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Everything posted by Scienceally09

  1. There are places where these waves are measured with more accuracy. I know there are better ways to understand, see these waves than a oscilloscope or a microphone. Can the science allies ..help me some and give me places where Physicist's or..people who study these sciences measure any of these waves. Or at least help with a formula to measure square and sinewaves myself by any-means. As for sound waves i would like to know the amplitude as well as frequency modulation. Science be with you.
  2. There are many types of waveforms that exist in the today. Longitudinal waves Transverse waves Surface waves Is there any machinery that can capture any of these waves more specifically these types SoundWaves SquareWaves SineWaves ElectroMagnetic Waves Anything that you guys know of that can capture or see how these waves look in action. All in the name of science! thanks in advance!
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