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Everything posted by rangerx

  1. They had one, but Trump nixed it. In the real world, a compromise would mean restoring DACA as it was intended, not a watered down version and offering something else. But no, instead Republicans insist on bad faith negotiations and scorched earth tactics to get what they want. This stuff is unfolding as we speak, so I've not had the opportunity to review it. I will do that now and comment (if necessary) later.
  2. The onus on Democrats is zero.
  3. Does incessantly reiterating a political promise (and voted in on the premise) for a wall and insisting Mexico pay for it mean nothing and has no consequences? Trump is an unapologetic liar, his followers are hellbent on goose-stepping his every whim and his senate is the party of no. What's the penalty for Republicans changing horses mid stream? None in this scenario. Yet Democrats are expected to compromise? Is what you're really saying, they must cave in instead for the good of the government workers at the failing of the democracy? Trump owns this one, all of it.
  4. If anything, we agree that's one area where America went wrong protesting the British Parliamentary System. It's given rise to extremism because one side can advocate complete nonsense (like building walls) and the other is hamstrung addressing it.
  5. I'm Canadian and I don't consider you as liberal, especially given your devil's advocacy in disguise for ideology. Like you, I have voted all three parties in my day too, but we are worlds apart in our alignment. What may be a supportive vote on my part may be a protest vote on your part, or vise versa. (and thank goodness for the three party system and the non-confidence vote) If you're a moderate elsewhere, but intentionally not here, tells me you're just shit disturbing for the sake of doing so and little else. Canadian conservatives lost their way when they dropped the "progressive" part from their title. But that's another topic, back to the wall.
  6. Anyone with reading comprehension would agree with that. Only one with bias would frame it that way with that quote.
  7. I'd believe that if you actually practiced what you preach, which is little more than bias. In this (and other) threads you represent the far right, while numerous others are infinitely more moderate or otherwise to the left.
  8. It's not both. Moderation is the understanding of common ground and the validity of fact issues. Bias ignores commonality and distorts or dismisses the fact issues.
  9. While civil discourse is important in any discussion, you've admitted to intentionally targeting liberals. That's not moderation, it's bias.
  10. When the president says something stupid every day, then the media reports it verbatim, how can that be bias? Not reporting would be suppression or censorship. Reporting only the positive issues is propaganda. The desperation for a gotcha runs high in that camp. It's all they got, and little else. People are in jail and more are likely headed there.
  11. Mueller's spokesperson claimed the Buzzfeed report was not accurate. That does not make the story fake, but something about is incorrect. Buzzfeed disputes the statement, standing on evidence collected by law enforcement personnel.
  12. Collusion is just a term for communications in secret, illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others. Hanging on the term is a deflection and little else, for the most part. As plausible deniability decays with every new revelation, moving the goal posts is all they've got.
  13. Mr. Mueller perhaps?
  14. I am because it is true. Unless it comes from Fox and Friends while he's on the toilet, there's no convincing Trump of anything. By your suggestion and all things being equal, Trump must convince Mexico to pay for it, like he said. But you and I know that will never happen.
  15. A false equivalency. Where's the Republican compromise in all this? Nowhere, mon frère. My way or the highway is not negotiating in good faith, neither is deferring the cost on the backs of taxpayers when Trump so adamantly and often declared Mexico will be paying for it.
  16. When he doesn't get his way, Trump threatens to shut down the entire border merely by his word. By that logic, a wall isn't necessary at all.
  17. Because it's in the down position?
  18. It has no jurisdiction over sovereign Canada. I own mineral uranium properties in BC and although partisan Americans think my inventory is their inventory, it's not. The accusation by American conservatives and Trump himself over the sale of of Uranium One to Rosatom at the behest of the Clinton Foundation is total bullshit.
  19. Carbon sequestration
  20. What part of carbon dioxide mixing with seawater creating carbonic acid don't you understand? In your denial of human activity contributing to climate change, what part of man made carbon dioxide is inert?
  21. Yup, Combofix is terrific. I run it routinely (every few months) just to be sure something isn't lurking in the background. No installation necessary, just run it and let it do it's thing. It posts a report at the end.
  22. One load of laundry may release upwards of a million micro plastic fibers each time. There's a movement afoot to include laundry room discharge filters into building codes. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/microplastics-laundry-research-vancouver-1.4735877
  23. It's possible to achieve all-female populations in fish, but not in the manner suggested by the OP. The steps involved in producing an all-female strain of salmon are masculinize the first generation; 2) develop a genetic marker that will distinguish genetic males (XY) from genetic females (XX); 3) test each fish with the genetic marker and remove all the genetic males (XY); 4) verify that the removed fish are really males (XY) by growing them to maturity and mating them with normal females (XX) to produce a mixture of male (XY) and female (XX) offspring (used only for research projects); and 5) mating the screened-in fish which are genetically female (XX - but appear to be males and produce sperm) with normal females (XX) to produce all female (XX) offspring. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/aquaculture/acrdp-pcrda/fsheet-ftechnique/issue-fiche-03-eng.html
  24. Hasty Generalization. Making assumptions about a whole group or range of cases based on a sample that is inadequate. False analogy. An error in reasoning occurs when claims are supported by unsound comparisons.
  25. 1- Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the oceans have absorbed approximately a third of the carbon dioxide we have produced 2- Anthropogenic ocean acidification to our knowledge, it is at least 10 times faster than any natural acidification event in the past. This current rate of CO2 release is the fastest in at least the past 55 million years. 3- Overall, ocean acidification has been shown to negatively impact more marine organisms than it helps. In particular, marine species that need a compound called carbonate to build skeletons or shells are negatively impacted because as seawater acidity increases, the concentration of carbonate ions in the water decreases. As this happens, it becomes more difficult for corals, shellfish, and other calcifying (carbonate-requiring) organisms to make their hard parts. https://www.oceanscientists.org/index.php/topics/ocean-acidification Conversely, instead of being rhetorical and broadly dismissive in your opinion, can you be specific?
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