No shame, I need troubleshooting assistance.
I bought some 17kv wire, an extension cord and a toroidal core with the intention of stepping up 120 to 6kv.
Turns: 100:2. (Fyi, Pic demonstrates 1 primary turn not 2)
I made two 50:1 voltage dividers (together 2500:1) to measure this voltage.
I should have measured about 3-6 volts after the divider.
And I did.
Then I disconnected one divider, I should get "overload" but instead I get an identical measurement as before.
So I disconnect all resistors and get the same voltage. ~4 volts.
So I get frustrated and touch both secondary leads together, no sparks. So I measure again, same low voltage. No divider.
I made a mistake with this transformer but can't figure it out.
So I rewound the primary to one turn, and moved it closer in proximity to the core.
Similar disappointing results.
Continuity of both windings checks out.
I figured a transformer would be easy.
What did I do wrong?