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Everything posted by Dak

  1. Its completely retuarded. Id say that 'assault and battery' would be an appropriate charge (or at the very most (depending on whether or not she bruised) actual bodily harm). Making him register as a sex offender not only places him in the same category as rapists and paedophiles (which is a tad unfair), but also places rapists and paedophiles in the same category as people who havent actually done anything (sexually) wrong (which tends to undermine the purpose of the sex-offender register, and could breed dangerouse complacency towards the people who are actually on the sex-offender register for good reason)
  2. the assumption that the priesthood is perverse it tortelli unfounded (well, as long as we're soba)
  3. yeah, i know: but the govournment continually cite it as a justification for the ID cards in a way that gives the impression that the countering of terrorism is a majour reason to accept the introduction of the ID cards. (although, id like to say that i worded my original point badly: i didnt mean to sujjest that the govournment was claiming that it is proposing the ID cards purely to combat terrorism, just that they were lumping terrorism in with the other reasons for introdusing ID cards). youll very rarely find that claim with the 'may' in it. most of the time, the govournment just go "oh yeah, and it will combat terrorism aswell". thats what annoys me about it.
  4. My main gripe with the ID card system is how well the data will be protected. I dont really want more junk-mail/spam/'targeted' advertising etc. My main gripe within the context of this thread is the sujjestion that it could help combat terrorism, and thus should be done. I dont see how it could combat terrorism, unless theyre sujjesting a turner-diary state of affairs, whereby even the simple purchase of fuel/grocerys etc is inpossible without an ID card, and places like shopping centers/motorways and main roads etc scan people as they pass through to see if theyre carrying their card. tbh, as long as i can be assured that it wont result in more advertising being forsed upon me, i think its probably a good thing, but i dont like the fact that the 'war against terrorism' is being used to try and justify it. what happened?
  5. the uk govournment seems to disagree with you: source sourse
  6. the idea of introdusing ID cards have been around for quite a while, but yeah, all of a sudden its 'to combat terrorism', even tho it wasnt before, and even though we (UK) havent been attacked by al kaieda, and even though we'v been putting up with IRA* attacks for yonks. i find it dispicable when polititions will capatalise on the deaths of thousands of people to push through their only passingly related ideas. There are a few laws in the uk which got passed about detaining 'terrorist suspects' without trial, and without legal recourse for them: which smaks of the same issues surrounding guantamolano bay, including the lack of public explanation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *not sure how well known these are in the US, but its the Irish Republican Army, not the Inland Revenue Assosciation. the latter arent quite that nasty.
  7. Blike: sounds pretty similar to how its done in the uk. More autonomy. you have to do the work yourself, rather than being forced into doing it by the tutor. your tutor will teach you, set assighnments, and basically guide your learning, but you will have to motivate yourself to do it (you are not monitored as closely as in school) this is going to sound booring in an 'im-an-old-fart' kinda way, but do your homework and assighnments on time (which means confortably before the due-in date, not in the last 24 hours), and in your own time read-up around the subjects you are learning, and youll be fine. manaje your time well, and you'll also have plenty of time for going to the pub or forest of your choice
  8. in the medical course, you have to do work at a hospital under the supervision of a doctor alongside learning the theory, and then once you qualify you have to basically do an apprentiship, at which point i think your called a 'junior' (like the doctors in 'scrubs'). im not sure whether theyre what you call internships and residencies in the US. i thought it was 4/5? (ie, 4 for BSc level entrants, 5 for others).
  9. i like the logic v emotion one. btw, whats the difference between a 'debate' and a 'featured debate'?
  10. Dak


    have you seen that thing that they can do with their sword, where they hit the shiruken back at the thrower? I always thought it was a film thing, but have actually seen it done, admittedly against plastic training shiruken (it was cool).
  11. Dak

    10,000 post race

    charges its users for things we get here for free (eg, No ads, signature, avatars, profile photo, 100pm limit, whos online, user notes...) thats not true anymore... [edit]doh! pipped by dave[/edit] [another edit] right, i cant reply for another 2 posts, so this edits aimed at phi: [/another edit]
  12. No-one has said what exactly is so bad about flag burning. In a contry which dedicats police man-power and state money to protecting the rights of neo-nazis to publicly exercise their right to free speach, dispite the fact that what they are actually saying is unconstitutional (specifically going against the 'all men are equal' bit), i find it strange that a constitution amendment is being proposed that would prevent a person from publicly expressing their views in a particular manner. What is it about making a statement by desecrating a flag which is so unnaceptable that it has to be banned, and that 'freedom of speach' has to be interpreted as 'freedom of speach: but not like this'?
  13. the Flying Spagetti Monster gave unto us spagetti (from his own body) for sustanance, and its entirely within his wishes that we partake of the pasta of the land. But not on a tuesday afternoon. Rev. Dak, of the most-divine order of the One-True Flying Spagetti Monsterarian scientoligistical society.
  14. Dak

    10,000 post race

    Sooo... id say, "benson's australian", and then i cant reply untill three people have posted? and you cant answre my question untill someone else has posted, cos currently only two people have posted since you? Is the aim to get 10,000 posts within this thread [edit]sorry, i forgot we had our location under our avitars -- hardly an astounding revelation[/edit]
  15. We believe 'trees' to be a mistranslation of 'another midget'. this claim is validated by the fact that thered have to be more than one midget in the beginning for them to reproduce. see, we are a scientifical religion. Others disagree about the translation and insist that it is "trees", but to be honest theyre going to hell for refusing to acknowledge the one-true-interpretationTM of the wrightings of the Flying Spagetti Monster.
  16. I can never understand why you fundamental pastafarians cant credit the Flying Spagetti Monster with more patience and elegance; its entirely possible that the Flying Spagetti Monster created life over the cource of many aeons via evolution. That is what we of the most-holy church of the born-again Flying Spagetti Monster witnesses sect believe: lasanum ex machina. Of cource, whilst we accept evolution in general, id like to point out that, obviously, the Flying Spagetti Monster created midgets spontainiously and seperately to everything else, and created them to be immune to evolution. 'cos it is written in our holy texts. Avast Ye! Rev. Dak, of the most-holy church of the born-again Flying Spagetti Monster witnesses
  17. Im getting the piracy vs global tempreature mug
  18. ^ call me overly cynical of my own species, but how would that seperate us from animals?
  19. the correct way to dispose of the american flag is to burn it. google note the inurl:gov part of the above search: most of the many sites which reccomend conflagoration as an honorable means of disposal of a worn US flag are govournment sites (ie, .gov). This site sums up the general advice from the US govournmental institutes found in the above search, for both US and state flags. So how is that going to work? how is the law going to distinguish between respectful patriotic flag-burning and 'hippy' flag-burning?
  20. Dak

    What are the chances

    Hydrogen power != running on water (unfortunately) Its probably an infrastructure problem... whos going to build H2 pumps if cars dont run on hydrogen, and whos going to buy a hydrogen-car if there are no hydrogen pumps? i dimly recall hearing something about a proposed (UK) govournment plan to introduce hydrogen as a power source, but im not sure how far the plans got. By the way, its worth remembering that energy is needed to convert water to hydrogen and oxygen, and this power has to come from somewhere: in other words, if the power plants are dirty, then switching to hydrogen power as a storage medium wont make our energy system 100% green.
  21. id guess the real issue is, not that this law has been passed, but how are the authorities going to use it -- or how frequently are they going to use it. as long as the authorities dont use it too casualy, then i guess it will be benificial overall as it could stop cities from stagnating and allow the local economy to be strengthened/rejeuvenated -- although, having said that, i can see how the legislature could be invoked too easaly/oftern. without knowing the exact guidelines under which this law is to be used, i cant really tell if it seems like a good or a bad idea.
  22. Dak

    New name

    for example, as this thread is discussing something relevant, with sane, constructive comments about the site, and no logical falicies, would it get moved to general discussion/suggestions and comments? if so, would that make yourdadonapogostick the first person to have a thread moved out of the trash can ne pseudoscience forum? would he get a medal?
  23. Dak

    New name

    I like the discription on the forum index. 'where crappy threads come to die'
  24. I did... it didnt shed any light on it. in fact, there are more stats that ad up to significantly less than 100%: for example, 14% liken the bay detainees treatment to nazi tactics, 69% disagree, total = 83%, with no mention of x% holding 'no oppinion'. i dont suppose that it matters all that much, id just like to know where the missing %s are.
  25. whereas, if you twist your arm so that your fist is horisontal (like in karatae, for example), then a strait line is easyer formed from your sholder to your top two knuckles.
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