because a theory of everything has to start somewhere.See there are different dimensions. To name a few universal, galactic ,planetary,cellular,atomic,subatomic. These dimensions are like gears working like a well greased machine. See it is all a cycle. My theory is at the center of every atom is a universe. See this is where time fits in. See for us to do anything our atoms have to do it first. When we view an atom we see protons and neutrons surrounded by an electromagnetic cloud . I believe though there is only one particle spinning in an orbit going through anti and regular cycle. This would explain why a neutron the thing that connects has more Sub atomic mass then the thing it connects, a proton. See a neutron is actually two different phases which in the middle is a anti particle. Though see inside this particle is an instantaneous universe that we see as a blur of energy because it's actually star and planet formation happening at such a high rate of speed.