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Everything posted by Jmanm

  1. Thanks. I did some further tests & these shapes & patterns only appear on the Glass after coming into contact with clean plastic.If the Glass is washed & cleaned & I breath on the surface no marks show, just a uniform foggy appearance. But when some clean soft plastic rests on the surface of the clean Glass for even a few seconds firmly, I breath on the surface of Glass & the marks show up & the shapes correspond to the contours of the thin plastic as this plastic is not like a solid rigid piece. So I really don't know if this is a chemical residue left or some other effect? Thanks.
  2. Some surfaces like Chrome, car paints etc won't scratch from things like tissue, microfiber cloths etc after dozens of wipes across the surface. But I was thinking about how hard rocks get worn down by water over time or how concrete steps get damaged by soft shoes. So my guess is even the softest cloth will eventually scratch the chrome finish & this seems to be the case as some of my chrome surfaces like on car or indoor appliances only come into contact with soft cloths when cleaning dust, yet they have faint scratches on them. My thinking at first was if it can't create a visable scratch the first few times, it won't ever. Maybe it's like saving 1cent/day & after a few millennium you have a lot of money.
  3. I have some glass that act as sliding doors that go on my bedroom wood cabinet that I have cleaned to streak free perfection. But I noticed when you breathe on them with your breath causing the surface to fog up while holding the glass in the light, that there are patterns on the surface that seem to always be there & are the same. Like as if there was chemical residue left on the glass. But after a proper clean I can't see why these patterns are there? Is it some kind of static effect from rubbing of microfiber cloth or residue left by my cleaner which is 100% isopropyl alcohol & demineralised water? Or maybe some permanent residue left that needs to be polished off? These patterns look a bit like random squiggly thick lines. edit: both sides of glass were cleaned.
  4. Some sites suggest the height could have been 4-5km. I want to confirm that this is the initial splash height? And what was the height that would reach land several 100km's away? Some sources say the weater depth of impact was only a few hundred metres deep, would this mean the wave would have been not very high when it gets to a distant coast? Would the height and amount of coastal inidating be alot worse if the impact was in deep ocean rather than shallow sea? Finally, if the comet hit in deep ocean would that redcuce the amount of damage it did to the the whole world & life? thanks
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