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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. I've often heard that a volcanic eruption gives more CO2 then the CO2 caused by humans. Is this true or not?
  2. The comparison with African Americans does not make much sense. Isn't the biased policing in the us caused by racism? The statistics that show that Muslim immigration give a rise in criminality are from many countries. The evidence for this behavior of Muslims is so overwhelming. Where I 'studied', in Leuven, there are often North-Africans trying to steal cell-phones from drunk or naive students. I heard this happens a lot in Brussel as well, and probably in all student-cities. My brother is a cop in Brussel, he has often stories about fucked up behavior from North-Africans...he was once bitten when he was settling a North-African in a car...the gay had Hepatitis and my brother got 'the fire' in his arm. And you do know that Isis are mostly Muslims right? In Belgium they got help from Muslim communities. In Brussel there are area's where normal police does not go. Sint-Jans-Molenbeek for example... During the 2015/2016 100s of sexual assaults(24 rapes) and numerous thefts were committed in Germany. A Federal Criminal Police Office report confirmed that most of the perpetrators were of North African origin and had arrived in Germany during the European migrant crisis. And you do know about the strong atheist discrimination and the mal treatment of women in Muslim-countries? It's very normal that those people create problems when you place them in more civilised countries. Whatever is the direct causes for the criminality...religion is definitely the driving force behind it. Muslim terrorism proves this. When someone blows himself up, he often does it because of some political reason yet religion is still the main indirect cause. Religion makes people a lot more vulnerable to suggestion, especially when they were indoctrinated as kid. Islam is about indoctrination (and so is Christianity in many areas). I've seen a YouTube where a man admits he teaches his son that apostasy demands the death penalty. Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists in a 'new' law. You should have a look to the number of Muslims that support death penalty for apostasy...it's frightening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam[/url]
  3. Rotting mammals, like whales and seals, with a thick skin and blubber can explode as well. Sonja is lucky not to have any whales under her house.
  4. Plants are making more leaves because of the extra CO2. It seems there are ways Earth tries to keep the balance. https://www.carbonbrief.org/rising-co2-has-greened-worlds-plants-and-trees
  5. I once ate a king crab leg in Alaska. That was very tasty!
  6. There is regularity in its occurrences...that's what something like the half life is about. If events are not determined we could not study them. A random event is not adjusted to any rules of reality. If the absence of local hidden variables enables an event then the event can be present everywhere. The absence of local hidden variables is a property which is present everywhere. The carbon-14 has 50% chance of decaying within 5730 years. The structure of carbon-14 atoms is the same in every atom so why don't they all decay within a certain amount of time? Why is it that carbon-14 can decay in one second or in 50.000 years? The presence of a hidden reality explains statistical correlation and it explains why there are so many things we can't explain. I don't think so. Our logic and intuition evolved to deal with Newtonian dynamics or the world we can observe and understand. When we conclude the absence of local hidden variables because of experiments/math then our intuition which evolved to deal with Newtonian dynamics, tells us there are no local hidden variables. Our evolved logic tells us that things we can't observe/understand are not there. This is the same physicist saying.
  7. You are again not making any sense. If only Muslims from one country or area show increased crime then you can't ascribe it to religion. But that's not the case at all...Muslims in general cause an increase in criminality, it's not linked to specific groups. You know how Muslims killed people from Charlie Hebdo for making a cartoon about Mohammed? (in Paris) There have been 2 terror attacks on Charlie Hebdo. Germany probably shelters the most migrants. During the 2015/2016 New Year's Eve celebrations, hundreds of sexual assaults (including groping), at least 24 rapes, and numerous thefts were reported in Germany, mainly in Cologne city centre. Similar incidents were reported in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, and Bielefeld. On 7 June, a Federal Criminal Police Office report confirmed that most of the perpetrators were of North African origin and had arrived in Germany during the European migrant crisis. Are you kidding me? It's pretty easy to count how many people there are from Morocco and Turkey in prison...aren't prisoners registered?
  8. Why are there biases? And why do you think black men are the overwhelming majority of the prison population in the US? Are you a bit racist? Is that what you say when you have nothing useful to say?
  9. Why not? You don't trust the Open Society Institute? Cmon dude, use your head. All Muslims that cause crime to go up have one thing in common, there religious background...Islam.
  10. All those Muslims have one thing in common, they are Muslim. Muslims are obviously more likely to show criminal behavior. Why don't those data show that in your opinion? I gave the link before, did you forget? http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics_-_Population#Belgium_2 How can I know the direct cause of a criminal act? Do you want me to know the cause for a group rape during new years eve in Germany?
  11. Muslims from Morocco and Turkey make up at least 16 percent of the prison population, compared with 2 percent of the general populace. There are a lot of direct causes which caused by religion.
  12. What does that matter? The data show that an increased Muslim-population gives increased criminality. You do know what happened in France, Belgium and Germany?(they raped and killed people) Here in Belgium (and it's like this in many other countries) there are areas 'governed' by Muslims where normal police doesn't go. And Most Muslims in Belgium don't integrate at all. Because religion is an indirect cause. Since most Muslims don't integrate, they are not really part of the financial world in a country, they have no positive input in society, which causes poverty and criminality.
  13. You can heat it above the curie temperature and then place it in an east-west orientation and then hit lightly multiple times...with a hammer. By heating it, you make the dipoles more mobile and you can more easily displace them with a hammer. You do have to heat the metal above the curie temperature. here you have a list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curie_temperature This removes magnetism, I don't think you can prevent new magnetism in this way. You can buy demagnetizers. I think there are sprays which clean and demagnetize, maybe they can reduce attraction.
  14. Islam immigration causes crime to go up. Without islam, many countries would be a lot more peaceful. This is before the European migrant crisis which began in 2015. Belgium: Muslims from Morocco and Turkey make up at least 16 percent of the prison population, compared with 2 percent of the general populace. France: About 60 to 70 percent of all inmates in the country's prison system are Muslim, according to Muslim leaders, sociologists and researchers, though Muslims make up only about 12 percent of the country's population. India: The number of Muslims in jail is highly disproportionate to their population. In the western state of Maharashtra, for instance, Muslims make up 10.6 percent of the population but 32.4 percent of those convicted or facing trial. Italy: Of the 27,000 foreign detainees, one third of them are Muslim. Due to the overcrowding in the cells and the high number of foreign detainees, with so many of them of the Islamic faith, the prison cell could become a place where petty criminals are tempted by jailed members of terror organisations. Netherlands: Research by the Open Society Institute, an advocacy organization, shows that in the Netherlands 20 percent of adult prisoners and 26 percent of all juvenile offenders are Muslim; the country is about 5.5 percent Muslim. Spain: The largest Islamic organization in the country, the Islamic Committee of Spain, has welcomed this initiative, taking into account that 70 percent of those in Spanish jails are Muslims, who number around 54,000. Spain with its 40-million population, which is 94 percent Catholic, has a Muslim community of around 600,000. United Kingdom: In Britain, 11 percent (9,500) of prisoners are (self-described) Muslim in contrast to about 3 percent of all inhabitants, according to the Justice Ministry. In maximum security Category A jails such as Whitemoor in Cambridgeshire - the subject today of an exclusive report in Live magazine based on unprecedented access to both prisoners and staff - they make up 35 per cent of the inmates, and have converted numerous other prisoners to Islam. There are 229 Muslims out of a total of 686 youngsters detained at Feltham Young Offenders Institution in West London, according to Ministry of Justice figures. United states: In 2003, when Muslims comprised well under 1% of the American population, it was estimated that 17-20% of the prison population was Muslim. An oft-quoted statistic states that 80% of the prisoners who "find faith" in prison convert to Islam. http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics_-_Population#Belgium_2
  15. Where do you think 'meh' comes from?
  16. Religion causes a breeding ground for 'f*cked up' behavior...its not the direct cause.
  17. You are a funny person. "On 7 June, a Federal Criminal Police Office report confirmed that most of the perpetrators were of North African origin and had arrived in Germany during the European migrant crisis." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany "By religious affiliation, the overwhelming majority of entrants were Muslim (including Sunni Muslims, but also non-Sunni minorities), with a small component of non-Muslim minorities (including Yazidis, Assyrians, Mandeans, etc). " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_migrant_crisis
  18. It's not required no. Do you know what happened in Germany during the 2015/2016 New Year's Eve celebrations? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany
  19. Don't kid yourself that you're going to live again after you're dead; you're not. Make the most of the one life you've got. Live it to the full.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Itoero
    3. dimreepr


      Dogma is a double edged sword, as is belief; I agree with function, why is your dogmatic belief, without evidence, better than an others?

    4. Itoero


      It was actually a quote of Richard Dawkins.

      There is no reason to belief in afterlife...just like invisible flying donkeys. There is of course no evidence for what happens with your consciousness when you die but your neurons stop working when you die so you can be pretty sure it's over and out when you die.

  20. "No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics." They debunk physical theories...like I've said many times. QM can only make predictions because everything is determined. A random event is not adjusted to the rules of its prediction. You can't make predictions if a process or effect is random. We created the rule/prediction that +/- 50% carbon-14 decays within 5,730 years. If this process is indeterministic and nothing defines the moment it starts to decay then the process is not subject to the rules(half-life) we set up. "Science is not the search for truth. Science attempts to explain how nature behaves, not what it is. At a fundamental level, you can't tell if your model is reality or not there's no way to test it." *The logic/intuition which makes people debunk local hidden variable based on Bells theorem, is made to deal with Newtonian dynamics. You are trying to eat soup with a fork.
  21. That's very true. The blind spot is where the optic nerve passes through the optic disc.
  22. Also, our idea of truth can evolve, the 'truth' in religion can't evolve.
  23. Scientific curiosity can be considered to be a reason for the origin of religion. People want to know the cause for certain phenomena in nature.If science is not capable of giving answers then people look for supernatural causes. Science evolved far enough to make the need for religious beliefs unnecessary.
  24. The probability of an event refers to the likelihood that the event will occur. The event will almost definitely occur when the probability is 1. You again make the claim that bells theorem is about local hidden variables. The theorem debunks our theories concerning local hidden variables. How can I say that's a good generator? If you only need values between 0 and 1 then it might be a good one for you. Again, the theorem states that our theories/knowledge/intuition/logic can't explain 'inner workings'.Why can't you understand that? You say that math and logic are not the problem and that QM is mathematically and logically sound. How can you know it's sound? yes but that's not the only thing he points to, like I already showed. I can't accept things which are not proven. *The logic/intuition which makes people debunk local hidden variable based on Bells theorem, is made to deal with Newtonian dynamics. You are trying to eat soup with a fork.
  25. If the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate then I suppose time is slowing down. Motion should slow down as well. Does that mean that the expanding will slow down? Or is the slowing down of time an observer based property? Distant galaxies are moving away from us at great speeds, events in those galaxies would (from our point of view) appear to run slower. But if someone can observe the entire universe, would he find time to be constant?
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