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Everything posted by rangerx

  1. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/12/17/politics/read-trump-impeachment-letter-to-house-democrats/index.html It only gets worse.
  2. And beside that, it was never about turning over an election in the first place. It's just a talking point that's being used, repeatedly.
  3. Well, disassociation isn't exoneration and ignorance is not bliss. He was caught, red handed. Communicating with an indicted party directly involved in the Ukraine scandal, yet conservatives remain oblivious to the fact. How about Juliani? WTF's with that?
  4. Aid is aid. Not everything in a war is lethal. Sanction, attrition, siege etc. are acts of war. Soldiers need to be housed, dressed, equipped, transported and hygienic. It costs money. LOTS of money. "Non-lethal" is just a talking point to belittle Obama, but in the eyes of the world it's needlessly indignant toward the man who actually conscientiously contributed to the war effort.
  5. There's that off topic narrative again. The disassociation with impeachment and projection what democrats will do. The bogus assertion this impeachment is little more than a re-litigated election or a foregone conclusion. All the while that every perceived gaffe by democrats is a vote for Trump. Joe said heck, so they'll will vote for the pussy grabbing, russian loving, lying POS. The opposite is true. So JC, you still haven't answered my Devin Nunes question, so I will ask it again. WTF was Nunes doing speaking with Lev Parnas?
  6. Looks like Yankee Andy imploded. No less, opted not to mention in his resignation speech that he's about to be implicated in election impropriety. Not that the Conservative Party paid for his kids to go to private school, insomuch as he neglected to mention that in his disclosure to the Federales. The man who would have been Prime Minister. Conservatives needed to move on from him. He did the right thing to resign. I'll give him that. For all our sake.
  7. True that. That's not much of a plan for gaining support from farmers. I'm not sure where he's gaining ground in any demography, except maybe Evangelicals. Then again, I'm not so sure. It doesn't sound like a winning strategy to me. It's up to Republicans to fix this, Democrats are there for accountability, despite political risks. The risk for Republicans at this point, is they chose party over country.
  8. That's right. It can used as a cheap talking point to come across as objective. They were probably never really on the fence. It's the swing voter that makes the 1-2% difference determining election outcomes. Trump did not win the popular vote. He has lost farmers, workers, white women, those who lost healthcare and certainly has not garnered much if any minority community support. Those titling Trump as a result of impeachment being a sideshow and little else are few and far between.
  9. Stonewalling and contempt congress provides greater time to bury proof of their innocence. I'm just guessing, but I suspect the 300* Trump ads banned by Google and YouTube this week had "hoax" written all through them.
  10. It's what ended the Watergate scandal, when Republicans said enough was enough and did just that. The Republicans can end this tomorrow, but the density factor is quite thick at the moment. They're doubling down on the senate, which says more about the density factor rather than democracy or the rule of law. No less envisioning the outrage when a Democrat becomes president and remotely behaves that way. The Republicans also grasp the election straw in the impeachment of Trump, claiming let the voters decide. However, I'd suspect that policy would go out the window if a SCOTUS seat came open.
  11. Then it would be a one sided discussion. Disassociation is all they've got.
  12. This video embodies the double standard that is today's GOP. Today, they mewl about the unfair processes they wrote for themselves during the Benghazi hearings. Their lawyer just admitted impeaching a judge who broke no laws.
  13. So long as 1/3 of the population never gets past being criticized for their speech and behavior (often absent of so-called personal responsibility), they're the ones holding everyone else back. Moving on means.... actually moving on. That's what happened when conservatives dropped the progressive part of their agenda. As a Canadian, that ought to be glaringly obvious.
  14. And let us get back to the OP and Devin Nunes actual part in that. Lev Parnas, the indicted friend of Rudy Giuliani, has now implicated Nunes in the Ukraine scheme. Do you find a committee co-chair (or whatever his proper title) going to Vienna on taxpayer money to meet with an indicted conspirator at the very least a little disquieting?
  15. Eeeny meenie minnie moe, because there's too many SWJs running the ship as opposed to we know Trump's a crook who'll throw out the rule book, so we can be crooks too?
  16. Nonsense. Trump is corrupt because he's an asshole. It has nothing to do with democrats. It's just a narrative to side step the issue and completely off topic.
  17. No, republicans need to be personally responsible for their actions. It's incumbent upon their supporters to assure they take personal responsibility. The republicans did that to Nixon for the better of the party and the country and it's at the Republican's peril (not democrats) to think that's not the case today.
  18. That's what we've come to expect. So much for the personal responsibility thing.
  19. Well seeing how you seem certain about what the democrats need to do, I figured you might have some insight what the republicans need to do. Apparently not.
  20. So no culpability then?
  21. And again, this has nothing to do with the Democrats other than it's their house and their rules. Let's talk about Devin Nunes instead. WTF is he still doing on that committee after implicating himself in the fake news/invent dirt scandal at the taxpayer's expense?
  22. No, the Republicans need to get off their asses and throw the bum out instead of grasping at any straw to avoid their culpability in all this.
  23. If only they'd say that about Ivanka and Don Jr. they might garner some credibility, but no. They'd rather stick to the double standard. The Biden story is an excuse. A straw to be grasped for the execution of criminal acts after the fact. The guilty dog barks first. Trumps lies are in fact, admissions of his own misdeeds.
  24. I read what you write. You get your digs in at every turn. Even in this bullshit apology, which is just your way equivocating around inferring I'm crazy. It was intentional and you're still doing it. Then you prove my point by spinning it back to the Democrats at the end. Say anything to avoid the substance, is all you got.
  25. To end the Watergate scandal. it was the Republicans who ousted Nixon. No such introspect occurs in today's Republican caucus. They've chosen the scorched earth tactic instead. Burn down every institution in the democracy to hop into bed with dictators and enemies. It's disgraceful and shameful what they're doing to career diplomats, who are merely doing their jobs and reporting the facts based upon their observations. But no, Republicans gotta fabricate dirt where none exists, no less while Ivanka and Don Jr. are flagrantly doing what they've erroneously accused Hunter Biden of having done.
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