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  1. Ludicrous or not, this seems a highly logical theorem. For humanities sake, what if this star system was discovered tomorrow, would you still disapprove of aliens? Up until recently people didn't believe the earth was round, but yet someone came along and said otherwise and it took ages for him to be believed.
  2. Look how many of you have even bothered to look into this yourselves? Instead of flaming Akusius on his supposed "lunacy" atleast try and see if you can come to the same conclusion. A theory would be that this imagery could be interpreted as something for another person from that culture to read, they were highly intelligent before their time after all. If that would be true then nobody else could possibly interpret what it means correctly, you could have a go but it would almost certainly be a stab in the dark. If we were to justify that this does mean the distances of a star system from us then they would almost certainly use Proxima Centauri to establish a unit of distance, same as we sometimes use the moon as a way of working out distance. See we could nether know for sure whether this is what it means cause they are long gone, but yet like all intelligent beings they were very could with symmetry, look at the Egyptians, they couldn't possibly have had a way of seeing their mega structures without aerial imagery or something similar. But yet they accomplished it and they did it with perfect symmetrical correctness, their structures and where they were placed meant something to them, but yet it doesn't mean anything to anyone else cause we have no idea why it was their. I fully support what Akusius is proposing because he is explaining it in the most logical way he can. After all who would have gone with the Darwinist theory if he didn't explain it so well...
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