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Everything posted by Dak

  1. oh. right. well, thanx for the info. weeee, i can only improve, whereas its all downhill for you now
  2. this is primaraly a science site. the general discussions section is here so that we can post things of a non-sciency nature, inbetween posting on the main fora; i dont think that the intention was to create a general discussion site with a few coinsidental science areas. ie, the main interest should be the scientifical fora anyway, and general discussions should be considered a bonus area, thus not putting any 'pressure' as such on us to post in the main fora. having said that, iv always been curiouse as to what the actual point of the post count is?
  3. [math] {{\sum y}\over{x}} = z.[/math] where y = an intelligent point that has been made, and x = number of posts. if z < 1, then you are a post-whore. hope that helps
  4. have you ever read terry prattchet? hes the closest in wrighting style to douglas adams (wrighter of HG2G) that i can think of. without giving to much away, its about space travel. does anyone know which books its based on? from previouse incarnations of the story, it seems as if its random what bits of which books any given version will follow, and what order it will follow it in (eg, i think the first book is the aall of the first radio series and the last half of the second radio seriese - the first half of the radio series doesnt come till book three or something)
  5. actually im intruegued... andy, did you also follow 4nums advice about trimming down your msconfig>startup list, or did you fix the problem just by clicking peak memory usage?
  6. I have a theroy people with high IQ thend to deja vu more, so if you do deja vu alot whats your IQ and how often do you deja vu?
  7. googles calculator knows its true link
  8. yeah i heard about conkers being banned in school. not rugby tho
  9. having two antiviruses running at the same time can cause conflicts which prevent both of them from working. id advise disabling/uninstalling norton and keeping avg cos 1/its better and 2/norton is a known resorse hog (actually thinking about it, running two AVs at once could have caused your problem) also note avg and norton 2005 dont scan for spyware/adware, so id download microsoft antispyware beta and let that have a savvy of your pc, you'll probably find a load of nasties. from what iv heard, AVG and Avast are the two best available
  10. thats not political correctnes, thats just odd... where did you hear them?
  11. what anti-virus/anti-slyware did you scan with, and did you update their definitions before scanning? is it always the same system-tray item that takes a long time to load (ie, does it load at normal speed, freese when getting to a certain point, then carry on again after a few minits), or does the entire prosess just take a long time? could it be the fan is broken? would that trigger a warning? back up your data before reinstalling (even an over-the-top instalation) if thats the rout you end up taking.
  12. well then i appologise; i meant no offence. my point still stands though. treating people equally does not nessessaraly involve never ever discriminating between people, in the strict meaning of the word ie treating people differently. andy: all this pollitically correct bull-shit has very little to do with the govournment or the majority of people. a few laws were passed which basically said that you cant shout 'nigger' at the top of your voice in public (seems sensible to me), and the govournment urged people to be tactful and sensitive with the words that they discribe people with* and then of their own accord some people seem to have gotten carried away. "oh theyre not mentally disadvantaged" says the national autistic society, "theyre globally challenged". stupid. and also entirely the desision of the NAS, with no govournmental coertion at all. and all that stuff about midgets being "vertically challenged" was made up by the sun and a group of people who publish the 'official' pollitically correct dictionarys, which are not in fact politically correct. so i wouldnt blame the govournment or the whole contry, but there certainly seems to be a lot of people getting a bit carried away with the whole political correctness thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *yeahyeah, shouldnt have used the word pig, just didnt expect it to cause offense.
  13. do you think that its possible that the more you get to know the child, the more you realise how unready for sex he is? or maybe that you are attracted to the childs body but not there mind? the closest analogy i can think of for me, is if i see a sexy woman, and then find out that their is no aspect of her personality that i find sexually attractive -- she will become less and less attractive to me as i get to know her better. im just curiouse as to why this seems to be the case with you when you get to know a child?
  14. why the 'scare marks' around 'spoken to'? do you doubt that iv actually ever spoken to police people (man, thats alot of letters, i miss being able to say pigs)? and agree to what, being called a pig if in jest or the stop-and-search targeting being ok? if the former, then id assume theres no difference as the term pig has no ratial significance. if the latter, then i can only think of one black police person's view on it, and that's one off of the news of a high-up in the metropoliton police who condemmed both the goveournments pressure on the police forse to meet minimum ethnicity employment targets, and also on the laws preventing police from targeting ethnic groups. as i said, a high-up, and also he was black (asian, if it makes a differense). my point was that yes, people should be treated as equals but this doesnt mean that we should treat people identically, and to do so is a bit silly in my oppinion. or if not, then i demand that old grannies get stopped and searched on suspicion of burgalary, drug posession and violent assault AT LEAST as much as i do, otherwize its agist and sexist id like to remind you at this point that, where i live, it is or possibly was (not sure if its still allowed) white people who are targeted disproportionately (and im white), and i have absolutely no problem with this 'cos it makes sense, as where i live a disproportionately high amount of violent crimes, burgalries etc are commited by white people
  15. well, if you told me you were a pig then of course id consider you a pig. if this is leading up to a 'pig is not a nice term for police officer' lecture, then id like to state that the word pig was in no way used offensively, and that i have nothing but respect for pigs, given that they risk getting the poo kicked out of them so that i can sleep safe at night. anyway, most pigs iv spoken too dont mind being called a pig, as long as its in jest.
  16. police. (makes your signature even funnyer )
  17. whoa nelly, i dont remember saying that! i said that in some areas certain crimes are commited mostly by black people. the inverse is also sometimes true (eg, where i live, violent crime is disproportionately commited by white people). all im advocating is targeting stop-and-searches against the people most likely to actually be guilty, reguardless on (dependant on the local area) wether that entails focusing mainly on white people or on black people. i mean, seriously. grannys dont come under susspisson of mugging, cos grannys rarely mug. if, in a specific area, it is rare for white people to be muggers, i say pay attention mainly to the blacks. if, in a specific area, it is rare for black people to be muggers, i say pay attention mainly to the whites. focusing on the group most responcible for the crime yields better results, and i think any law that gets in the way of pigs doing that is not only stupid, but dangerouse.
  18. british humor, towels, and amazingly euphoric robots called collin (hes my favorite), time travel, atleast one instance of spontaniously existing penguines, and tea. hang-on-wait, is this made by hollywood? i dont think a us company can have done it very well...
  19. equal does not = identical. in some areas, some crimes are disproportionately commited by black people (eg, 30% of local population are black, 60% of local muggings by black people). in such an area, it would make sence to target black people for stop-and-searches in areas in which muggings are likely to occour. as i said, where i live violent crime is disproportionally commited by young white males, and so it makes sence to target stop-and-searches on white people (so that you have their details if they are caught on CCTV starting a fight later). actually, if 70% of the local population were black, and 70% of the local crime were commited by black people, then it would be racist to target stop-and-search on black people cos it would have no increase in the number of criminals found (ie, the stop-and-search should in this case represent the population, with about 70% being black people and 30% being white pepole)
  20. actually, i was just checking the discrimination laws while you two replied (from here) and your right. my appologies for (unintentionally) peddaling what is, i would now assume, a bull-shit racist myth. however i have definately worked in a lot of places where they have a racial polocy that goes something like this: "it is unnacceptable for any member of staff, whilst considering a potential candidate for employment, to grant or deny that individual a job based on their ethnisity unless it is done to meet our minimum quota of people of a certain ethnicity" which is what i was talking about, but is obviously individual company policy as opposed to law (mainly american companies that iv observed this in), but is also an attitude adopted by the home office itself1 a better example would have been this: "Section 19B prohibits race discrimination in all public sector functions not previously covered by the RRA with certain limited and justifiable exceptions. Examples of functions the RR(A)A covers are: * Law enforcement: for example, criminal investigations, arrest, bail, detention and stop and search by police officers and officers with similar powers such as Customs and Excise. Also enforcement action by tax officers, Environmental Health Officers, Trading Standards Officers and the Health and Safety Executive." (taken from here) stop and search has to be ratially representitive? why? in some areas, most crimes of a specific type are commited by black people. why should the police not therefore target black people? seems sensible. if, for example, most burgalarys in a particular area are commited by black people it makes sence to target your stop-and-searches at black people, for the same reason that it doesnt make sence to include old grannies on stop-and-searches. i know its a bit annoying to be stopped just because of who you are, and when i was young (17-19), i was stopped virtually every single monday night on my way back from the club (occasionally twice in the same night) because i was a young white male out and about at 2am, and where i live most violent crimes are commited by drunk young white males, and also that group is most commonly in posetion of drugs. yes, it was irritating to be stopped but i fully supported the pigs targeting of me because it made sence and never viewed it as discriminatory, even when the pig was a 30-year-old black female. laws (and the above is legestature) like that ARE stupid, and iv spoken to many pigs -- black and white -- who agree. however i still maintain my original point that, whilst not absolutely perfect, the current equality laws are a vast improvement on what they were.
  21. my turn! lesse, newton ends in n, so... newton again! whos turn is it now?
  22. what do you mean?
  23. oooh, in which contry?
  24. hydrocarbon: hydro (as in hydrogen) carbo (as in carbon) carbohydrate: carbo (as in carbon) hydrate (as in water) eg, hydrocarbons are a line of carbons with hydrogens stuck on, and occasionally other atoms to add variety, eg ethane, propene, methanoic acid, hexanol, 1,2-nitro,dec-3,7-ene-5-one dianoic acid etc. carbohydrates follow the formula CnH2nOn, or to put it anotherway (C(H2O))n, and are stuff like sugars and fats. unlike most hydrocarbons, carbohydrates are broken down by the body for energy. and to add to the confuseion, carbohydrates are a type of hydrocarbon. doesnt have to be at the end. CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2OH = butan-1-ol CH3 CH2 CHOH CH3 = butan-2-ol both = butanol
  25. oh, what a racist and anti-white society we live in! that may not seem like he was getting away with it, but its not really that bad a punishment, and of course had a white person have been convicted of the same crimes he would have probably been tied to a tree, covered in honey and had a herd of hungry cows unleashed upon him, whilst having his testicles slowly squeezed in a vice by a rabid pygme. newtonian: i do agree that some of the equality laws in the uk are themselves inherintly racist, and that, for example, "you must have x black people working for you" should be replaced with "we will get suspiciouse, and investigate the possibility that you are racist*, if you have less than x black people or y white people working for you", but i hardly think that the uk is in the grip of white-suppression, and the laws are less racist in favor of black people now than they were racist in favor of white people 10/20 years ago, so overall i think its good. it may have slightly overshot but im sure itll rapidly equilibreate into true equality as long as people like you and hook hand dont have your way ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *which of course would require more money be spent on the issue.
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