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  1. Thanks guys. Personally i do believe there are quite simple solutions but perhaps i am naive. Some people like Inuits, Hopis, Hunza etc have been reported to have very little cancer if true. But both conventional medicine and alternative survive on money flow. I doubt the major companies have any interest of curing cancer since their stocks would then likely crash. There is this acid/alkaline theory of cancer. I saw an online poll where close to 90% of the people (~1700) who said they had cancer had a saliva pH below 7. 47% around 4,5. So we have tried to increase his pH + more and the doctor were surprised his pain was gone, just a small increase in psa without him starting the hormonal treatment yet. He is using medical Cannabis to. So he is waiting to see what x-ray will show and if he is going to start hormonal and chemo.
  2. Hello! Have a few questions about cancer. Would appreciate in depth explanation if possible since a family member was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Do you know if it in theory would be possible to starve away cancer by fasting (Only water) over a longer period? Cancer cells depend on much more glucose? Or will the cancer cells get what they need anyway? Can they then switch to glutamine or something else and still spread? In the studies i have seen they use short term fasting + chemo. On a website they claim fasting on nothing more than such things that cancer don´t like - grapes, curcumin etc can cure cancer. They also mention that mixing something like cancer like containing much glucose (Honey, suryp etc) with something they hate (Baking soda etc) will fool them to take in the glucose and then be killed by the baking soda. Thank you
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