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  1. You guys look like cavemen in suits holding a burning stick and saying 'quantum mechanics!' it annoys that brains out of me.
  2. I am wasting my time talking to people like you about it.
  3. 'm not finding anywhere that the conductive layers of the atmosphere have ever been suggested, so I don't know why you are suggesting there would already be an answer to my question. Perhaps its your cliche or some mental stigma you follow that I don't... anyways the ionization of cosmic rays would suggest that the sun charges the conductive layers of the atmosphere is that right? What does that have to do with thunderclouds? I don't see lightning when its sunny?
  4. The experiment is 5-6 years old to me and I've heard every argument. It's not my fault you haven't had time to consider its significance only knowing about for an hour. I don't take your rigor seriously either.
  5. Well how do you explain the high conductivity of different layers of the atmosphere? gravity would probably create layers of atmosphere that thin out in a sudden. Meanwhile the Earth's magnetic field is larger then its gravity field. Colder magnet's are stronger.
  6. So if I draw a bunch of circles and put them in order that's the same as what the scientists have done here with an algorithm programmed to show an experiment is accurate a year and half before I thought of it?
  7. Neat JFKIN neat how a teacher can be put into jail for teaching about the Aether, and your going to complain about your rights in the current political and religous systems? Like someone is attacking you? OH MAN! that makes me so sick listening to the whinyness.
  8. Hey Exchemist, hot handing my question from the other forum ay? I think we need to look at the difference between non lightning rain clouds and lightning bearing rain clouds. Both are going to have friction in the clouds. Could perhaps the keys lie in the clouds reaching up to a higher level of ionsphere? Perhaps the heat from humidity rises and collects in the ionsphere and produces lightning that is attracted to the heavy metal on and in Earth? The electrosphere layer (from tens of kilometers above the surface of the Earth to the ionosphere) has a high electrical conductivity and is essentially at a constant electric potential. Storm clouds are 6-12 miles high. So as gravity tapers off into the exosphere, it gets colder and probably more conductive, or it could be conductive from Earth's magnetic field, or a combination of the two, the clouds reaching up so high are like wires for the heat on the surface up into the colder regions, then the heat converts to electricity probably from running water through the conductive zones, or maybe something else, and of course then you get lightning.
  9. I can't believe how mistreated aetherists are!!! Even the computer is programmed to deny the Aether by underlining the word when you type it like it doesn't even exist!!! That's pretty insulting to scientists like Tesla, even Einstein. Just saying but the group of people who get ahead on dismissing QM and solving science and nature with the Aether, that side is going to have the best understanding and best stuff. Aetherists are on the rise after having the foot of people who are lost following each other and themselves in life for 135 years. I was just born into this stupid argument about the Aether. I hate people arguing 'uhhh I'm right now matter what' it's pretty upsetting so many fall below the line. I need to find someone gifted not just has a degree.
  10. That it says virtual means the way they make the video is not with typical film that is frame by frame. They take a lot of images from their laser setup and organize them to produce a scene. Anyways they touch up the images and add clarity details which makes it 'virtual' it's still a video of what a real femto camera recorded.
  11. The Aether is a medium of heat, not conventional EMR heat, but heat like that at the center of the Earth, heat I call nucleus heat. The heat originates at the nucleus and puts a density/ temperature on the Aether. Perhaps the background temperature of the universe is from a nucleus to the universe and all atom's and universe's are the same. The squeezing force of the nucleus inner heat creates a field of density on the Aether and makes its gravity field. When two gravity fields touch the density in the Aether at the point where the fields touch pulls the two object's together. Energy like matter is also made of the background Aether heat medium. Energy is just heat on the Aether spreading to colder less dense parts of the Aether. Time dilation causes the nucleus to heat up and make its electron shell denser with heat and slower to function. It occurs when a large Earth like gravity field pressurizes an atom's own gravity field in on itself, or when a nucleus moves through the universe it continuously enters new cold Aether and the same type of pressure that is caused by Earth's gravity is experienced. Movement in our universe that causes time dilation is relative to our universe. If our universe is an atom and it has a nucleus, and all universe's are like this, then the temperature that exists all through infinity comes from gravity field created by a nucleus. The smaller and more you divide the nucleus the hotter it gets. Time dilation heat on the nucleus would be fairly cold compared to how hot the nucleus is. Coincidentally movement in our universe is to small to have an impact on the outside universe our universe is an atom to. A magnet is like a fan where to fans facing each other would display the same repulsion as two north ends of a magnet. The medium for the magnet is again Aether heat. The magnet doesn't heat up as it is the same temperature as the Aether it is sitting in.
  12. I have an exciting new experiment to test for the Aether wind. It is similar to the famous Michelson and Morley experiment. The experiment utilizes a Femto camera. A Femto camera takes a trillion frames per second and is capable of capturing light in slow motion as it leaves its source. The link below is a video of just that. By pausing the video where light has expanded into s sphere, one can then measure for the Aether 'moving past' just as they did in the M&M experiment. If the Aether is in fact the medium for light one would expect to be able to measure for the slight difference in speed along different directions in a paused image of the Femto camera. When I measured with a ruler on the screen I did in fact find that light was travelling faster by a few mm per 25 cm, my math put us at around 3-4 million mph through the universe.
  13. magnets................................................6,000 years ago discovered? by magnesius? in rock he was standing on with sheep guiding pole? metal in shoe stuck on rock? where was natural magnesium?something like that? I believe. Then came the compass......
  14. " ... two important aspects of magnetism remain unexplained: why magnets always have a north and south pole , and why particles emit magnetic fields in the first place." quote from the internet.
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