a piece from a Mammoth tusk, from someone in Dawson city (Yukon).
  15. I just learned Stephen Hawking may win a Nobel Prize if they find evidence for soft hairs on Black Holes. Here is the paper he wrote: https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.00921
  16. I'm having a flashback What do you mean with 'rediscovered'?
  17. I just watched most of a very interesting lecture about Leonard Susskind on The World As Hologram.
  18. No, but why do you think our laws are sufficient? Why do you think our science is far enough evolved to make valid assumptions about abiogenesis?
  19. I found the audiobook about "Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics " It's pretty long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by52XfhRzuI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0rv4Bh5MPE
  20. This idea Brian Greene mentioned in this video: Around 31:40, he points out that we evolved to deal with a world governed by Newtonian dynamics. In this thread Delta1212 explains pretty clear the effect of measuring (by detectors) http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/102278-can-you-make-light-that-behaves-as-particle/ " Posted 10 January 2017 - 10:36 PM Roughly, photons interact as particles, but travel between interactions as waves. That's overly simplified, but I think it works for the sake of this example. The double-slit experiment allows us to observe the wave behavior of individual photons by allowing them to interfere with themselves on their way to being detected as if they were a wave passing through both of the slits. This affects where the final interaction takes place on the screen at the end. By placing a detector, you are creating an interaction at one of the slits. It's no longer a wave with a double slit between it and the screen it will eventually hit and interact with. It's a wave traveling to the slits where it interacts with the detector and then sends out a new wave from that point which has a clear path from the slit it passed through to the screen, so no interference pattern. If you place a detector at the beginning of the experiment, the wave will travel to the detector, interact with the detector and then propagate again as a wave with the detector as a starting point. If there is a double slit after the detector, then you'll get the interference pattern exactly as normal. If you don't have the double slits in between, then you won't get the interference pattern. Obviously. "
  21. You should not make assumptions like that. You are using your 'knowledge' from current chemistry to debunk something that happened billions of years ago in an environment which is mostly unknown. DNA can be considered as a modified form of RNA, it seems that first DNA evolved/developed from RNA. Ribose in RNA is reduced into deoxyribose in DNA, whereas the base uracil is methylated into thymidine. First DNA was probably DNA that contained Uracil(U-DNA). There are modern viruses with DNA that contains Uracil(U-DNA)... Our knowledge concerning (quantum)chemistry shoots imo to short to make valid assumptions concerning abiogenesis. It seems that quantum entanglement has an important role in DNA and energytransport in Photosynthesis can't be explained by classical physics. Quantum mechanics might have a very important role in biological systems. Some articles concerning DNA: https://arxiv.org/abs/1006.4053 https://www.technologyreview.com/s/419590/quantum-entanglement-holds-dna-together-say-physicists/ https://arxiv.org/abs/1403.5342 https://arxiv.org/abs/1101.0073?context=physics
  22. You see things black and white. Religion started as a way to unite people (like wolves in a pack) and it gave a lot of answers since our scientific knowledge was very small. (compared to what we know now) Religion is not necessary anymore but perhaps religion helped us to become the rulers of this world.
  23. The Miller-Urey and many other experiments that came after show the necessary building block were probably present in the early earth. And I suppose it took many millions of years for the first proteiins to be formed. I think it's very possible that amino acids were 'joined' and formed a small polypeptidechain which gave structure to other active chemicals. If amino acids bound on the small polypeptidechain then it probably gave more structure and might allow other active chemicals to bind. This can evolve further into bigger polypeptidechains wchich give structure and bind with more active chemicals. Such chemical 'droplets' can join together and form the first small proteins with active chemicals. Those small proteins and active chemicals you can consider to be the start of a membrane and organelle. The origin of DNA and DNA replication is well understood... There is so many that points to abiogenesis.
  24. Exercise can cause your mental state to be more healthy. Your mental problems are caused by imbalance.
  25. Itoero


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