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Everything posted by Dak

  1. My oppinions on that are covered by this bit (although the wording makes it sound asif its not... i fixed it)
  2. marrage is a religiouse ceromony, and most religions condem homosexuality. im against religiouse people who go "my book says queers are evil, so noone should be allowed to be gay" and, for another example, a person should not be allowed to deny a homosexual a job merely because he (the employer) is a member of a religion which disalows homosexuality; HOWEVER, i do feel that it is their religion and they should be allowed to conduct their religiouse ceromonies how they wish. if someone is, for example, catholic then technically they shouldnt be gay; if someone is not catholic then they have no right to demand a catholic priest to go against his beliefs and wed two homosexuals in a catholic ceromony. thats why im against the propositions to illigalise refusing to wed two people a discrimination crime. as to wether the ceromonies conducted voluntaraly by priests should count... im not against that (i completely fail to see the point, but its their lifes and it would harm noone). im also against it in general, purely because i dont see the point and i dont feel that two people should have to feel the need to get up in public and formally anounse their love for oneanother, and the legal aspects are completely redundant in the abscence of a chance of the couple consieving, but thats just my personal view: i wouldnt sujjest they shouldnt be able to get married for those reasons (id sujjest they shouldnt, but not that they shouldnt be able to). gays adopting childeren: i think it would be better for a child to grow up in a family with both a female and a male role-model. simple as that. although if one of the gay couple were an orphans relative then i think it would be best for them to go to the gay couple; i suppose if there were lots more orphans than people willing to adopt, then gays should be allowed but put at the bottom of the adoption list, simply, as i said, due to the fact that i feel the child would benifit immensly from a male AND a female parent (for the same reason, im against single people adopting).
  3. what a sneaky bugger! well, my advice would be to change the alternate email address back to your yahoo account, check all the other bits in options to make sure he isnt getting your emails forwarded to him etc, change the secret question/answre thing, then change your password again. that should do it. also, check your settings on your yahoo account to check he hasnt got in their.
  4. i think ill leave java for now. thatll come later. why not frames? so, am i right in thinking that the bit at the top of each SFN page (home|forum index|user cp etc) is a table, not a frame yeah?
  5. Dak


    i dont know how i did without it. tabs should be compulsary in every program. even notepad benifits from it (editpad lite is a simple text editer like notepad, with tabs -- very useful). even people who are carnally attracted to internet explorer, id reccomend looking into something like slimbrowser -- its an IE 'wraparound', so its very similar to IE (it uses IE as the core of its program), but ads a few features. as well as better security, it has tabs. tabs are amazing. i openly admit to being a tabs fanboy. anyone who doesnt like tabs is stoopid
  6. o ok will look into doctypes. i heard about that 'shouldnt use <font>' thing, but then how do you change size within the body of the webpage? ie, what html tag performs the function of the vb tag? hmm... would it be possible to whack the same frame at the top of each page using a css? i can look into how to use css myself, but im gonna do that when i get to it, whichll be the last thing i do -- i dont want to get to that point and then find i have to go back and add the frame to every page. I miss editpad lite... all the simplistic fun of notepad, with tabs its on my other computer, and i havent gotten round to d/lg it to this pc yet.
  7. if you go to options > password, then it should ask you for your old and new password and then, after clicking ok, it should take you to a 'secret question' and 'alternate email address' section. make sure that your 'secret question' s answre is secure aswell.
  8. Whats a hate-crime? dont make the mistake of thinking that everyone who has an oppinion which goes against the percieved wishes of the majority of homosexuals is nessesaraly homophobic. Im against gay marriage and, in most circumstances, gays adopting childeren; but i am absolutely not homophobic, in any way shape or form.
  9. Dak


    So... never used linux before, used to xp but willing to learn another OS, above-average computer skills (but by no means l33t), wants to wright documents and brows the web mainly, maybe play the odd game, low-spec computer... which (free) distro of linux would be good for me to dual-boot alongside XP?
  10. ok, but we could research their rehabilitative potential. what about if a crime had a consistant unusual punishment? like, all petty thefts involved a tar-and-feathering, so that all petty theifs could be punished the same (eg, the judge doesnt have the freedom to make up his own punishment in each individual case, but can apply a congress-determined unusual punishment)? lots of crimes now (mainly traffic offenses) are punishable by fine or inprisonment, so id theres already safeguards inplace to stop that, lest a judge fines members of the church and inprisons all others. all good points, but none which conclusively debunk the idea of using unusual punishment imo.
  11. ^^^ no. witches float, not sink. if he sinks, hes not a witch. the one who floats is a witch. or a duk. they float too.
  12. i sink like a brick, and can sit on the bottom of a swimming pool with a lung full of air; i also have a below-average body-fat index. anecdotal i know, but there you go.
  13. Dak


    put your handbags away, you two anyway, (to get a propper handle on the fundamental differenses 'twix linux and windows), am i right in thinking that the kernel handles basic things like talking to the processer, talking to the hdd, stuff like that? does it also encompass handling the data from running prosesses (passing it to and from the ram and processsor for example)?
  14. im learning how to wright html, and as an exersize im wrighting my first (offline) webpage. its just gonna be a simple jobby explaining to my barely computer-literate family how to use the antimalware programs, what to do if they catch some malware and how to do a few piddly things like defrag the hard-drive etc. the site itself, from a html pov, isnt going to have anything flashy in it: just a colection of text, a few links to other pages on the site and a frame up the top of every page with links to a few of the other pages, sum, umm, i forget what theyre called -- those things you link to by appending #blah on the end of the url -- basic stuff like that, no java etc, although i may chuck in a css stylesheet just for the practice. anyway, i was wondering, does anyone have any tips? Iv looked into it on the web and i can find a whole lotta "this is how you do this" kinda stuff, but no "these are stoopid mistakes which n00bs always make" kinda stuff. here is the last practice page i did, so you can see the (lowly) level which i have obtained. <html> <head> <title>woo, i writ a webpage</title> </head> <!--yoooooooooooou caaaaaaaaaaan seeeee this bit --> <body> <body bgcolor="yellow"> ooh, look the background is yellow<br> <p><font size=7>F'ing huge text</font></p> la de dah, de dum de dum<br> wurple durple<br> <p>here are some bannannas,</p> <img src="http://blogging.la/archives/banana-bunch_d.gif"><br> <p>which, like the background, are <b><big>yello</big></b></p> the end </body> </html> now you know what you are working with , any tips would be appreciated. btw, im using notepad to make the pages.
  15. Dak


    so more like the difference between windows 95 and 98? (as they use the same kernel). what is a kernel btw, am i right in thinking its the core of the OS?
  16. Dak


    Ok, if i have a specific problem with my xp, i can usually find some documentation of it on the web, i can find replacement system files to dl of the web, i can usually find the exact problem i have (and the solution) documented on the web, and i can usually find the above in every level of technical language (from noob --> geek), so that whatever my level of understanding i can savvy the answre. is the same true for the variouse linux OSs? How easy could i learn about it and fix any specific problem? and whats a distribution? is the difference between one linux distribution and another the same as, say, the difference between windows xp and windows 98?
  17. Dak


    ie has alot of security holes, and it doesnt ship with the security settings configured correctly. alot of the problems with ie stem from the fact that its the most common, and for a long time was virtually the only browser, and so most malware was targetted at it. all the same, it does have alot of security holes, but like i said it *can* be made secure. to a large extent, the impietus is on the website owner to ensure compatability with the variouse browsers, for example the 'aol users click here' button on the websites. the need to desighn websites to be compatble with AOL browsers may or maynot be aols fault (i dont know enough about it), but if you wish for people to be able to access your site with their browser of choice, then you should desighn the website so that it can be accessed with all standard browsers. as far as FF is concerned, most incompatablity issues stem from FFs refusal to use active-x, which most websites have taken into concideration and desighned non-active-x ways of accomplishing things. version 6.x means all of the IE6 versions.
  18. there are arguments for chopping off bits of thieves, rapists, paedophiles, etc... why dont we even concider doing it? i know there are reasons why we dont, but we dont even concider it because its 'cruel and unusual'. why?
  19. it sounds wrong. i personally wouldnt use that centance. if you want to indicate that the fact that bush doesnt know is terrible, you could say: terribly, bush doesnt know or bush, terribly, doesnt know. i cant think of an eloquent way to indicate that bush is terrible within that centance. the closest i can get is bush (who is terrible) doesnt know. i think maybe someone who is better than me at english should probably take over now.
  20. actually, your right: proper nouns can take adjectives infront of them, just not always. its stupid Bush who is doing this <--correct its stupid Bush being stupid <--correct, but there is no need to refer to Bushes stupidity twice in one centance. although not all adjectives would work: its big Bush being stupid would, i think, be wrong. actually, i dunno. im confused now.
  21. 'He is good at swimming, which is why he is a leader of the swim-team'. note that 'which' always follows a comma. if you want to avoid the comma, you can often (but not always) use 'that' instead: He is so good at swimming that he is a leader of the swim-team. (actually, that sounds a bit 'jerky' -- id go for 'which is why' in the above example). no. i have no idea what you meant. unless you meant that someone who was angry would not let me in, in which case it would be: angrily, you will not let me in. in which case 'angrily' reffers to the compund verb 'not let me in' (i think). if you want 'angrily' to specifically refer to 'you', then it should be you, angrily, will not let me in.
  22. adjectives can only come after pronouns: you are strong; he is good <-- both correct strong you; good he <-- both incorrect. adjectives can come before or after nouns: the apple is red; the red apple <-- both correct. proper nouns (nouns that take capital letters, eg peoples names, plases names) interact with adjectives in the same way in which pronouns do, ie adjectives come after: Dak is big; England is big <-- both correct big Dak; big England <-- both incorrect
  23. Dak


    It wasnt (intended as) a strawman. my comment was in responce to this: so it had nothing to do with the technical advantages/disadvantages of windows over any other OS, and nor was it intended to come across as an argument against the tecnical dis-/advantages of windows OS (like i said, i quite like XP). so, less of your strawman accusations, you Sorry for any confusion non-the-less. to clarify, it was in responce to your comment on people "exaggerating the situation". a short version would have been 'yes the claims about ms being evil are over exaggerated, but it is grounded in fact'. ms are hardly squeeky-clean. you must know (probably better than i do), having tracked their history, about the thing with windows media player (where they collected a list of dvds played), and the ad-words thingy and this new claria 'scandal', to name but a few. microsoft may not be totally evil, as some claim, but their do have some desicedly questionably practacis. Not that that is relavent to the performance of their OSs, mind. nope. iv never even used linux. and, whilst im aware that deranged windows/linux/apple fanatics who mindlessly promote their favorite OS and outright slander the rest exist, i dont think that having a preference automatically qualifies someone as a zelot. id argue that theyre both flawed and they both have value
  24. Its better to drink milk. calcium works throughought the body, in bons teeth and as a signalling molecule, and also i think that more will be incorporated into the teeth via the blood stream than by mouth-rinses. flouride, by the way, decreases the solubility of calcium, thus increasing its retention by the teeth (as i understand it). people who say they cant find the case for flouridation usually have their eyes scrunched tight shut. iv given two papers which find a correlation between flouride exposure and good dental hygien, which you seem to be ignoring. The site you linked to didnt contain one proper citation.
  25. Dak


    does linux being open source confer the same advantages as to be had with firefox, ie that there are quite a few extentions made by fans that can be downloaded (some of which are so odd/unprofitable that theyd have never have been made by companies) ? in other words, could i search a database of wierd-and-wonderful 'updates' to my linix OS, in order to customise it to my needs?
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