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Everything posted by Dak

  1. yeah, and skin-head white nazis can talk about sending black people 'back home', and how they're inferior to white people without getting arrested. i believe, however, that incitement to murder is an arrestable offence reguardless of ethnicity (didnt that hook handed bloke get arrested?)
  2. i apreciate the advice on how to take cannabis, but you know, i did go to college lets just say i cant remember much of being 17, but what i can remember was hillariouse. yeah, secreting mucus, bleeding, becoming grumpy and irritable as a result... definately a womans complaint most of the interesting things i know how to do with chicken involve spices, or preferably replacing the chicken with pork... hmm... i suppose you could try stuff like stir-fry and variouse creams etc but id assume youv already tried all that. general tip: if you cook it at a lower heat for longer its more juicy and teneder, falls right off the bone mmmmmmm. you could always put some cannabis in, so it goes direct to the site of action? barbeque it if the weathers nice? sorry, i dont generally do the whole fancy cooking malarkay, meat + lots of it is what i generally go for. i can ask my mate for you, shes a veggie who eats chicken so sheel probably no.
  3. i hesitate to ask, but what does BDSM stand for? and if it stands for what im pretty sure that it stands for, then what fashions has it influensed? (none that iv seen down the highstreet, thats for sure!)
  4. no idea! but to temporaraly alieviate the problem of having no mouse, simultaniously press left alt, left shift and num lock to be able to control your cursor with the numpad (numlock must be on). if this doesnt work, navigate to control pannel > accesability options, then use the tab key to highlight the tabs at the top and press righy untill the mouse tab is open, and use atl + M to turn mousekeys on so that you can move with the numpad.
  5. OMG their geniuses! no more monday mornings (tuesday mornings arent half as bad). PLUS with a 3-day weekend, thered be more work available for unenployed people who dont have a job to do in the week. two stones with one bird, they have my vote!
  6. whys that?
  7. do they actually have a viable plan for abolishing monday mornings? if so, i want to change my vote
  8. yeah, if it is going to be used, we may as well use the free natural version BTW i tried cannabis for my IBS, i found its relaxant properties to be, shal we say, undesierable, tho it did help with the pain.
  9. Dak

    lethality unit

    the dose which will prove fatal to 50% of rats is the LD50 (rat). the dose which will prove fatal to 50% of humans is LD50 (human), and there is a mathmatical formula for converting LD50 (rat) --> LD50 (human), although its a bit innacurate. also, 50 isnt the only % used (although it is the most common): LD99 is also used for the 'almost always fatal level', LD0.01 is used for the 'this'll hardly ever kill someone' level etc. other toxilogical terms: LCx: lethal concentration at which x% of subjects die NOEL: no observable effect level NOAEL: no observable adverse effect level LOEL: lowest observable effect level LOAEL: lowest observable adverse effect level. couldnt find much on the toxisity of chromium oxide, the only info i could find is that its NOAEL (chronic)(rat) is estimated at 4.4mg/m31, and that it appearst to be mutagenic2 check out reference 2 for a full toxisity report on chromium oxide. (basically, dont eat it)
  10. Dak

    giving up smoking

    video games sounds good. and i think ill start going out into the garden to smoke from now untill i quit. actually, i always thought that nicotine free tobacco would greatly aid giving up. anyone know of any? iv looked in herbalists etc but can never find anything that tastes like tobacco. cheers all for the sujjestions.
  11. Dak

    Rape Repellent

    no man is so big and burly that he can survive fingernales to the eyeballs unscathed. peoples throats are also generally quite sussceptable, reguardless of how 'hard' they are. one of my female friends had sex with me once when i was so drunk that i couldnt stand up. fair enough she knew me well enough to know that i wouldnt mind, but had it been someone that i was less well aquainted with i can easaly imajine that the experience would have been quite harrowing the next day. men arent immune to being taken advantage of.
  12. you cant find out someones IP from the whos online page. i believe that, in reguards to drug use, its an accepted fact that to help people deal with their addiction, they must first admit it - both to themselves and to people who can help them - and that this is aided by removing the stigma attached to drug-dependance. same with stds - the less stigma attached, the less disinclined the aflictee is to seek help and thus the less damage is done. i can see no reason why removing societys instinctive hatred of non-practacing paedophiles would do anything other than lead to less offences being commited.
  13. cheers for the link klang (did you know how interested in HIV i am?) wow, if all thats true, i think smoked cannabis would definately be better than marinol! sounds like marrinol sux. politics should be left out of medicine.
  14. Dak

    giving up smoking

    about a year and a half ago, a bout of food poisoning triggered some IBS, which made me miss lots of uni, which stressed me out, which made the IBS worse, which made me miss more uni, which made me more stressed, which made the IBS worse etc ad nausium (BOOM BOOM!). having just had to succum to the illness and quit uni, im first looking therefore to chill for a while for medical reasons, then once iv destressed a little, to give up smoking (generally bad for the bowels), so 1/i cant set an absolute date. ittl be when im less stressed. destressing is more important at the mo (shouldnt take more than a month tho), and 2/upping my caffien intake is a no-no. actually, i was going to give that up aswell and alcohol (OMG OMG OMG, this is going to suck) for the mo, i guess while im waiting till im calm enough that the added stress of giving up smoking wont make my head explode, i'll cut out the fags that i have as soon as i wake up and, lesse, within 30min of eating, to try and break the routine (cheers ATM). any and all sujjestions are mightily wealcome, as is any info on what effect giving up smoking has on the digestive system. i know that last time i tried i eat absolutely loads... any tips on avoiding that, or do i just have to pig out for a month or so? couldnt find any when i went out there. i had to smoke mulborou of death. i swear, i could actually feel my lungs bleed
  15. im a pasafist. doesnt mean that i dont occasionally want to cave peoples skulls in. it just means that i refrain, and sometimes it isnt easy. ie, me being a pasifist does not make me the same as someone who never has violent thoughts. actually, im inclined to agree that 21 is a tad on the strict side however the purpose of an AoC law is to prevent someone from having sex at an age where it is considered that a significant number of individuals will make a wrong desision, and suffer as a consequense - when viewed like that, it seems a lot more justified, as it depends on what the (portugese, if i remember correctly) view as 'a significant number of mistakes'. applying the AoC laws to someone who is, themself, under the AoC seems a bit dumb though. i assume theyre not treated as harshly? do people (other than on forums and other paedophiles) actually know that your a paedophile? if so, what are there reactions/do they accept you once youv made it clear that your non-practising? yes, one of them posted his experienses here. but in the intrests of most childeren, the right of those few childeren to have sex is sacrafised, and overall less childeren suffer, and those that do suffer less. as i said before, i felt mature enough to have sex at 11 but now, as an adult, i feel that had an adult taken advantage of my attetude i would regret it now. would you have a problem with the social acceptance of non-practising paedophiles
  16. anyone got any tips? i smoke between 6 and 10 grams a day* which equates, due to the microscopic thinness at which i roll them, to about 50 a day. iv tried before, even successfully, to give up but i reached a point when i was about 16 when i just found it extremely hard to quit (im 23 now and started when i was 14). im going to give up at some point in the very near future, and just wondered if anyone has any hints to make it easier? i wanna go cold turkey, rather than using gum/patches. using nicotine to break a nicotine adiction seems a bit counter-intuitive to me, and the reason that i started rolling uber-thin fags is to lower my nicotine intake - so i dont think that approach is going to work, id just end up with about 20 patches stuck all over me -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *drum rolling tobacco - it comes lose in pouches for all you americans who are wondering, as i believe that only pre-roled are available out there
  17. i'm nocturnal. i have trouble sleeping during the night, no matter how long iv been awake for, and can usualy sleep during the day even if iv not been awake for very long, ie i have a sleep rythm that is completely the inverse of the norm. dus that mean my circadian rythm is working, but confused as to when i should be awake and asleep? stupid circadian rythm
  18. harsh as it may seem, i agree that a 'cull' of all HIV infected patients would cause less fatalities than allowing the infection to continue as it is. your forgetting though that HIV does not sexually replicate as we do. this tendancy cannot, therefore, be transmitted to all HIV strains, and so represents a new uber-pathogenic HIV strain in addition to the several that already exist. having said that, if it does recombine with other HIV strains and passes on some of its charechteristics, eg its use of CXCR4 as a coreceptor 1, then that could actually introduse some bitching genes into the HIV gene pool its pathogenisity should hopefully limit its spread. there are apparently three people currently infected1 - hope the CDC can control it! mokeles link is out of date, so here it is again: original press release most recent press-release update its use of the CXCR4 as a corecepter1 instead of CCR5 would sujjest that it is (the [math] \Delta [/math]32 mutation only affects CCR5). indeed.
  19. i believe that T4 is synonimouse with CD4? by T4 resepter are you refering to the CD4 molecule or the gp120 molecule? linkage antibodies seem inclined to cause problems when used to combat HIV. oh and whats the notch recepter? is it the grove on the MHC molecule?
  20. in contries that have the death penalty, eletrocution seems a bit wasteful... could we use death row criminals for human trials? (in the most humane way possible, of course) im against animal testing, but only very quietly, cos i know that if i had cancer id accept any treatments offered even knowing that they were tested on animals. animal lover (tee hee) - the reason that we test on animals before humans is incase the treatment proves fatal. its more acceptable to kill an animal than a human. harsh, but there you go. it is apparently a legal requirement to investigate the possibilities of non-animal experimental alternatives before testing on animals, and lots of research is being performed to find alternate methods, such as cloned animal-cell cultures, plants, lesser-animals such as insects etc. so please dont think that scientists are given to wanton and casual mass-slaughter of the cute and fluffy. but i do agree that their use in testing, for eg, deoderant is pretty unjustifiable. and every single chemical reaction is known and fully understood so that it can be input into the simulation. having said that, computers are already used to predict the interactions between molecules (eg drug and cell-surface receptor) if the molecules involved have had their 3D structure mapped.
  21. actually thinking about it, if someone were to perform a clincal trial on themselves, and it was not one that would get govournment approval for human-stage trials, will any journals publish the results? i guess there might be a 'dont want to encorage that sort of thing' attitude, but knowledge is highly sought after by scientists...
  22. which 'AIDS' vaccine? some of the antibody based ones actually increased the level of CD4+ depletion. usually, in a subject with AIDS, the level of CD4+ cell death is way higher than would be assumed for the amount of HIV infected CD4+ cells. One possible mechanism for this (and the HIV vaccines aggrevation of the AIDS) would be that as unsucessfull attempts by HIV to infect a cell leave their gp120 molecules on the cell surface, the CD4+/gp120+ cells then will become targeted by the anti-gp120 antibodies and thus the helper-T-cells would be phagocytosed by macrophages, increasing their level of depletion. another mechanism: anti-gp120-antibodies are known to be quite antigenic, ie the body will raise antibodies against them (anti-anti-gp120 antibodies). now, as gp120 binds to CD4, CD4 is the opposite (in shape and charge) of gp120. anti-gp120 antibodies are also the opposite in (shape and charge) of gp120, and thus share a high level of homology with CD4, so any antibodies raised against anti-gp120 antibodies have a relatively high chanse of also showing a binding affinity for CD4, thus leading to macrophage-phagocytosis of helper-T-cells, even if they have never been challenged by HIV. So in summary, some HIV vaccines make AIDS worse, hense why people are cautios at allowing human trials to commense. just out of interest, were the monkey-trials performed on monkeys infected with HIV or SIV do you know?
  23. if your using ad-aware, make sure its Ad-aware SE form this site (click ad-aware personal) as ad-aware (as in without the SE bit)'s definitions are no longer updated by lavasoft, and adaware (no hyphen) is a malware program. iv not used it, but apparently A2 is good anti-trojan program. as far as C:\WINDOWS\system32\dla\tfswctrl.exe is concerned, it appears to be part of the Hewlett-Packard CD writing software (from this site) and I couldn't find any info about it being malitous - think you might be chasing a red herring
  24. in the tools menu, select options. click web features, and then click 'allowed sites' next to where it says 'block popup windows'. now, select the site that you do not wish to recieve pop-ups from, and click 'remove site'.
  25. Dak

    Rape Repellent

    actually iv always been curiouse, having had the misfortune of experiensing a lover sneeze mid-coitos, as to wether it would be possible to squeeze so hard as to deter the rapist?
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