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Everything posted by Dak

  1. cannabis does seem to be quite the panacaea, but i have observed and experienced it cause problems. i guess caution is the key, wether we are talking recreational or theraputic use.
  2. Dak

    Types of people

    how do you know that he is guilty?
  3. umm, we have one whole forum dedicated entirely to discussing microbiology, and the subject of how to grow bacteria, so you might have trouble enforsing that one . or did u mean, 'no discussing where to get/how to grow the plague, anthrax, botulina etc'? anyways, all chemicals are dangerouse. table salt can kill you. hell, water can kill you if you drink too much of it, (LD50 = 180g/kg). whats the cut-off point between too dangerouse to talk about and acceptably hazardouse? back to explosives, i was planing to start learning pyrotechnichs after i finish my degree. fair enough, i cant ask people on this site for advice on how to make explosions, but would it be ok to post my proposed safety protocol to get it checked, and ask if there are any special hazards that i should be aware of with reguards to the specific explosive/ask advice for some (relatively) safe ones to make to start with/which ones to avoid making till im more experienced etc, as long as the manufacture itself is not described? just want to clarify. i dont want to break the rules, but i also dont want to blow my own testicles off
  4. that would be a waste of your one question. this is an oldy!
  5. it can be called an oxymoron or a juxtapose. oxymoron is more correct. i have heard this phrase used before (or at least, compulsary volentering, or non-negotiable volentering as my teacher used to sarcastically call it), in my old school. every now and then, we were informed that we had all 'volentered' to pick up the rubbish from the school playing field. i dont think the phrase itself should be allowed, on moral grounds, a view almost unanimously held by the students of my school (the headmaster had the rubbish we picked up ditched on his car less often when he changed its name to 'compulsary litterpicking'. )
  6. a delta-9 THC inhaler has been desighned, which allows people to inhale the main narcotically active ingredient of cannabis much like using an asthma inhaler to inhale theophyline, and a synthetic form of THC has also been created (maninol); however, studies show that THC/maninol on their own do not act as well as the mixture of THC, cannibinols and cannibinoids found in a joint, though they are less unhealthy. as for whether it should be used to treat ADHD - i have no knowledge of the disorder beyond what the letters stand for, but from observation, id be cautiouse of prescribing any drug, from tamazapan to cannabis, for a mental condition. psycoactive drugs seem to cause more mental problems than they cause. [edit]<-- this last cause should read 'cure' [/edit]
  7. tsk! if some moron blows his testicles off whilst making what he knows to be an explosive without having obtained adequate training beforehand, then i dont see why blike should be held accountable. not saying that he wont be - just that he shouldnt be. does this mean no talking about how to make any explosives at all?
  8. gunpowder? why include that on the list?
  9. Dak

    Types of people

    in addition, if it truly is down to the way in which the person was born, and theres nothing that they can do to change, is it really there fault? can they really be blamed? should we not be compasionate and remove them from society, but keep them comfortable.
  10. from what i have observed, this seems to come from one of 3 places: god society self. i personally made my morals up myself, but lots of people go with 'what the vast majority of society feel' or 'what god says'
  11. Dak

    Is this FTL?

    i had a look on pubmed and google and couldnt find it, sorry. when i heard about it, it had just been published so its possible that it didnt survive the peer review prosess.
  12. metabolism is breaking stuff down and building stuff up, with accompanied energy changes. i dont think that one single molecule can have a metabolism as such, even if, for example, it plays a role in the metabolism of an organism. for example, citrate isomerase plays a role in the kreb cycle of eukaryotes, however citrate isomerase doess not itself have a metabolism.
  13. lol, where do you think that i learned most of this from in the first place. but it doesnt mention * in that bit, and i was wondering if there are any other operators the tutorial ommits. also, the blah: operators - im aware that they exist, just not aware of any use for them in searching for sciency stuff. the reason i ask, is that when searching for stuff like HIV, cancer etc, it can be tricky to filter out the crap. (lots of sites on cures, the science behind, blogs by sufferers, counciling, tests, goverment policies, psudoscientifical 'cures' etc) and wanted to add to my arsenal of crap-filtering operators.
  14. savvy now its due in on the 28th of this month. uberouch. virion, virions, viral, virus, viruses, viri, virii, provirus, prophage... dammit, this whole area is confusing. im gonna get a book on viral nomclamenture out of the library. ill post a summary up here for us all.
  15. languages would be cool. i have a basic grasp of german, french and japanese. not enough to hold any amazingly interesting conversations, but enough that i could start talking to people and improve my language, but i cant find any sites on the net which would allow me to do this. i tried a few chat sites, but man was that a mistake. the amount of things i can now say in german that im anatomically ill equiped to ever need to say ('mein mushi ist sehr fecht' springs to mind, as does 'ich selb fingern'). iv noticed a few people her are learning/know a foreighn language, and it could be cool to have a forum where we could chat and improve our foreighn language. might also b useful as the chat would consievably have a scientifical slant, which would be an added bonus as we could learn to talk with foreighn scientist.
  16. Dak

    Types of people

    all quotes from choral rhied not a word which i, myself, like to use, which is why i put it in scare marks. but it sums up the attetude of a small number of women, who have been tought that sex is wrong and if they have sex they will be a 'slut', which they are taught is bad. i dont. but they can spot the presence of certain hall marks which would suggest that the claim could result from a psycological disorder and - equaly important - can also add weight to the victims claims if the disorders are abscent but with other crimes its usually possible to determin this out using other evidence eg cctv could reveal the protaginist of a fight, evidence of breaking and entering indicates burgalry. if there is no sighn of hotwireing a car, and the accused and the accuser know each other, and the accused claims that he was lent the car, then i imagine that the possibility of false accusation would be investigated and psycologists could get involved. but with rape, there is oftern no sighns of resistance from the woman, and so it is hard to determine whether concent was given. hence, i would assume, the practice of psycoanalysing rape claimants, due to the difficulty of determining wether concent was given or not. and remember, whilst rape is a horible thing to have done to you, so is being falsly incarserated. my point was to try to point out that the way in which rape victims are treated is not due to the fact that they are women. having read your link, i kind of see your point though. if a woman is going to have her claim dismissed, we should be pretty dam sure that her claim is false. (and likewize, if a man is incarserated, we should be pretty dam sure that he is guilty). the inability of the different authorities to agree on how many false claims there are is slightly disturbing, to say the least
  17. can anyone translate the chant of the Beneverian monks from monty pythons 'the holy grail' for me? the chant is "pie ei dominae. dona eis requiem" (i have a feeling iv spelt it phonetically rather than correctly). the best i can do with my limited grasp of latin is "worshipful of jesus, grant this person eternal rest" kindof dissapointing for a monty python, i was expecting something like "hey we are monks, doing the funky chicken" oh, and is 'dracosbane' curse of the dragons? if so, is it a cuse originating from dragons, a curse upon dragons, or is it unclear? cheers
  18. ok, on a related note, i know what the following google operators do: + - " " | ~ .. * are there any others? also: inurl: site: define: are all useful, and i know that there are others, but cannot figure out the use for them (at least, the use when trying to find scientifical info) -- does anyone know of any other useful blah: operators? i figure the more adept you are at using google, the more useful it is, so any tips/useful operators would be appreciated. (eg, clicking the 'cache' button will highlight your search terms, show a site that is down, show a pdf quickly, and sometimes even show a pay-for-view pdf for free invaluble for looking up research papers)
  19. cheers all in windows OS, a term bracketed by % means its is variable. i think the computer checks the registry to get the presise term, so if a piece of code reads something like "run: C:\program files\%web browser%", the computer will check the reg and substitute %web browser% with your default browser, converting the code into "run: C:\program files\mozilla\firefox.exe" or "run: C:\windows\internet exploder\IE.exe" etc. in google, * means 'any word'
  20. i thought that when it entered the cell and shead its capsid, it was a provirus man, nomclamenturial confusion i dont believe i didnt check this out before starting my 10,000 word dissertation, which centers heavaly round HIV. if ive gotta go back and correct myself whenever iv used a word begiining with vir-, then... well, poo basically. should that read ' a virion is a virus when it is out of the cell...'?
  21. no. theyre metabolically inert, for a start, ie dont eat, respire, excrete etc.
  22. Dak

    Is this FTL?

    i looked up a few threads on entangled photons. ill tell you now that im by no means even approaching demi-adept at even basic quantum phisics, but i dont believe photonic entanglement was what i was thinking of, though it may be related. i remember hearing of an experiment where a beam of light was beamed to a recepter through a filter, which meant that the light being beamed was in the horisontal plane. when the filter was rotated, so that the plane of the light being emited was also rotated, the rotation was detected at the recepter instantaniously - ie, the rotation of the beam of light was transmited from one end of the beam of light to the other at a speed faster than c. like the stick thingy, but without the problem of no matter being infinitely ridgid, i suppose.
  23. oh. thats the fourth candidate for the plural of virion (vira, viruses, virus and virions) anyone got a good dictionay so the can check which ones right (now skye's said it, iv got a feeling that 'virions' is the correct plural of virion)
  24. ahem, as for the heart, the increased risk of clotting could possibly be countered by the fact that the increased oxygen carryage of the added RBCs would lower the rate at which the heart must pump, taking stress off of it. talking of hearts, a lymphatic heart would be useful, and quite small and easy to do, although im not sure how much use it would be in our open lymphatic system - it would depend on how exactly the tubes join up. anyone know if humans have one, main lymphatic duct anywhere that would benifit from a heart? and i think my idea of detachable testicles was actually quite good, and we should give some consideration as to how it could be achieved.
  25. whats the plural?
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