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  1. So, we already have fridges with a tap of some buttons and you'll be delivered your weekly shopping, but we could take it further, right? I'm no expert in this stuff, to be honest I have no idea how it would work and what sort of technology you'd need/if it has been invented. BUT I have an idea. Automatic Food: Imagine you run out of food, but you can't go shopping (for whatever reason) What do you do? Order it online? Of course, that's the obvious choice but what if it's important? What if you can't wait for it to be delivered? So; the idea is - Tap a button and the food just turns up in your cupboards/fridge - I.E; teleportation from the store. Main issue with this; teleportation. I have no idea if we've managed to create this technology and if we have would it leave food unharmed? Please feel free to call it a daft idea! Or any suggestions!
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