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As far as i was aware, once youd served your time you are no longer a criminal, unless and untill the point where you reoffend, so the amount of inpeding on there libertys should be kept to a minimum. i can see the point in placing certain restrictions on them: if someone kills a person by hitting them with his car whilst drunk then i can see the logic in banning him from ever driving again, even after his sentance has finished, and limiting sex-offenders contact with childeren definately seems to make sense. but still... where are they going to live? if we push them further out of our society, then surely they will feel less inclanation to abide by its rules?
Both can be taken too far, and become oppressive things -- "burn the heritic/communist" etc; and both can be used to justify pretty nasty things, because its what god/our contry wants us to do. I believe that they both also are ways of controlling people and reenforsing social rules.
I guess so, but then thatd be a heck of a lot of work imediately after accepting the first student. I was thinking of getting the basic ones set up b4 we open the class room, then adding to it as demand dictates, or as people feel the desire to add to it.
at least i didnt spell it with an ' f ' (this time) and YT: yeah, i know. and i personaly have learnt alot here. but it kinda requires at least some knowledge of the subject before asking questions. I know enough chemistry to be able to wander into the chemistry forum and ask a question, and understand the answre as long as it isnt too complicated. but i dont think i could wander in the chem forum and go "hey guys, teach me chemistry. from scratch".
I wasnt really thinking 'lessons' as such, more stickied overviews of specific topics: eg, there could be a 'protons, nutrons and eletrons -- the structure of atoms' thread and a 'valency shells and covalent bonds' thread, each with one post that explains that topic, and maybe some links at the end. then, after the initial effort of wrighting them, a tutee would just need to be pointed at the threads and told to read up about them, and follow the links for a further explanation. any questions about areas that the tutee isnt understanding could be answred, but other than that, the only majour effort would be in marking the tests to see what areas they need to improve, but the tests could be constructed with ease-of-marking in mind (multiple-choice-questions for example). the tutee could then go to a stickied thread which links to several online-learning tools and pick the ones that cover the area that they need to improve (or something similar -- basically, most the work would be done by the student, and the work that would be done by us would be economicisised) we could all chip in, and peer review each others tutorials. i could (with a bit of revision) do genetics, you could pull of phisics and computers; remember were only talking basic (GCSE level) to start with, i'd imajine. what do you mean?
What do you guys recon to the idea of opening up a classroom here at SFN, in order to actually teach science? We've definately got enough collective knowledge. I was thinking if we make a new forum called 'classroom' or whatever, and all chip in and wright a few tutorials on basic areas of science, make a few threads linking to descent web based tutorials/other threads on this site, wright a few basic exams and learning exersizes and agree a few basic stock sylabuses etc. if someone wanted to learn a science, they could sighn-up and get in contact with one of us and explain which area of science they would like to learn, and we could hack and taylore a stock sylabus to fit them. They could then be directed to which tutorial-threads and web-sites to visit to adsorb the knowledge therein. if they have any probs, they could post within the forums here (or maybe if its a really simple question, within the classroom forum to prevent the main fora getting cluttered up with re-posts). when they feel ready, they could ask for an exam/learning exersize to be assighned to them, and we could chose one which suits theire level of knowledge and ask them to post their answres in the classroom, and one of us could 'mark' it and offer sujjestions as to which areas they need to work on. It would obviously involve mainly self-study on behalf of the person who is learning, but it could be guided by any of us who wish to volenteer to help. It could bring lots of new people to this site, and maybe even bring some donations ("whilst the tutalage that you recieve on this site is free, any donations to help pay for band-width to keep this site online would be more than welcome"). It obviously wouldnt actually carry any qualifications, but even if we start off small i reacon we could educate anyone whos interested to atleast GCSE level, and getting accredited wouldnt bee too hard for them once they actually know the material. Whatcha recon? feasable, or too ambitiouse? worth-it or pointless? and who would be willing to volunteer to help out guiding the students learning (and in what area)?
it doesnt normally look like that: the web-sites down (when its up, its in english)
Dont get me wrong -- dinosaurs are hard-core... but i dont think that they could survive the earth being hit by an effing huge metiore, even if theire taxa were in the prime of health and the climate were all hunky-doory for them. Although, having said that, arent crocodyles dinosaurs? which would make the dinosaurs not actually extinct.
if the story picks up after the event has happened, and the reader is given the knowledge of the phenomena that would be common to the people in the story, then it could be ignoored -- or atleast explained vaguely. especially if there is no opening narration, and the situation is explained through the dialogue of the charectors. if it actually happened, then how many people would actually understand why? compared to how many people would just be pissed off or worried about surviving? not saying that he nessesaraly should; but its an option that is open to him.
I dunno, i still think that completely ignoring the science is a completely legitimate sci-fi trick. i mean, when you tel a story about someone driving a car, you dont explain how the car works -- just that it does. maybe mentioning that it has an enjine, and possibly indicating that its an internal combustion enjine and hinting that it runs off of petrol. if it breaks, maybe a specific component is mentionned (oh bugger, the alternater is shot), but iv never read a book which tried to document the phisics involved in a car driving. its up to the author, but every single scientifical explenation doesnt nessesaraly need to be addressed.
General Certificate of Secondary Education. Its what we (in britain) take at age 16, when leaving compulsary school. Good luck to everyone taking exams !
as far as i know, its just that once youv finished both years you cant repeat (individual resit modules should be ok). sounds like your on track, with the predicted 'A's n'all that.
chemistry is just lifeless biology. seriously, even from a strictly chemistry POV, biochemistry is far more interesting than regular chemistry, with the single exeption of life-forms rather booring tendancy to refuse to explode.
Best british medical school is cardiff, but scumpton (aka southampton) is also very good. If you want to do medicine, you have to pass (with As and Bs) your A-levels on your first attempt. if you have to retake any exams they will not accept you, and youll have to spend three years doing a bacholorate so that theyll let you in (and youll have to aim for a 1st), so really try with your A-levels. Medicine is a hard and, from the govournments POV, expensive course. the drop-out rate would be high (and expensive) were it not for the fact that they take pains to exclude people that they think will drop out (hense the 'must pass A-levels on first attempt). emphasise that you really want to be a doctor, and that you will be commited and will put heap-loads of effort in. and good luck
Bleurch! phisics if your looking to leave your options open, id stick with one of the strait disiplins -- biology, chemistry or phisics. Youd have less trouble switching from biology to one of the narrower disiplins than, for example, from genetics to marine biology. biochemistry could also be a good bet.
YAY!!! i appear to have attached an image. w00t! yay! <-- happy dak!!! i just cant use the tags to point to the attached image like i could for any other picture thats on the web, thats all.
(crying) i ca-ha-hant doooooooo it (boo-hoo) can someone help me please but not btw, if you open up the window to edit it (or if you preview your post before submitting it) the ASCII charectors get changed back to normal ones and the tags get parsed as normal.
The nihongi (720 AD) and the kojiki both referense the deity tsukiyomi no mikoto (very rough translation: the magnificent owner of the night-moon)1 . I dont know the exact wording of the reference to tsukiyomi no mikoto, but considering that his sister ameterasu (sun goddess) is the most inportant of the japanese gods, i would assume that tsuikyomi no mikoto's moon is actually directly referensed in the texts. plus a lot of our ancient time systems match the moons cycles. i week = 7 days = 1/4 of a moon cycle. 1 month = 1 lunar cycle (roughly) etc.
http://home.arcor.de/dschingisriddle/ im stuck on level 4 HELP!
righty dokums. so, everything between the http:// and the colon of the place where the port number would go if we had to put it in has a different IP number... howcome scienceforums.net is the same ip as http://www.scienceforums.net? is www the only host? and how come my logon details arent remembered for scienceforums.net (is it to do with the fact that my cookie, with my logon details, is named "www.scienceforums.net"?
for another site though, (eg one involving money) there would be more profit in spoofing them. are you telling me that i could register the url home.scienceforums.net ???
i assume nameserver = dns? so you could essentially have different ip adresses registered to the same name, and encorporated into one 'website'? ie, http://www.scienceforums.net and www2.scienceforums.net would both contain the name scienceforums.net (easyer for the human) but would both resolve into different ip addresses, pointing them to the different machines but retaining the 'scienceforums.net' part, to unify the different websites under the same domain name? and i assume that, once youv registered a domain, no-one can register a different host under that domain (so noone could spoof us by registering home.scienceforums.net)? if that be the case, may i ask, for an example, what subdomains/hosts scienceforums.net has registered?
OK, iv googled and read, but im a tad confused about a few parts of how urls are resolved into IPs -- mainly the diference between a host and a domain. Could we ignore all the complications involving the host file/domain name cache/ISP-DNS/root-DNS etc; im not too fused with where the ip is resolved from, more how it is resolved. So, take this site: thats SFN. the url for the main page is: http://www.scienceforums.net:80/index.php?'>http://www.scienceforums.net:80/index.php? |__|...|___________________||.|_______| ..|....................|...............port......| protocol.........middle bit..............end bit The protocol tells your computer how to talk to the site which it is looking for -- in this case, http (hyper-text transfer protocol). its a protocol which allows easy transfer of html, gif, flash files etc. ftp is a good protocol to transfer files etc. its basically the language that its using whilst transfering data the port tells your computer which TCP port to connect to on the computer which it is looking for. 80 is default. the end bit refers to a path on the computer: in this case index.php?. works identicle to normal path names, ie the file is called index with an extention of php (dunno what the ? means). sometimes it can have #x, which points the browser at the anchor 'x' on the page. (is that right so far?) middle bit: this is where i get confused. http://www.scienceforums.net |___||__________||__| ...|............|...........|_________top-level domain ..host.....domain righty dokums... top-level domain. that, i understand. it basically allows more than one site to have the same name. so, there is a http://www.scienceforums.net, and a http://www.scienceforums.com. as well as allowing duplication of names, it gives a bit of info about the site (gov is a govournmental site, com is a commercial one etc). its the host and domain that i dont understand... can someone explain? id guess that its the domain+top-level domain whos IP gets looked up (eg, = scienceforums.net but what does the host do? If you take of the host of the address above (the 'www' bit in this case), then it goes to the home page, but without you being logged in... http://www.scienceforums.net/index.php http://scienceforums.net/index.php so, whats the deal with host-names? what do they do?
Well, what dont you get?