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Everything posted by Dak

  1. Dak

    Warning System

    so does the (absured) assertation that if evolution is real then we would all be perfect count as a strawman?
  2. evereewun nos that the moor intelijent yew are, the less gud at riting properlee yew ar.
  3. Dak

    Warning System

    "if evolution was real, we'd all be perfect by now" strawman? by-the-by, the 'view my warnings' link never works for me from the sites home-page. any other page, and the link works, but not if im currently viewing the home page. odd, neh?
  4. viral haemmorrhajic fevers like ebola are grim, and would wipe out huge numbers of the population at once (i think ebola has near a 95% mortality if untreated). BUT the use of a microbe as a terrorist weapon depends on more than its lethality. as husmusen said, its a tad hard to work with (and transport).
  5. Dak

    Homosexual Gene?

    Whoopdy-****ing-doo for them. they could call themselves teapots for all i care, it wouldnt change the fact that they are NOT teapots, anymore than they are female. and unless you have any evidence to back it up, quit claiming that all men are inherantly attracted to one another.
  6. Dak

    GD Freestylin'

    lozenge ::edit:: wikety wikety wikety ::/edit::
  7. Dak

    Pop ups

    I'm pretty sure that spysweeper does this for you, but yeah, McGrady: are the pop-ups opened in a browser window (like internet explorer), or are they the annoying yellowy ones that pop up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen above the clock? also, did you update all of your anti-malware programs just before scanning?
  8. Dak

    Pop ups

    rundll32 is a legit running program, but ONLY if the ll part of the name is two lower-case 'L's (annoyingly, capital 'I's look identical in some fonts). if you use hijackthis and post ONLY the top bit that shows the running prosesses (ie, all of the stuff above the 'R' entries) we can check it out for you if you want. hmm, if there was a trojan, then the anti-slyware programs would find something and remove it, only for it to come back next time the computer was switched on. it still might be worth running an anti-virus/anti-trojan to be on the safe side. id reccomend either AVG or Avast if you dont already have an AV (both are free) just out of interest, how were you using hijackthis?
  9. Dak

    Homosexual Gene?

    buddah: im sorry, but penis=male vagina=female is pretty much the standard definition, although ofcourse there are other aspects commonly associated with male and female, and of course someone with a penis doesnt always have all the other 'male' trates, and the same goes for women. what is this 'third gender'?
  10. i still think that an improvement in our understanding of genetic engineering would allow a cure. i mean, all you have to do is put in some kind of enzyme which recognises and removes the HIV genes, or binds-to and deactivates the HIV genes, or simply kills any CD4+ cell which is infected with HIV. the problem is actually doing the above, but when we're better at genetic engineering (which, after all, is a relatively new field) it should be no problem)
  11. Dak

    Homosexual Gene?

    a male and a male, or a female and a female. male being a human with a penis, female being a human with a vagina. im aware that theres more to it than this, but that is the simple definition of male and female.
  12. why not release it 15 days earlyer. "may the fourth be with you" and so on. plus that would mean we could have already seen it. im getting impatient.
  13. no, i dont attach any blame for failing to diagnos on my docter. i was trying to point out that some medical problems are diagnosable and curable, and some arent. the fact that some arent does not indicate that all doctors are incompetant.
  14. yes, and that problem lies with you. it is your responsibility to ensure that your arguments are clear and understandable. i dont mean to be rude, but is english your first language?
  15. keep it plesant you two. Addressing your OPs (all quotes from chatha): ADD is more than a bit of trouble paying attention; CFS is more than just being a bit tired; and depression is more than being a bit upset. for example, if someone went to the doctors and said they were a bit upset, they would get a medical version of 'there-there, cheer up'. if, however, they go to the doctors with clinical depression -- which has phisiological effects (loss of apetite, insomnia, immune collapse etc), associated psycological effects (memory loss, nihalism, overt and false shows of happyness etc) and is usually self-perpetuating, then they will be treated. dyslexia, i have myself (albeit mildly). i do savvy what you mean. some people are bad at spelling, some people are bad at spelling and math, i am bad at spelling and speaking and everynow and then my ability to count or read will spontaniously disolve, and some people just cant read/right/whatever atall. so yes, down the lower end of the scale it is not a 'condition', other than the condition of not being able to read/spell/whatever very well, but at the upper end (more dyslexic than i am) it is a seriouse condition. dentists are a kind of mini-doctor. most of them didnt do well enough in med-school to become doctors, so elating them to be above doctors is kinda erroniouse. there are many pharmasuitical jiants, glaxosmith-klein possibly being the biggest but by no means the only big pharm-company. the R&D sector is also far, far from being monopolised. maybe your local doctor is cack. this doesnt mean that they all are. actually, every time iv been to the local hospital reguarding my guts, they have failed to work out whats wrong, diagnosing me with irratable bowel syndrome, which im well aware is med-speak for 'we dont have a clue', but this by no means indicates that doctors are worthless. by and large, they are very adept at what they do, though they do get stumped sometimes can you name a condition that the medical profession has 'made up'?
  16. the latency period (ie, the amount of time between eating the poisioned food and feeling the effects) can vary. it could be your last meal, or the one before it, or a meal you had the day before. iv had food poisoning that took about 16 hours to kick in before, and iv also had food poisioning that hit me after 4 hours (in both cases i pinned down the source of the poisioning) the fact that jdurg didnt mention explosive dihoreaah indicates that the bacteria hadnt worked there way too far through his dijestive tract*, so the chicken he ate 2.5-3 hours before hand seems a likely cause of the poisoning. if anyone here gets food poisoning, the best advice is to drink LOTS of water. you'll throw it back up strait away, but thats what you need: to flush the bacteria out of your system. ------------------------------------------------------------ *although those that did may account for the foul flatulance. umm, i think you should probably stay in relatively close proximity to the toilet untill you feel better. there might have been enough bacteria got into your intestines that your body may feel the need for one huge dihorretic expultion.
  17. pk. heres one which is based on peoples desire to not be too cramped. immajine two rooms which are next to each other, and there are a few doors leading from one to another. all these doors start off locked and closed, and the room on the left starts off jam packed full of people, whereas the room on the right is empty. now, the doors are unlocked and opened. the two rooms will now not be in equilibrium. this is due to the fact that the people in the left room are squished up and desire more personal space, and so there is a reason for them to travel to the room on the right. now imajine it a few minuites later: some people have gone into the spaciouse room on the right, but there are still more people in the room on the left. the people in the room on the right are happy (cos theyve got lots of elbo room) but the people in the room on the left are not happy (cos theyre still a bit cramped). the two rooms are still not in equilibrium. this is due to the fact that there is still a tendancy for people to go from the left room to the right room, whereas nobody in the room on the right wants to go to the left. now immajine the room in another few minutes time. the room on the right now has almost as many people as the room on the left. so now, the people in the room on the right are beginning to get cramped. now, there are people in the left room who are cramped and so will go to the right room to see if its more spatiouse, and also people in the right room who are cramped and so will go to the left room to see if its more spatiouse. the two rooms are still not in equilibrium. basically, as there are still more people in the room on the left (ie, the room on the left is more crowded), there will be more people travelling from the left room to the right room than there are people travelling from the right room to the left room. because the amount of people travelling in one direction does not balance out the amount travelling in the other, the room in still in a state of disequilibria (ie not having attained equilibrium). youll notice that all the while that these two rooms have been out of equilibrium, we have observed a change in the proportion of people in each room -- ie, a couple of minutes after observing the room in disequilibrium, it has changed. a few minutes later, enough people have travelled from the room on the left into the room on the right that there are as many people in the room on the right as there are on the left. some people are still too cramped, but because there are as many people on either side, there will be as many people going from the left room to the right in search of space as there will be people going from right to left. now the room is in equilibrium, as the number of people going left-->right balances the amount of people going right-->left. so, when we look at the room a few minutes later... there are still as many people in the left hand room as there are in the right hand room. a few of the people will have swapped places, but the overall number of people in each room is the same. this is called a dynamic equilibrium because although there are people travelling from room to room (dynamic) the amount of people in either room stays the same (equilibrium). which isnt to say that the amount of people need to be the same in each room to reach equilibrium: its the cessation of overall change which makes the system equilibriated. so, for example, if you immajine cranking up the heat in the left room uncomfortably high, then many people would go to the room on the right to escape it. this would cause the room on the right to become more crowded, and so the more people joined the room on the right, the less space people would have and the more people would decide that it was too crowded and would go check out the room on the right. eventually, after much faffing about, you would reach a point where either: the amount of people going to check out the less-crowded hot room was the same as the amount of people going to check out the cooler but less spaciouse room, so there would be no overall change in the number of people in either room (although there would be more people in the cooler room) -- this would be another dynamic equilibrium OR all the people who could tolerate the heat were in the hot room, everyone who really couldnt tolerate the heat was in the cold room, and everyone who wasnt fond of the heat but could tolerate it had descided on wether they prefered the hot room or the crowded room and gone to the room of their preference (obviousely, they may change their mind: someone who was in the cool room might have gone to the hot room after the cool room became too crowded as more people joined, but over time less people will change rooms and so the level of crowding will remain constant, and so no-one have reason to change there mind anymore). so, noone is changeing rooms and so (obviously) the number in each room will remain the same. this is called a, umm, undynamic equilibrium (possibly) hope that helps.
  18. phhpt! im far too arogant to admit that the genius of my proclamations couldnt shine through a telly-tubby (anyway, my speling and gramer are more hindering to my credibility) okey dokey, i gladly accept the truce (espescially as i have little ability to retaliate). but on the offchance i ever get the opertunity to change your avitar or user-title, im gonna do it just for shits-and-giggles. but a telly-tubby! that was harsh, man.
  19. Dak

    Stimulants for ADD

    what? stimulants for ADD? i thought that stimulants caused ADD-like symptoms, as they inhibit your brains ability to filter-out uninportant stimuli, and so make it harder to concentrate on the relavant stimulus?
  20. speaking just of aids (as its the disease i know most about), yes aids kills millions a year, but with modern anti-retroviral drugs ('nuces', protease inhibitors etc) an aids sufferers life-expectancy can be increased significantly, and, whilst we dont have the cure yet, progress is being made all of the time into understanding how the virus functions, and in developing ways to fully inhibit/cure it. by-the-by, what is a 'fabricated ailment'?
  21. i thought that was what annoyed you in the first place and, at the risk of all my posts turning pink to prove me wrong, im pretty sure that the vb enjine doesnt allow for the manipulation of the colour of all of one persons posts, so
  22. food poisioning sux. it usually lasts about half a day, but the after-effects can last longer. try and treat your digestive system with respect, dont put too much into it at a time, and eat easy to dijest foods like chicken (make sure its properly cooked this time). drink plenty of water and yeah, if you still feel bad tomorow, seek medical advice; although, if you feel truly crap then you should possibly go to hospital today, as salmonella can be extremely bad and even fatal (better safe than sorry).
  23. no, they cant cure the common cold, or flu, or aids etc etc etc but they can cure the plague, small pox, and a plethora of other bacteria and viruses.
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