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  1. Hi. I wasn't sure what details to add earlier but I hope the following helps. I should clarify when I say computational, I mean computer simulation being the major/only component. I was reading some papers on radiation detection as well as application of computational fluid dynamics for part of the system design within some of those papers. Those have both a computational as well as experimental component. But from what little I understand, there are papers that are purely theoretical as well as those that are purely computational. I was hoping someone could point out papers which serve as good examples of the method of doing such research. I'm not sure if the term is appropriate but I believe fully computational uses the phrase in silico, based on some of what I have heard elsewhere. Of course the only examples listed on the wikipedia page are of biology which is not quite what I am looking for but I hope it helps describe what I mean when I say simulation. Cosmology papers are probably an obvious example of where a lot of purely theoretical/computational research might be done but I was hoping for physically realizable studies where one could have done experimental research (battery chemistry/medical particle accelerators/etc.) but has chosen to submit simulation results only (again only if such a thing exists). If anyone is aware, they could probably give an example in the fields I mentioned (radiation detection and CFD). However, one does not need to restrict themselves to those only.
  2. Hi, I understand there is computational research as well as completely theoretical research compared to experimental research. I was curious about what they are like. Could anyone point out some good papers? Thanks.
  3. Hi, FYI, thought I should clarify (probably should have mentioned in OP), I am making a CFD simulation in ANSYS Fluent and the containment which forms the domain of interest should be receiving the well mixed gas mixture. I have to figure out the pipe length leading to it so that I do not add unnecessary spatial meshing.
  4. Hi, In my situation, I am dealing with two ideal gases traveling down a pipe at the same bulk velocities. I am only considering a 1-D treatment at the moment and I would like to find out at which point the two gases should be considered a well mixed, homogeneous mixture. Would anyone know either the particular formulation or even the subject matter to consult to determine the well-mixing of gases? Thanks and regards.
  5. I encountered a website with statistics for a large number of video games, specifically regarding their availability across various platforms, their sales over time and some other things and methods to visualize them I found this really helpful. Might there be other services like this that people find helpful, other than obvious ones like weather forecasting and data?
  6. I was referring to experiments with materials for high radiation environments often seen in materials science and nuclear engineering research.
  7. Wait, I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean to say bubble and spark chambers came about as a result of understanding the physics behind particle detection and then varying one aspect or another to improve upon detection chambers?
  8. My earlier post probably didn't get across what I was trying to say. What I am basically asking is, are most specialized areas of science at the research level focused on one very specific detail? Is that why the focus is on the same task with minor modifications so that you can figure out how the object reacts/phenomena occurs in all possible situations? And given that there are so many variables we know of nowadays is this why you can find a lot more literature, more than a textbooks worth, on one very particular object/phenomena?
  9. I don't really see where you are trying to go with all this. What's you point?
  10. Something I've seen in nuclear materials research is that all of them are basically, I have a material, I am going to shoot energetic particles at it, I am going to record the numbers, take some before and after pictures and talk about what I saw. It does make sense that you would research like this considering most materials in nuclear environments do suffer bombardment from energetic nuclei and subatomic particles. The consistency in the formula of this research process, however, is something I did not expect. Is this how it works for every field when you get into something very specific and become an expert on it like in a PhD? For example, would experimental study of ionization in plasmas in space have you always looking at spectroscopic data from one cosmic body or another and accounting for what there is from your spectroscopic data and what all forces may have acted in that region and to what extent to give you what you have got? Now that I put all my thoughts down, the answer seems like yes mostly. So I guess I'm probably looking for confirmation, unless there is something I didn't take note of.
  11. I really like the book for how much it covers. There's not a single topic that's missed that is relevant to nuclear reactor design/analysis. Often other books can miss a topic or two. It's just that the style is not to the point and often time is wasted talking about things that are irrelevant or won't be explained, at least until way later.
  12. Lol, I dunno. I just take people's word for these things. For all I know everything is an anime behind the scenes with cyborg ninjas and psychic super soldiers running around performing black ops, having death battles and philosophizing in the quiet moments, especially their death throes. Or maybe it's like a schoolyard with someone being nice and then someone being a jerk, "Hey you can't do that!" "Why not?" "Because you can't." "Sure I can." and that's all that happens. Anyway the project was supported by the IAEA.
  13. What would be a more appropriate classification of the software? Also I find it hard to believe someone could publish a paper in a well known journal with an illegitimate copy of MCNP without someone knocking on their door. Could be. I know you can get online access to the servers at the National labs from your own IP address to use it. Just not sure if even that is allowed to Iran so maybe what you are saying is actually the correct situation.
  14. I was reading papers on neutron flux traps. Some people in the University of Tehran used MCNP to determine effectiveness of different neutron moderators. Context out of the way, my question is regarding the situation. How did researchers paid by an organization like the University of Tehran get access to a software like MCNP?
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