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  1. Hi, I'm a college student currently taking up chemistry. I'm interested in organic synthesis and isolation of active compounds from plants.
  2. The potential of two chemical cells, the standard and the unknown, were determined to be 0.915 V and 0.328 V, respectively. If the pH of the standard cell is 1.56, what is the pH of the unknown cell? If the standard calomel electrode (E = 0.244 V) was used to determine the cathodic potential of the standard and unknown cells, what are the values measured?
  3. I have some questions 1. What is the theoretical value for molar absorptivity of Iron(III)thiocyanate at 465 nm 2. What is the theoretical value for Keq of Iron(III)thiocyanate 3. How do complex ions work? 4. Do interactions between complex ions affect the molar absorptivity or other parameters.
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