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Everything posted by jlivingstonsg

  1. --------------------------- I just believe I have an ability to vizualise quite complicated things. I am a Swedish Master in 3D Tetris and is globaly ranked as number 25. I have had this idea of space/time pulses that build up our universe as the quantum fields. When string theory developed I hoped it would be a way for me to get my ideas in mathematic form. Especially when Edward Witten (1998 ?) showed that string theories was better explained as vibrating membranes or branes. I hoped my space/time pulses was these vibrating membranes and finaly had a mathematical explanation on my idea. I even tried to discuss it with 3 nobel price winners in physics, that visited Lund where I took my M.Sc. in Engineering Physics. I did not get any interest from any of them. But I still can not let go of this idea that big bang created space/time pulses that in its peak got stuck in zero time so they stayed in this peak state, because of its zero time. They are stuck in that zero time of peak in these pulses. These pulses still expand out in normal speed of light , wobbeling and vibrating and they are these quantum fields. We are then built up by these vibrating pulses and get our normal space time by the vibrating pulses. I believe these pulses was created as transversal pulses and longitudinal pulses but also as shearing in space time. And that shearing of space/time is what is called spin of the particles. Its like if you have a planet that create a "frame dragging" but as a sudden twist and the created space/time shear pulse created of this sudden "frame dragging" create two sides of this shear pulse. One side expanding as a positive spin and the other as a negative spin. Then we have the other part where these space/time pulses get infinitely fast time. They explain all these quantum entanglements and double slit experimants. The time inside of them pulses is much faster so they are everywhere at the same time according to us in normal time. I just would like to find some people who find this interesting and would like to try to help me get this in any kind of mathematic language. I my self believe it can be done with the mathematics of general relativity. But all this is hanging on one question. Could the big bang create space/time pulses that in its peaks, made time stop or go infinitely fast in time. Anyone ? Regards MagI --------------------------------------------------------
  2. Hi. I hade one speculation/discussion here, but it got locked. Do anyone know of any forum where I can speculate and discuss wildly, about space/time and quantum physics without being locked out and where there is people who know about gravitational waves, general relativity and quantum physics who can help me get any of my thought experiments discussed, if they can be anything of interest ? Regards MagI --------------------------------
  3. I just try to imagin everything as space/time. What if charge is a space/time. I do not talk about gravitational waves. I ask if Big Bang could create gravitational pulses(GP). Could the Big Bang have created gravitational pulses(GP)? Could these pulses be something else than transverse? Could a GP have different number of components and spin? I imagin a GP as a distortion in space/time that make the time stop so that the GP is stuck in its space/time fluctuation but continue to expand as a pulse out in space with the speed of light. And these are the quantum fields that create standing waves and we see these standing waves of GP as planets and living creatures that evolve because these GP expand out in space and these GP frequencys get higher and that is why we see a evolution in life and technology. My only question is ... Could the Big Bang have created Gravitational Pulses so intence that time stop in them. Regards MagI ----------------------------
  4. I am not talking about gravitational waves. I am discussing if it is possible for a gravitational wave to be created so intence from the big bang, that it its time in its wave peak stop or go infinitely fast, compared to normal space. That is why the universe can expand faster than the speed of light. The universe is built up by gravitational pulses(quantum fields) where time go infinitely fast. These pulses(quantum fields) see everything else as a frosen universe, expanding in slow, slow mothion. You are the scientist who know if this is possible to use, to build up our universal structure. I am just trying to imagin if this could be the source of these quantum fields. So what now. I am asking you scientists. Could this be a possible explanation to these quantum field, that they are space/time pulses? So I start with a questions? Is it possible for the big bang to create a gravitational pulse that, in its peak, time stop or go infinitely fast? Would it frose in its pulse form, if its internal peak time stop, compared to the normal universe, but still expand out as a spheric shell with a radius speed of normal lightspeed? Would these pulses be able to vibrate in different internal wavelengths, as they expand out and create the universe, to be able to be seen as these quantum fields? With that I ask, would the standing wave on these expanding space/time sphearic shells be able to have an internal standing wave, as a ballon can have a standing wave, that have a evolution of vibrations, as it is inflated? Lets start with these questions...... Regards MagI -------------------------------
  5. These vibrating gravitational pulses also create standing waves as these nucleus, atoms and electon clouds, we can detect. MagI ---------------
  6. Can you explain in more detail what the problem is, in these models ? MagI --- Whell I imagin that the big bang created gravitational pulses so intence that these, what we call quantum fields, for every particle, is a gravitational pulse. One gravitational pulse for every quantum field. And because of the much higher speed of time in these pulses, there is only one particle for every quantum field. Time in these space/time pulses is much faster than our time. These pulses is vibrating and expanding out and is creating the universe we live in. Everything else is then built up by these vibrating space/time pulses and what we see as planets or living creatures are actually standing waves of these space/time pulses. The accelerating expanding universe is causing what we see as planet movements and evolution on earth. As these vibrating pulses expand in the universe, the frequency is getting higher and causing finer and finer evolution details in the universe. MagI ----------
  7. ------------------------------------------ Its possible to explain quantum physics, if particles live in a microcosmic world where time is much faster than ours. From the view of these particles, the universe is frosen in time and they can travel around in this frosen in time universe. From our view of much slower time, it is like these particles is everywhere when we do not detect them. Just like these quantum fields. But we can take a picture any time of a particle, just like we take a picture of a bullit from a rifle. We see the particle, just as we see the bullit. But when not using detector (or camera), we only see the effect of these particles (and bullets from the rifle). Regards from Sweden ---------------------------------------------------------
  8. The only way to explain quantum physics is if particle micro cosmos is in its own time that is much faster. The particle micro cosmos time is much faster so it mean that speed of light is moving much faster. Just as the people on the planet Gargantua they will see the planets in the night sky spinn around the planet as if the planets seem to be as clouds around the solar system. They will see the universe end, if time is slow enough on the planet. So for them all these planets will be as a spheric shells around its sun. That is what we see in particle physics. We live in a much slower time compared to particle micro cosmos. So speed of light will be much much faster in micro cosmos, from our perspective. That is why we see particles as quantum fields. We can take a picture of the quantum world and we will see particles. But we do not see the "bullits" of the gun. We only see the effect of the "bullit". Particles live in a time that move much faster than ours. Einstein was right Everything is space/time. Regards from Sweden ---------------------------------------------------------
  9. ----------------------------------------------------- In the movie Interstellar(2014) they live on planet Gargantua near a black hole and time is moving much slower. One hour on the planet would be 7 years on earth. Lets say time moved much slower on the planet. They would see the planets and stars moving like white stripes in the night sky. The planets would seem to be as a cloud around the sun in its solar system. They would see time and the speed of light in space moving much much faster than on the planet. Now lets say it is like that in micro-cosmos. Time is moving much faster in particle physics. Our time is much slower than in micro cosmos. When a electron is moving around the nucleus, its time is much faster. It is moving much faster than the speed of light. And that is why we see the electron like a cloud around the nucleus. When we dectect the electron we interact and disturb its time and it, for that detection moment, is in our time and we see it as a particle. When we dont detect it, it is again back in its microcosmic higher time speed and seem to be everywhere around the nucleus or in the universe. I believe I can expain quantum physics with space/time. Anyone here interested? Regards from Sweden --------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. This maybe show there is much mercury in chinese tomb. Go to the end at 1:38:11 or 5880 seconds in to the video. MagI
  11. I am just talking abouty moving megalithic rocks a meter at a time in a hole in the ground. Here is some information on mercury in ancient times. https://mysteriousunexplainedhistory.com/what-are-liquid-mercury-pools-doing-underneath-ancient-pyramids/ MagI ------
  12. I am just talking about the largest megalithic stones on 500 to 1000 tons. The smaller ones was probably moved under boats in water, in a constructed water channel system. Regards from Sweden --------
  13. I just see this event in front of me. Hundreds of years ago people found mercury and they could see that the most heavy stones floated in mercury. So they started floating bigger and bigger stones just by curiosity. Then some king said he wanted a house of large stones. And it ended with stones in balbeck. Regards from Sweden ---------
  14. https://googlethatforyou.com?q=ancient liquid mercury
  15. ------------------------- Please learn some physics. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-float-a-100-ton-boat-in-just-1-ton-of-water/answer/Kim-Aaron?ch=10&oid=303591043&share=33e3ccd4&target_type=answer Master of Science in Engineering Physics
  16. I can make the balbeck stone that weight around 800 tons float in some hundred liters mercury and move it a meter. Is this link information that show that they used mercury to move the stones? https://mysteriousunexplainedhistory.com/what-are-liquid-mercury-pools-doing-underneath-ancient-pyramids/ You need to read this and learn. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-float-a-100-ton-boat-in-just-1-ton-of-water Regards from Sweden --------------------------------------------------------
  17. The short answer would be they get the mercury from the mercury ores. China had been able to extract mercury from the ore since about 5000 years ago. Mercury is commonly found in many parts of China, and the mercury ores usually consist of mercury sulphide and in ancient China, before they found out the method to extract mercury, they use it as a coloring because of the bright red color. https://www.quora.com/How-did-the-ancient-Chinese-get-all-of-their-mercury?share=1
  18. I could my self move any megalithic stone in the world. I have always wondered why they cut the larger stones with so flat surfaces already in the stone quarry. This is why...... Just give me 100 liter of mercury and I will build a narrow fit channel, for any large megalithic stone, and build the channel so that front of the channel have room for the stone to be able to float and be moved the larger amount of mercury under the stone as the mercury is transfered under and beside the stone to the back. Then I gather the mercury, fill in behind the stone and dig up in front of it, to be able to make the stone to float and pushed another bit in my channel. I am sick of all this nonsens of magic or aliens. I say it again. I can move any megalithic stone my self if I just get 100 liters or more, to make the stone to float in the mercury. Master of Science in Engineering Physics. Magnus Ivarsson
  19. --- When I am on the other planet 100 light years from earth I can calculate what speed I had. You calculate distance divided by time to get speed. The distance between earth and the star system I am on is 100 light years. The time it took to travel was 9 years. 100/9 = about 10 light years per year Regards MagI --------
  20. --- That is if they calculate the distance and the time when they travel close to speed of light. The shorter distance/travel time will be a speed slower that the speed of light and that is correct. But we are doing the calculation when they have arrived and an hour is the same as on earth. If they now just calculate the distance that is about 102 light years/9 years they get a travel speed about 10 times faster than the speed of light. Regards from Sweden MagI ------
  21. ---- If you travel close to the speed of light, then the time slow down in the spacecraft. So lets say you travel 100 light years to another star and our sun is beaming a photon beam to push it, so that the sun sail spacecraft accelerate at 1 g half the way. In this webpage it calculate a deacceleration the en half of the trip at the same 1 g. https://spacetravel.simhub.online/ (This can be done if we first send many solar sails to the stars that can deaccelerate our ship. These large reflectors can maybe be built to stand the heat and deaccelerate close to the star or something..... ) Set up the page like this and then click "Calculate" https://snipboard.io/XpW9Rb.jpg Then you get these numbers. https://snipboard.io/XQ You can see that from earth, the time to go to the star 100 lightyears away will in the earth timeframe take about 101,9 years to go to the star and from earth they will see that the ship move close to the speed of light around max 0,9998 % of the speed of light. On the ship the time slow down and you can see that in the timeframe for the astronauts, the trip will take about 9 years. So the astronauts can calculate their average speed is about 10 times faster than the speed of light in their timeframe. (They never moved faster than the speed of light but when you move so close to the speed of light, then the time slow down.) Regards from Sweden -------
  22. --- I bet it is possible to develope this technology to make this work in 100 to 1000 years with artificial intelligens that have an IQ around 200 000 . We can not today even imagin what technology we will have in some hundred years. Because this is probably a strong candidate to get to other stars because we need speeds close to speed of light to slow down time to get to other stars in some years. The astronaut will be able to calculate his speed to be 10 to 20 times faster than the speed of light because of the time dilation in the spacecraft. MagI ----
  23. ...... Hi. What if we build hundreds of large solar reflectors that can then focus sunlight on a solar sail space craft. How many square miles of sun reflectors would be needed to accelerate a spacecraft at 1 g, on lets say 100 tons to 90% of the speed of light in lets say 3 years ? Regards from jlivingstonsg .....
  24. ---------------------------- In the element table is the left column with Hydrogen at the top, and column of metals. If you take any oxidized metal and melt it, you get the metal oxide in liquid form. The oxygen does not separate from this liquid form, if you dont add oxygen-reducing substances, that take the oxygen from the metal, to be able to get the pure metal. So if you, for example, melt iron rust you get a liquid metal oxid. Now...... If you google Hydrogen, there are discussions about whether Hydrogen is a metal or not. Is Hydrogen a metal or what is Hydrogen? If Hydrogen is a metal. Can one then say that water is a liquid metal oxide or a liquid metal rust ? MagI ------------------------------
  25. ... Hi. When I was at school 1989 we played a 3D Tetris game called BlockOut. I was best at school at a level called: Out of control. About 3 years ago I found BlockOut online and challenged students at universities and I am almost twice as good as the best at level: Out of control. I have always around 100 000 points at the level: Out of control. My question is Do I have a high spatial ability IQ or am I just good at the game BlockOut? Regards M.Sc. Magnus ......
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