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Blake Burns

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Nuclear Physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Not all forms of fusion currently under study require tritium-I've been reading up on the process being studied by Helion energy, a variant of magneto-inertial fusion production that uses deuterium and helium-3 through the following reaction: 2D+3He→ 4He+ 1p+ 18.3 MeV The massive advantage of this is, the reaction naturally generates more of the scarcer kind of fuel through the fusion process, which as you might expect is very handy, since it means that with every fusion reactor built,they will have more of it available to help start up new ones. It's also very low on neutron production, and the neutrons it does produce are very low energy. That being said, if your concerns about fusion reactors not being able to make enough tritium during the process itself are indeed accurate, couldn't we simply have a tritium production facility to provide the fusion reactors with this substance separately from their operation, perhaps using large drums of lithium periodically exposed to neutrons and then processed to extract the tritium? Even a few hundred tons of it being produced a year would be enough to provide fuel for pretty much all of humanity.
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