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  1. I too found his starting argument to be Ignorant about what the proces of evolutiion is. Evolution is not the Big bang, nor is it abiogenesis. My concern primarily is wether or not the fossils he photographed and the modern animals he claims are the same species are legitamate. Are scientists actually misrepresenting Fosssils they find in old rock layers or is this man misrepresenting science?
  2. Hello all. I'm new to this forum. I recently came across this video on youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp87AEcgYc4. What is the legitmacy of what he is saying? Is it true that scientists can be this biased for evolution. I didn't think they were. It always seemed that the creastionists were the ones with the biased feelings. I'm a strong believer in evolution and I know there is alot of misinformation and misrepresentation in the creastionist communiting regarding evolution. However, I have yet to think of a refutation for what this man is saying. Neither have I found sufficient evidence to put his claims against evolution to silence. If what he is saying is true, it would be detrimental to the theory of evolution. I myself have been told that paleontologists never find modern animals with dinosuars but if Carl Werner is right then this obviously would be false. I would much appreciate some of your thoughts on this as I have not seen much refutation to his work othe than ad-hominem attacks. He is saying the scientists make up names for old fossils that are actually modern animals found in modern times. He and his wife apparantly traveled to 10 different dig sites and 60 different musuems and photographed all the fossils pertaining to the Dinosaur eras. Here is some of what he says, “We looked only at fossils found in the dinosaur dig sites so that scientists who support evolution could not suggest that the fossils we looked at were not ‘old’. All of the fossils we used for comparisons were found in dinosaur rock layers (Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous).” “We found fossilized examples from every major invertebrate animal phylum living today including: arthropods (insects, crustaceans etc.), shellfish, echinoderms (starfish, crinoids, brittle stars, etc.), corals, sponges, and segmented worms (earthworms, marine worms). “The vertebrates—animals with backbones such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals—show this same pattern.” “Cartilaginous fish (sharks and rays), boney fish (such as sturgeon, paddlefish, salmon, herring, flounder and bowfin) and jawless fish (hagfish and lamprey) have been found in the dinosaur layers and they look the same as modern forms. “Modern-looking frogs and salamanders have been found in dinosaur dig sites. “All of today’s reptile groups have been found in the dinosaur layers and they look the same or similar to modern forms: Snakes (boa constrictor), lizards (ground lizards and gliding lizards), turtles (box turtles, soft-shelled turtles), and crocodilians (alligators, crocodiles and gavials).” “Contrary to popular belief, modern types of birds have been found, including: parrots, owls, penguins, ducks, loons, albatross, cormorants, sandpipers, avocets, etc. When scientists who support evolution disclosed this information during our TV interviews it appears that they could hardly believe what they were saying on camera.” This is were he says that palentologists make up names for old fossils to make them unidentifiable to modern species. “ A scientist found a fossil sea urchin in Cretaceous rock that looks nearly identical to a modern Purple Heart sea urchin, but assigned it to a completely new genus (Holaster). If you saw that creature alive in the ocean you would recognize it as a Purple Heart sea urchin (genus Spatangus). The different name suggests that sea urchins have changed over time, but this is contrived ‘evidence’ for evolution. The fossil looks the same as the living one.” Here is the Photo of the fossil he claims was found in old dinosaur rock layers. Here is the modern living organism that he claims is the same species living today. He has many more examples of modern fossils and their comparative ancient fossils that he claims are the same species with a different name. I can post them if anyone is interested in seing them. I know this doesnt disprove evolution but it kinda makes me scratch my head about whether or not scientists actually misjudge these things. Is it possible that all these animals lived in the same form, more or less, for millions of years? His refutation is still far from proving creationism. Regardless there must be an answer to this dilemma. Whether or not this man is straight out lying I know not. If anybody know more about this Your Comments would really be appreciated.
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