Folks: I have been working on a usable gel fuel recipe for almost a year now and I finally feel I have a successful and cost effective one. I want the fuel for use in a gel fuel fireplace so I based my research on duplicating the SunJel commercial fuel as closely as possible. I also use some empty SunJel cans to contain MY fuel as they are the sturdiest and are designed for the fireplace use. Which does require that I buy at least one case of the fuel to begin with. Anyway, here are the results of my research. I hope this helps others trying to come up with a more cost effective gel fuel:
Formulas - using empty SunJel containers Concentrated for use with fire pots Calcium acetate powder, 1/2 cup $3.30 per half cup Water, 1 cup 91% isopropyl alcohol - 6 cups $3.87 per 6 cups makes 4 containers 1.79 per container Consistancy same as SunJel for use with gel fuel fireplace Calcium acetate, 1/2 cup $3.30 per half cup Water, 1 cup 91% isopropyl alcohol - 10 cups $6.40 per 10 cups makes 7.5 containers 1.38 per container Proceure: Note: this first part must be done EXACTLY as stated or the jell will not happen correctly!: 1) Measure ½ cup of the calcium acetate into a large mixing bowl. Add one cup of water and whisk together well. Measure 6 cups of the alcohol into a separate bowl. Pour into larger mixing bowl all at once and whisk to blend. 2) Let sit until jelled and then add additional alcohol (up to 4-5 cups) to get desired viscosity. More alcohol will not increase its flammability, but if too liquid, you lose the safety benefit of the jell. Notes: 1) SunJel using Amazon Prime costs $3.33/container 2) Supplier for calcium acetate - quartzpegmatite on ebay 3) Supplier for 91% Alcohol - Walmart 4) Use real beeswax nuggets for crackle 5) SunJel containers are the strongest and are designed for use in gel fuel fireplaces, increasing safety Material Costs Calcium Acetate $20/lb (with shipping ebay) 91% Isopropyl Alcohol $2.58/bottle (4 cups/bottle, Walmart)