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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. You are again putting words in my mouth. I never said bacteria could/can think or believe. I said there were properties of the first bacteria which evolved into religion.
  2. lol Another dude that does not understand much and that misrepresent things. The first bacteria had properties which evolved into religion. If they hadn't then they were not part of the evolution that let to humans....which is what young earth creationists think...
  3. That statement was not a reaction on iNow...it was 'random'. It's for people like you they came up with the word: religitard Many people must have explained you how that does not prove God but you post it anyway. Yes it is. I explained you this before I think. -People are creating ASO-therapies to 'cure' diseases. Such a therapy is based on science and becomes science when it's shown it works. -The holographic principle concerns a belief based on science but when it's sufficiently proven, it becomes science. -Wormholes concern beliefs based on science and it becomes science when it's proven. ...
  4. We are 'hardwired' to believe but not necessarily in God. How else do you explain the decline of religion in peaceful and wellfaring countries/area's ?
  5. This is for me a very important point of view. Science is a never ending search towards ultimate reality/truth. Therefor a scientific worldview changes. There are many beliefs based on science...those beliefs become science when they are 'proven'.
  6. You put words in my mouth. A scientific worldview or mindset means that you are open for all evidence. -There might be life on other planets but there is no evidence... -It depends what you define as intelligence.
  7. I'm sorry it wasn't clear, it was something Pinoccio said:
  8. So you think it's arrogant to form your worldview purely based on 'evidence'? I don't know things which are unknowable. Why hypocritical?
  9. An agnostic/scientific worldview is imo the only valid worldview. I'm atheist because I'm agnost. There is also agnostic theism. They acknowledge the existence of god but are agnostic regarding the properties of God.
  10. Why do you think 'nothing' is more plausible then 'something'?
  11. I like these very much. Ricky Gervais Fat People Ricky Gervais on War, Racism and Stephen Hawking
  12. He was a real boy!
  13. Jesus died for our sins, so why is there still hell?
  14. Religion is just a very good subject to laugh with. I don't have an agenda. I suppose this does not belong in this thread (I'm extremely sorry) but this is an interview with a Dutch Comedian concerning freedom of speech...I find it very funny.
  15. A girl I used to date had a seashell tattooed on the inside of her leg. If I put my ear on the seashell, I could smell the ocean.
  16. It took a lot more then one billion years but that's for life on this Earth... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_the_universe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_evolutionary_history_of_life If the holographic principle is correct then the universe basically exists out of 2 dimensional information, outside time and space. Time is then not an issue when you discuss the possibility of a deistic creative force.
  17. Ricky Gervais -The Bible and Noah's ark. One of his best ones I think.
  18. Why didn't you reply (with words)on what I said? You don't believe that we are related to the first micro organisms?
  19. Why do you think that? Did you discuss it with God?
  20. Didn't Hitler say whatever necessary to make people 'follow' him? There is a wiki about it... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Adolf_Hitler
  21. I have no idea. Evolution works via cause and effect and is a continuous process so there must have been properties which enabled the evolution/development of that what we call 'religion'.
  22. True, but there was never life without the properties that evolved into religion.
  23. Why are rogue planets not pulled back to a star because of gravitational pull?
  24. I think it's very possible that those 'droplets' had protein/membrane precursors...which concentrated chemicals. Those protein/membrane precursors form 'containers'. This is an interesting paper concerning the origin of DNA. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6360/
  25. That's very true. Inflammation is strongly linked to oxidative stress. Many anti oxidants (Astaxanthin, Resveratrol, Turmeric...) can reduce inflammation. It seems that fracture, tendon and mucosa healing can be inhibited with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Nothing is sufficiently proven... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3764618/ tendon: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23982408 fracture: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23680778 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4034003/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4229153/ mucus: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11321515
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