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Everything posted by Dak

  1. can i use logic instead of math? if y = positive then [math]|x+y| = |x| + |y|[/math] if y = negative then [math]|x+y| < |x| + |y|[/math], as it essentially translates to [math]|x-|y|| \leq |x| + |y|[/math]? ie x - a term is less then x + a term (where term is a positive number) therefore, combining the two, gives [math]|x+y| \leq |x| + |y|[/math]?
  2. Dak

    solving quadratics

    DOH! ... so the roots are the inverse of the terms in the brackets then?
  3. it is correct, its basic algebra. as for the inequities, logically: small smaller than big [plus] small smaller than big [gives] two smalls smaller than two bigs which is correct, so, in conclusion, your post was still cunning
  4. and then take one of the original terms from it? cool! that is truly cunning. what about any other things that cause the inequity sighn to be reversed? i assume its only timesing by a negative? and is there any thing that can be done with two inequities that have opposite inequities (?) what i mean is 3x + y < z x + 3y > z could i just convert it to 3x + y < z -x - 3y < -z and go from there? seems too easy to be true the reason that i ask is because of this post.
  5. Dak

    solving quadratics

    gawd, its amazing how quick you forget this stuff if you dont use it. i used to know all this. roots of the equasion as in the numbers in the bracket? ie [math]3x^2 + 6x + 5 = 0 --> (3x+3)(x+2) = 0[/math] where 3 + 2 would be the roots? umm, and tripple simultaniouse equasions, would that be along the lines of 5a + 6b + c = Z 5a + 6b + 12c = Y 5a + 3b + c = X and take 2nd from 1st then 3rd from 1st? sorry this is all basic stuff
  6. Dak

    Blike is a banana

    aah, righty dokey. congrats on ur promotion by the way, dave - i assume thats why your names red all of a sudden?
  7. i believe that japan is struggling to fully pull itself out of a resession, which may have caused it what with the generally screwed up economy, oh and the overpopulation aswell (limited products + many buyers = high prices). parts of europe are extremely cheap, czech and spain for example. england is rediculaously expensive, but then everything is in england. america, i have no idea y its so expensive, possibly lack of space? in the cities atleast.
  8. now that i have your attention blike, i was thinking, this site gets payed money to display advertising rite? and we all use this site and help make this site great, so shouldnt we all get a cut of the profit...? j/k, do u want us all to click on the ads once and a while to generate income for this site, or are u guys getting payed-to-display, rather than on a pay-per-click basis? if its pay per click, im sure most people would click an add, say, once a week to help fund this site if u asked us to (beats donating). just a thought.
  9. oh bum, i made a bit of a pigs ear of the encoding. it was supposed to read: "yes, it is a very 'goog' screen name"
  10. ah, cool, thank you very much. is there a way to do it without resorting to graph paper, or is it by far easyer to just draw the graph. and what is the prinsiple when you have 3+ inequities? would you take the points at which they crossed over and take the lowest values (if the inequity is of a less-than nature)?
  11. hey mokele, wanna go into buisness together, as i also have developed a weight loss pill. it has one active ingredient, HCN, which is absolutely 100% garanteed to significantly lower your body-weight, or your money back!
  12. how would one do this? i suppose, if you 'solve' an inequality, then you would end up with something like x < y and could re-solve it a different way to get x > z thus z < x < y and keep narrowing the z and y terms down to get a more accurat range, is this akin to the 'graphing'?
  13. random interjecture. ie, 'poop', 'darn', '**** it', 'nipples', etc. it was in responce to finding out id misspelt 'gvkaaf'. .
  14. yup. i chose the 1st century AD because its the most historical time in which a church who worship christ could exist .....then.....i......miss......spelt.....A.....D... DOH i assume because less people know about it. i suppose the pope seems less bad compared to these 'imans'.
  15. nipples ok, should read: cag, rj rq t lavd 'pyyp' gvkaaf ftea as to what 'lavd' is... theres definately enough info there to work it out
  16. to elaborate slightly: with equalities, you can times both sides by -1, no probs, but i believe with inequalities, if you times both sides by -1 you must invert the sighn, ie x > y becomes -x < -y its complications like that that im enquireing about. cheers
  17. :sigh: simultaniouse equasions seem to be causing me quite a lot of grief lately. basically, im relatively adept at solving simultaniouse equasions, but what do i have to be aware of when solving simultaniouse inequalities, ie 2x + y < 200 x + 2y < 500 and stuff like that. is it even possible to solve simultaniouse inequalities such as this? thanx
  18. shouldnt be too hard to decode
  19. suicide bombers, equipped by suicide bomb-makers?
  20. Dak

    Homosexual Gene?

    as an anecdotal observation, has anyone notices that many gay men are, essentially, identical to heterosexual men with the sole exeption of the tendansy to have sex with other men, and some gay men have observable phisical differenses which are generally unique to homosexuals? ie, and im talking anatomically here (nothing to do with 'minsing' etc), some homosexuals look heterosexual, whereas some homosexuals look very obviously homosexual. (same applies to female lesbians) this would indicate to me the possibility of some kind of genetic/developmental cause of homosexuality, albeit not as the only possible cause. reguarding 'how a gene which codes for not having sex with members of the opposite sex would get passed on': #it could be resessive #it could have a high insidense of spontaniouse mutation from the heterosexual form #it could be a gene reguarding developmental prosesses which is not always expressed #'gay uncle' theory - if homosexuality makes people more maternal, then they could pass on their genes by looking after their nephews/nieses #bisexuals anyway, having gone to the humongoid effort of evolving a set of instincts such as the sex-drive, evolution takes a shortcut - vis, next set of instincts needed are not nessesaraly evolved, but instead another set of instincts (eg the sex drive) can be hijacked and given alternate uses. for example, branches of psycology believe that in childeren, the 'sex' drive rewards babies with pleasure (of the emotional variety) when they put things in their mouth, thus encoriging them to succle. in todlers, the pseudosexual drive rewards anal feelings with emotional pleasure, with the intent of rewarding the acts of storing poo in the bowels and then releasing it in one go, preferably away from their normal living quaters, thus encoraging basic hygine after this, the sex drive rewards playing with things with your hands, in an attempt to develope on of our most useful skills (manual dexterity) (as an aside, in the cross over between the anal and manual stage, kids can get confused and play with their poo (as it satisfies their pseudosexual desire to manualy manipulate stuff, and as poo comes from the anus). if they get caught and shouted at too much, they can, out of fear of further punishment, risist the urges of their anal-pseudosexual drive, and experience 'arrested development', whereby the anal-pseudosexual sex drive stage never gets completed. this means that in the adult, both the sex-drive and anal-pseudosex drive are active, thusly: the person, still having their hygien-orientated sex drive is still active, can be fastiduaously neat, coming everysingle hair individually and plucking off every single piese of fluff off of their suit etc, oftern assosiated with other fastidiouse atterntion-to-detail, which is the ectymological origins of the phrase 'analy retentive'; also as both the sex drive and the anal-psudosexual drive are present, this is the sourse of the myth (reason?) that fastiduously neat people like dirty sex, ie take it up the...) in bonobos, lesbian sex is rife and plays an inportant role in establishing social pecking order -- another instance of the sex-drive being hijaked for another use. so its possible the in humans, same-sex instincts could serve a purpose, and even be coded for in some manner by genes. however, homosexuality clearly does not follow classical mendelian patterns, so its unlikely that there is one 'gay gene'
  21. drag the church kicking and screaming into a sentury that contains two numbers? they seem to be stuck in the 1st sentury BC, having not realised that lots of stuff has changed since jesus was crusified. the main benifit would be, after her death, they would be more inclined to accept a pope whos views were merely that homosexuals were 'inherintly gross' and that pro-choice ministers should be 'scoweled at', rather than the more extreme 'THOUT SHAL BURN IN HELL' attitude of most (the current) popes. any-thing would be an inprovement on the current types of popes. oh, and one who will stop spreading the myth throughout africa that condoms cause hiv. that itself should garentee a plase in one of the lower pits of hell.
  22. Dak


    would system32 not need upgrading to system64, or am i misunderstanding its function?
  23. you mean like this: NEWSFLASH!: the govournment today revealed plans for a new 'stupidity tax'. under the new scheme, aimed at encoraging school attendance, the IQ of the individual is measured and they are charged based on how far below average IQ they are, resulting in taxation measured in the hundereds of dollars for people with even slightly-below average IQ. but not to worry! we at [math]aeroencephela-inc.^{tm}[/math] have a limited number of stupidity tax exemption certificates, retailing at just $50. order now, stocks are limited. that should reveal my target market
  24. radioactive material + explosive = radioactive bomb. yes, i know it wont undergo nuclear fission/fusion and yield loads of energy (or however nukes work), but it will spread radioactive material over a large area, making that area uninhabitable. imagine the effects if large enough detonated at the top of a building in a city center of a large city like london, new york etc. that might be what the stories are about? they are referred to as 'dirty bombs', and i believe the govoutnment is quite worried about them
  25. Dak

    glass tube

    how big is it? and does it have those bevviled glass bits at either end, for attachment to more bits of interestingly shaped glass aparatus? failing that, does it have any stains/odours that might sujjest what it has been used for before?
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