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Everything posted by TestingTuring

  1. I'm glad you like it! The not having a clue on where to begin is the fun part i think. I;d like to imagine I'm building my own search tree for a solution as well. I'm still not to the complexity section of my computational logic text, so I'm not sure what that means. My understanding is that it has something to do with the time required to compute a solution?
  2. I know the graphical solution might be a long shot in the dark. But something inside me seems to think there might be a pattern between the length of the cube tree generator and the node height, which would be my axis's. It would be particularly valuable because a string in the tree should be able to be generated based on those two variables, so if a pattern does arise, so does a method for deriving the strings denoted by those points. Your inkling is right, i am interested in the implications of modeling search tree constraints as languages. I think it would be super cool if i could build a general rubix solver. I am currently a hobbyist who just started working in database management. I am trying very hard to get into a good school to study undergrad, but i wrecked my GPA during my more careless years haha. I'd like to ask you the same thing? Since we've begun talking about patterns, i'd like to inquire: Are patterns the same thing as relations between sets (which i think is the definition of a function)? If this is the case, than all patterns should be enumerable and capable of being represented graphically?
  3. Hey Sato thanks a ton, you've given me alot to chew on for a while as i work out my answer. I'm going to begin reading the material you have posted right now. I'm also going to try and get someone who knows more about java visual tools to build a visualizer for me which will map out the different grammars on the cube tree. Hopefully i can find an interesting way to ascribe axis's to the graph such that patterns between the meeting points of languages emerge. Fiveworlds, i'm aware there is a solution, but I'm more interested in deriving my own solution than looking at someone elses. Once i'm satisfied with what i have built i will compare it to others work and try and understand what i could have done better, and how what it would have taken for me to see my error in the first place.
  4. Wow this is all going over my head. By language i meant from a computational logic perspective. I.e a language is a collection of strings that satisfy some machine. In particular, i have multiple machines that generate context_free grammars, and the language i need to indentify is the one which solves all of them. I've been told that it's likely i won't be able to develop a single language based on patters between the language generating process. do you all think this is true? I'm not super familiar with the language hierarchy but to be clear the languages that i need to "union" into a single language would not be recognized by a Finite state machine but they would be recognized by a push down automata.
  5. Hello! I am currently writing a program to find the shortest path solution in a randomized rubix cube. There is a certain langauge/search based methodology that has caught my attention, and which i would like to apply to the solution, but I am unaware of what kind of terminology i should be looking up. THE METHODOLOGY: The methodology is one where different languages are developed to satisfy different aspects of the cubes solution. For instance we might find a language/grammar which appropriately describes/generates all transformations which move one block of the cube to some position we want it to be. We may then find another language which satisfies the movement of another block to some position we want it to be. The language which satisfies both of these languages is the one which generates transformations which will move BOTH blocks to where they are supposed to be. WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT: It is in this sense that I am interested in learning more about how languages can be tested against each other in order to CONSTRAIN the otherwise unweildly "search tree" that would be required to be derived and searched in order to find the solution. At the same time i would like to build a symbolic vocabulary which would allow me to compare the different pertinent variables (runtime, memory size, etc.) of different tree search constraint methodologies, particularly language based methdods (as i have poorly defined them). I am also particularly interested in the methodologies that can be used to detect patterns in the strings which are satisfying two seperate languages so that a third language which satisfies both can be developed. Also, i would like to learn more about how we can show that one language is mutually exclusive to another language. I am particularly interested in terminology so that i might do research on the internet, however i would also greatly appreciate any book recommendations. Thank You!
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