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Everything posted by Goalfinder
Hi I am goalfinder , from India, did lot of things - engineering-mba-movie SFX- teaching-advtg-offset print& design finally settled down to animating science and tech. Like it here so will be here for a while.
The answer is A, for the same volume, smaller Polystyrene balls will be more in number and will produce greater surface area (resistance to your body than lesser (coz they are bigger) plastic balls. Better understood with If the pool was filled with sand(minute balls) then you will not sink much.
Atoms are about ten millionth of a millimeter across and weigh 100 trillionth of a trillionth of a gram Plants contain an even higher proportion of water than human body
I definately root for analytical and biochemistry
The amount of energy produced by sun in a fraction of a second is more than what can be produced by burning all Earth's natural reserves of oil, coal, wood and natural gas source : nuclear fusion in Sun Clorophyll for producing oxygen in leaf is exactly same in structure as hemoglobin of our body that absorbs oxygen the only difference is of Mangnese in former and iron in latter Source : Photosynthesis Glucose is cellulose reversed one is edible other is not Source chemistry of wood
The sahara desert has its own antelope that takes all the water it needs from its food and does not need a waterhole to survive. Mercury's day time temerature is 430 deg C enough to melt lead and its atmosphere is so thin that it loses all heat in night when temp are -180 deg C
liquid is a state by itself H2O can be a solid in ice' date=' liquid beyond 0 deg C and vapour (gas) beyond 100 Deg C under normal conditions of pressure, similarly all gases can be in either of state. It is the property of matter. Refer this animation on matter
Hexagonal Close Packed (hcp).
C2H5OH - ethyl alcohol for drinking and for cars polythene used in plastic bags and insulation is made from monomer ethylene (CH2=CH2) C17H36 is paraffin used in wax of candle
I agree with pullkit, at some point of time chemistry dissolves into mathematics and then it does become tedious and "boring", I have attempted to put concepts before calculations on my site - tackling subjects like atomic theory and why wood burns and explaining their concepts through animation so that memorization is done away with check out these links chemistry of wood burning Discovery of nucleus by rutherford
Cross jumping between species is common for bird flu and other virus example sars, hanta virus have been killers too. more info
How do viruses designate targets?
Goalfinder replied to Frost Fang's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
No viruses have hemagglutnin proteins on their surface that can bind to complementary receptors on cell, this is something like a triangle projection binding to its reverse wedge. Somwthing like a dove tail joint except that this chemical in nature. This enables virus to bind to multiple hosts for example a bird virus can bind to birds, pigs and human cells but in different areas, it can bind to ciliated epithelial cells in human mucosa and to epithlial cells in birds. Once it binds then it can enter the cells. Thus the binding does not signify origins, it just signifies matching "shapes", refer this site for more explanation on virus -
"150 Million people could die"...
Goalfinder replied to Ali Algebra's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
bird flu is not serious problem for us human beings till it remains confined to birds but this virus has jumped before it is only 0.18% different from that of 1918. The problem is our body does not know how to fight it, the concern is because even the normal flu kills hundred thousands all over the world and this is more deadly form, this link describes in a movie format info about flu virus -
Number of Connections in the Brain
Goalfinder replied to aj47's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
Hmm well you seem to be having a point there anyway check out this site on neuronal transmission animation -
Viruses have been playing an evolutionary game like humans, I think they have beaten us to it with HIV. A virus that is so prolific that it can hide in our protective mechanism and generate thousands of variants, so to overwhelm anything we throw at it. To understand viruses lets have a look at life in general, there are two strong points here 1) Brought down to its basics everything is a chemical code whether living or non-living. The code has to be reproduced and proliferated so that species can survive. The more it spreads the better is its survival chances become. 2) The more parasitic one is (living off other species) the more dominant that species becomes and survives better. The evolution of viruses is still hazy because there could have been no single origin source of viruses as organisms as they are of different sizeez and complexity. large DNA viruses like pox- and herpesviruses could be presumed to have "degenerated" from cellular organisms, as their enzymes share a sequence similarity with sequences from cells than with other viruses. They all probably share a common origin of the reverse transcription function. Hence instead of a single family tree it could have been more spread across bushes. It is believed that Viruses of all the major classes of organisms - animals, plants, fungi and bacteria / archaea - probably evolved with their hosts in the seas. the complications in finding the source arises because these viruses can jump from host to host, for those in arthopods can be traced to virus families infecting insects and mammals. Those in birds have jumped to humans. There are indepth explanation about viruses in movie format here Bird flu virus part 1 or bird flu virus part 2 check them out
Just a comparitive analysis Plasmas perform extraordinarily well under most ambient light conditions. Very bright light does not wash out the image on the screen. The beauty of these flat screens is that, unlike front view projection screens, you don't have to turn off the lights to see the image clearly and easily. Therefore, plasmas are excellent for video conferencing and other presentation needs, which require the lights to remain on. Another characteristic of a plasma panel is the extreme viewing angles both vertically and horizontally. With 160 degrees viewing angle, people sitting off to the side of the plasma screen will still be able to see the image without losing any of it. Plasmas tend to be very lightweight in comparison to similar sized standard display monitors and television screens. No existing display system can compete with the low depths available in plasma panels. The thinness of theses systems allows for the monitors to be placed virtually anywhere. Some plasma panels are known to be as thin as 3.5 inches deep. They can be hung on walls, mounted to ceilings, flush wall mounted or placed on a tabletop. Many mount manufacturers are designing more creative ways to mount plasma panels because of the ease of engineering involved. I hope that clarifies