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Everything posted by Dak

  1. Dak


    so dlls actually act as if they were part of the program (when theyre in use that is)? so, is there any difference between a program using a dll that codes for function x, and a program that actually has the coding for function x built into it? the reason i ask is that im trying to learn about malware removal/repair; basically, if a programe runs a viral dll, then is that effectively the same as if that program had the viral code written into it (except for the fact that its easyer to delete a viral dll than it is to remove the maliciouse coding from within a program)?
  2. so it would leave the HIV-infected CD4+ cells alone?
  3. it could kinda be peer moderated maybe? say blike starts a thread titled 'resorses', says something to the effect of 'the sites in the first post of this thread have been checked out, and have been confirmed as being a)useful, and b)accurate/reliable', and plonks a few unquestionably groovy websites in to start it off (like pubmed for example), then we could start replying to the thread with sujjested good sites. we could also check each others sujjested sites out and comment on them in the thread, and if they get above a certain number of comformations that the site is good and valid, then blike could edit his original post so that it included that site? virtually no work for the mods (except for occasionally editing the original post), as all the checking out of web sites would be done by the regular posters. whatcha recon?
  4. Dak


    is my understanding of dlls correct? (note - my grasp of programing is a tad basic to say the least, the examples of coding that i give are written in strangebasic and may need to be parsed into an actual programing language within your head) basically, rather than, say, MSword having something to the effect of if font = arial, gosub arial and ARIAL {programing to display arial font} buried somewhere within its programming so that it can display arial fonts, it will instead have something along the lines of if font = arial, run arial.dll {tell arial.dll what words have been input} and arial.dll will bascally consist of {programing to display arial font} {tell word.exe what to draw on screen} so that the arial font can be used by more than one programe, and more fonts can be added without having to change the actual programs, to update the arial font you have only to update the dll rather than all the programs which use the arial font etc etc. is that correct? also, id guess that dlls can be used kinda like scripts? in that java is an .exe and its scripts are the instructions for what the java.exe should do, is it the case where random.exe can use dlls as instructions for what that .exe should do? soz if that was worded a tad confusingly
  5. Dak

    foreighn languages

    houigaku mo idengaku (besushite bunshiidengaku) ga konomui desu. nemo: hitomen'ekifuzenshouuirusu no kenkyuubun'ya ga besushite konomui desu. anata konomui desu ka? (if i got that right id be amazed -- i think i need to work on my particles/centance structure a bit) [hide]i like forensics and genetics (espescially molecular genetics); also' date=' i espescially like the field of hiv [i'](umm... maybe that should have had a 'research' in there somewhere?)[/i] you?[/hide] just a quick thought: what punctuation do they have in japanese? ive only ever come across the period (which is o) and a few that theyeve yoinked from us, namely '!' and '?'.
  6. the rise is caused by molecular interactions between the liquid and the tube -- as H2O is the most polar molecule which springs to mind, id say that plain old water is your best bet for the liquid that would rise the most. btw, the material of the tube is also inportant in determining how far the liquid rises, id immajine.
  7. RNase wont distroy the HIV genome if it has inserted into the CD4+ cell genome, as it will be in DNA form at that point.
  8. The 'ads by google' box at the top of the screen seems to be overlapping the 'SFN' logo (using FF 1.0.4) and theres a rendering prob to the right of this page as i'm posting my reply. i have some screen-shots, but i dont seem to be able to attach them in this thread...
  9. hmm... i was gonna start a new thread in GD asking what a strawman is (as lots of people, including me, arent 100% sure) i thought id search the forums first, as i figured there could be a thread on it already, so i went to 'advanced search', typed in 'straw' and selected 'search titles only'. and this was the result. wtf? wheres 'straw' in the title of that thread?
  10. well, i assumed that the point of posting and discussing your idea was to get people to accept it -- i was merely pointing out that, as scientists, we require evidence and locialy sound hypothesys before we will accept ideas. so far, you have not presented any evidence or an explination as to why your theory of 'love waves' is nessesaraly true (for example, what does your theory explain that science currently cannot). as far as i can tell, you havent actually explained what love waves actualy do.
  11. it depends on the distribution of the antihystamines throughought your body. If you use a nasal spray for hay-fever, then the antihistamines are (presumably) only present in significant quantities in your nose, where they will prevent the hystamine from causing you to sneese when pollen goes up your nose, and presumably also prevent you from sneezing if you have a cold the tablets will probably be distributed about your entire body, and will suppress the entire immune system by interfering with the hystamines, but i doubt that the effects would be dangerously severe. i always stop taking my antihistamines if i get ill, but im not sure how much of an effect it has. btw, i dont think that histamine is a signalling molecule as such, (interlukiens are used by white blood cells to communicate with one-another), but rather directly illicits an irritant-responce from the surrounding tissue; mucouse membranes will leak water and spazm in order to flush and, umm, 'spazmicate' the irritant out (sneese in the nose, cough in the throaght and lungs, diohreahh in the bowels), histamine in the stomach causes vomiting (i believe) and histamine in the skin causes sweating and ichyness, so that youll scratch whatever is irritating you off of your skin. in other words, its desighned to expel undesireable substances from your body and not directly involved in the fighting of bacteria/viruses (if i remember correctly)
  12. ok, but if the soul is rooted to the heart, and the person recieves a heart transplant, what happens to the soul(s) involved?
  13. if water goes up, it would eventually have to come down lest the entire ocean end up mysteriously suspended above our heads. id guess it could either come down in a place where it is useless to agriculture (centre of the sea as someone sujjested), or possibly something to do with the ozone layer/earths magnetic field being removed and our atmosphere slowly buggering off into space, although i have no idea how plausable the last idea was and it wouldnt be a sustainable situation for very long in planetery terms (although could help the scenario: humans have to simultaniously survive against the lack of rain and also race against time to build a space-ship to reach alpher-centuri or something, although i suspect everything after the red word above is, scientifically speaking, bolox. couldnt humans just build contained biospheres anyway?
  14. i dont think that the vaccuoles wouldnt kill the MHC-I tissue, as the binding of CD4 and MHC-I doesnt initiate cell-fusion; the fusion would be initiated by HIV-gp120 when it binds to the CD4 molecule. your right, HIV would most likely survive, but it shows potential in reverting AIDS back into mere HIV+ after recovery from the initial cull of the gp120+/CD4+ cells. however, i'm not sure that the treatment could be sustained because of the fact that all the CD4+ cells that HIV penetrates, even the ones which do not end up with HIV in the genome, would be distroyed -- upping the lethality of the HIV to CD4+ cells. might be useful as a once-off treatment for AIDS before commensment of standart antiretroviral treatment?
  15. how would they get into just the cancer cells? some kind of viral vector?
  16. ah, well, thats easy then. if the soul is attached to the heart, then anyone getting a heart-transplant from a lawyer would essentialy recieve a soul-transplant aswell, and would become a lawyer/polititian themselfes. as this is not the case, i feel that we can safely discount the hypothesys that the soul is anchored to the heart. or something.
  17. There are several strains of HIV which use the CXCR3 co-recepter rather than CCR5, so that approach would not work for all HIV strains; and HIV (as a species) would likely evolve around that approach, adopting the use of CXCR3 coreceptor as standard.
  18. where do these embryos come from in the first place? are they artificial-incemination attempts, or aborts?
  19. i dont believe that any research currently kills embryos for their stem-cells; rather, the embryos are 'killed' to avoid the pregnancy carrying through to result in a baby, and then the embryos' stem-cells are harvested.
  20. ok, ill reword number 3: what effect would removing ones soul have? and these love waves, we are talking a mixture of eletromagnetic radiation and vibrations of the surrounding matter (air, the floor etc), are we?
  21. rain isnt the only form of precipitation. id immagine that fog, mist, snow and whatnot, or possibly just a slightly high air-humidity, could perform the function of rain for some life (although mass extinctions would result) the bigger question is about clouds. they block out the suns rays at daytime, and insulate the world at night. so, if your no rain scenario equals no clouds, then that would possibly shaft the temperature in one way or another. as for what could cease rain, either a significant increase or decrease in the temperature of the world. too cold, (ie to the point where the seas freeze over) and there will be no water going up, so no water coming back down (ie rain). too hot, and although the water could go up, it would not condense and fall back down.
  22. actually, if you switch heat for acid or whatever, and use little cells/vaccuoles rather than fully blown lymphocytes (simpler), your idea is actually quite good. little vaccuoles of cellular-doom with CD4 molecules on there surface could act as death traps for the HIV viruses, and as a t-cell or macrophage that has been infected with HIV retains some gp120 on its surface, the CD4+ vaccuoles of doom could even fuse with and distroy HIV infected lymphocytes... does anyone know what effect the introduction of CD4+ lymphocytes could have on the immunesystem? one thing that you have to bear in mind is that in a HIV+ person, many of the CD4+ lymphocytes have sustained failed attempts at infection by HIV, so many of the lymphocytes would have gp120 on their cell-surface, and so your system would actually initiate mass CD4+ death (greater even than that caused by HIV on its own). Still, groovy idea. whats everyone else reacon?
  23. so, metetron, i have a few questions. 1/what are these love-waves waves of? eletromagnetism? gravity? or some kind of novel thus-far undescribed forse? 2/what do they do? 3/what effect does the soul have on the body?
  24. this isnt aimed at anyone in particular; but man, this issue always pisses me off. 1/ cloning: cloning is something that stem cells NATURALLY DO within the body with absolutely no artificial interventions; furthermore, the cloning that stem-cells undergo in the lab is in absolutely no way even approaching being comparable to the cloning of an entire human. 2/ foetus use: unborn-babys are NOT, repeat NOT killed for their stem-cells. they are aborted for a variety of reasons, none of which are ever to harvist their stem-cells. also, the foetus is legally deemed a non-human at the point at which it is terminated. if you believe that abortion is murder then by all acounts try and have abortion outlawed, but leave stem-cell research out of it. come to think about it, murdered adults still have their organs used for medical transplants (assuming they were donars), so even if abortion is murder, theres still no reason why, having been 'murdered', the foetus's stem-cells shouldn't be used. [/rant]
  25. would that heat (btw, i assume you mean 120-130oF, as opposed to oC?) kill the virus that is actually residing in the genome of the CD4+ cell (ie, the actual HIV genes within the chromosomes, as opposed to the virion itself)?
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