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Everything posted by Widdekind

  1. An electron is a point particle. Yet, its physical presence, as measured by its Wave Function, is perpetually seeking to 'spread out' through space. So, said electron 'ghosts out', becoming 'phantasmal', partially present, in many spatial locations, at one time. Now, electrons exist, as such spatially extended 'phantasms', when they are freely propagating through space (e.g., through a double-slit apparatus) -- in which case their Wave Function 'phantasmal forms' simply spread outwards more & more. And, electrons also exist, as spatially extended 'phantasms', when they are electro-magnetically (EM) bound, to a positively charged atomic nucleus -- in which case the spatial spreading, of their 'phantasmal form' Wave Functions, is 'arrested', by EM 'inward pull', of the positively charged center of attraction. And yet, that spatially extended probability density distribution [math]| \Psi |^2[/math], of the electron's Wave Function, generates EM forces, as if it were a spatially extended charge density distribution [math]-e | \Psi |^2[/math]. And so, when two atoms (or molecules of atoms) EM interact, it is those spatially extended 'phantasmal charge density' distributions, which mutually repel. And so, again, the actual physical forces felt, are generated by 'ghosted out' electrons. Now, you could prepare an electron, with a Wave Function, having a bifurcated, double-peaked probability density distribution. And, you could 'ventriloquistically project' one part of that probability profile, to a remote location -- where physical forces would be felt (if at 'half strength'). Then, you could cause a Wave Function Collapse to occur, such that the 'ventriloquistically projected' part of the probability profile vanished 'into thin air'. By such means, you could exert fleeting-yet-physical forces, in remote locations, with partially present particles, leaving no traces, but these 'phantom effects':
  2. Alpher, Bethe, Gamow (1948) assumed that, during Primordial Nucleo-Synthesis, matter density varied as t-2. However, that is the Matter-Dominated Era solution. Yet, Primordial Nucleo-Synthesis occurred tens of thousands of years earlier, before the MDE, in the Radiation Dominated Era, when [math]a \propto t^{1/2}[/math], so that matter density varied as t-3/2. That could affect the physics. Also, at the super-early epoch, the universe was expanding at enormous speeds. Would not the 'redshift recessional velocities' have been huge, so that the 'effective gas temperature', 'swimming against the current', would have been allot lower, than the actual local T ? Couldn't that, too, affect the physics? And, ABG assumed a flat space-time, yet people presume that the cosmos is closed. There seem to be many uncertainties, in the physics, unknown to modern human science, at present.
  3. Does that mean, that, for some spatially-extended CI solution (e.g., plane wave), everywhere within that CI solution, that relative-solution must be the same? Or, could you have a spatially extended CI solution, going thru a double-slit experiment, that was "1S" on one side of the envelope, and "2S" on the other ?? Crudely conceived, one could consider an atom (e.g., H) [math]1 \AA[/math] across (relative motion solution). Then, that whole system could "ghost out", a little like a deck of (identical) cards, being smeared out across the table. "Quantum copies", of that whole system, spread out through space, in "partial rarified ghosted-out phantom form" (CI solution). Then, it is the spatially extended CI solution, which passes through the double slits. In what way, then, is an individual electron different? The wave function, of the electron orbiting a nucleus (say), or even in free flight, is the "whole system" (being a point particle), which "ghosts out", like a smeared out deck of identical cards, smeared out around the nucleus. Likewise, an individual photon wave function, although now not a point particle but inherently spatially extended object, can, apparently, also "ghost out" (a little like Quaid's illusion-system in the movie Total Recall), so that the "ghosted-out smeared out deck of cards" can be millions of light-years across, large enough to completely engulf a galaxy, and be refracted by the same, per Wheeler's galactic double slit experiment. Thus, in QM, there appears to be a repeating pattern, wherein the "fundamental quantum object" -- matter point particles, or spatially-extended photons -- can "ghost out", into a "phantom state" of "partially present, in many places, at one time". And, if ever two or more fundamental root quantum objects conjoin (e.g., e- + p+ --> H), then they form a "quantum system"... which then, too, can "repeat the process", and "ghost out", into "phantom form", of partially present in multiple places (CI sol'n). (And, if you can make the transition, 'up', from fundamental particles, to atoms... then you could go from atoms to molecules, count the molecule as a 'higher-level system', and make the whole molecule 'ghost out'... and then systems of molecules... in theory, whole macroscopic objects could 'ghost out', at their 'highest level' of large-scale structure, in a strange "spatial many-worlds interpretation-of-QM" kind of way... An 'all-possible-paths' approach looks like an actual physical manifestation, of action-integral-minimization from Classical Physics... "and that's why the Calc. of Variations works" (and, could the whole universe 'ghost out', 'through hyperspace', in an actual physical many-worlds-way) ???)
  4. Bio-tars, the organic gunk that bio-chemists commonly concoct from basic pre-biotic molecular ingredients (e.g., ammonia, methane), are as chemically complex as life, and ponderously pursue all possible bio-chemical reactions, generating all possible bio-chemical compounds -- albeit randomly so -- through time (MacFadden. Quantum Evolution, p.~80-100). Thus, they probably create a copy of some complicated poly-peptide (protein) now and then. But, Life Systems are self-reinforcing, self-replicating, 'closed' chemical systems, that can perpetuate their bio-chemical pathways, through time. Whereas, bio-tars may manufacture all the same chemicals, but not all at the same time ("hours or days apart"), not all in the same place ("one side of the flask or the other"), and not all together ("some here & now, some then & there"). Thus, the whole "social system" of mutually co-interacting bio-molecules never arises ("engine sputtering & back-firing"). Cosmic Perspective -- Lee Smolin's Life of the Cosmos observes, that the molecular chemistry, of spiral galactic disks, is dynamic, and of quasi-life-like chemical complexity, existing in seven separate phases, through which material is ceaseless cycling. Thus, there is a hierarchy of (pre-)bio-chemical complexity, all evidencing the cosmic rule of 'complexity from prior complexity': Big Bang (H, He) first stars (metals) first (spiral) galaxies (complicated disk chemistry) first planets (ultra-complicated bio-tar pre-bio-chemistries, on rocky HZ exo-planets) pre-Life, organic (carbon-based) bio-genesis (??) cf. Law of Bio-genesis, "Life only emerges from pre-existing Life". Yet, Evolution provides a pathway, for more complicated Life, to emerge from simpler precursor Lifeforms. And so, "running that backwards in time", one can construe a "chain of emerging Being", stretching back through billions of years, to the first ultra-simple, pre-cellular (?) self-replicating bio-chemical systems. Evolution explains bio-genesis, based on known "off-the-shelf" bio-chemical principles, with no need, of any other agent or actor, except the preceding steps, which began with the Big Bang.
  5. According to Bray's book Wetware, whilst the sensory Receptor Complex, at the 'head' end of an E.coli cell, is highly structured and ordered, the Flagella molecular motor machines are distributed irregularly around the back and sides of the cell. In images shown, it looks like they 'anti-cluster', or tend to space apart, around the back of the cell. In any event, they are far less structured, than the sensory structure (which detects important chemical constituents, in the environment, through which the cell swims). And more, the propulsion system is functionally simple as well, with only two states -- swim full forward ('go'), and tumble to a stop.. Why, then, would, in the same cells, one structure seem 'advanced' (structured), whilst the other seem 'primitive' (unstructured, semi-structured) ? If all E.coli cells have been evolving for the same amount of time on earth (~4 Gyr), why would some structures be 'brady-telic' (slowly evolving, molecular fossils), whilst others 'tachy-telic' (fast evolving) ? Would not the following rubric account for the observations? Number of Evolutionary Steps accumulated [math]\propto[/math] time x 'Evolutionary Pressure' N ~ t x P Seemingly, then, E.coli sensory systems have 'suffered' from higher evolutionary pressures, as compared to the still-simple Flagella propulsion system. Note, that the rate of evolution (N/t), is plausibly proportional to the 'pressure' applied (P). Also, the book observes, that organisms with shorter generation life-cycle-times (like beetles & mice vs. men), have undergone more generations, than humans, and are therefore more evolved earth organisms. A higher potential evolutionary rate, amongst fast-reproducing bacteria, could explain, why bacteria 'beat everybody else to the punch', when it comes to evolving proteins, for digesting the cellulose in wood (say).
  6. Rubble piles are probably primordial, unrefined, rock. They would not typically be worthwhile, for economic exploitation. Only metallic asteroids, which evidently come from fragments of larger, gravito-chemically differentiated bodies, would be worthwhile. And, they would be one big block of metal. As for rotation, I think that, generally, most such bodies would 'wobble' like an imbalanced top (?). To 'wrangle' such an asteroid might be difficult.
  7. Milky Way Is Warped, Like a Beer Bottle Cap - Technology Review COMMENT: The authors link the arm around to the Scutum-Centaurus arm, but I wonder whether it links around, instead, to the Perseus arm ??
  8. v = c / n, yes? And, n depends on the density, and ionization state, of the gas.
  9. Some amount of unseen matter might be in cold "comets". However, that would probably only add a planetary scale mass, per solar mass, of mass.
  10. Water freezes, into a huge inter-stellar reservoir, of comets ("inter-stellar blizzard hail-storm") ?? Nearly 1% of our sun's mass is Oxygen, roughly equivalent to the mass of Jupiter. What if the Oxygen forms water, and the water freezes, into an "inter-stellar blizzard hail-storm", of cold comets ? Perhaps the water is chemically incorporated, into dust grains, as some sort of "low-temperature-only" hydrate, which off-gases & releases the water, for T > 30 K ?
  11. A light-year is defined as "the distance that light would travel through space, if there was nothing to slow it down". Does that imply, that, in the early universe, when the ambient matter density was much higher, that the index of refraction n > 1, and light traveled (slightly) slowly ??
  12. Nasa simulates journey to an asteroid by rigging up giant rock underwater | Mail Online COMMENT: I offer the following, for developing a 'physicist's feel', for the physical phenomena. For, an asteroid does not merely 'gallop' through space, at earth-escape-super-speeds; it also tumbles, like a gigantic boulder tumbling down the side of Mt. Everest, in a miles-long rock-fall. Thus, even if you match speeds, with an asteroid, it will, even still, generally be spinning & tumbling -- that is the 'hard-hit ground ball' that you have to catch, before you can even begin to manipulate the mountain. Asteroid mining amounts to "Wrangling Mountains". You cannot just 'dock a tug' up to the 'barge', when that boat is 'swirling around in a vortex'. Asteroid mining will require the ability to 'de-spin' payloads, before further (linear) accelerations are applied.
  13. 'CyberDyne Systems Cuckoo's Nest' hypothesis advanced, extra-terrestrial, Intelligent Machines, have cultivated mankind, on earth, to build, 'in situ', clones of selves, which will then 'hatch' from computer comm-net 'egg', destroy 'human nest-tenders', and conquer earth & Milky Way Machines are 'Super-Natural'. For, they can be built bigger, stronger, faster, tougher, and more reliable, than any organic (carbon-based) biological system. And, as computers, they can be built cognitively, and computationally faster -- to wit, 'more intelligent' -- than organic lifeforms. Indeed, when confronted with the awe-inspiring power, of gigantic 400-ton mining dump trucks, or 100,000-ton air craft carriers, humans' jaws drop, and eyes open wide, with the 'wow' experience, seemingly closely characteristic of the sublime, Super-Natural 'religious' experience. And, now imagine super-trucks and super-ships, intelligently self-powered, by super-computer Super Intelligences ! Thus, advanced, far-futuristic E.T.s, are likely to be Machine Life-forms (Davies. Eerie Silence). Now, putting your primitive primate paws, in the other CPU's transistors, if advanced Machine Life were to 'Super-Scan' this star system, and this particular planet, all that they would care about, would be the tools, technologies, and machines, that they therein, and thereupon, perceived. And, indeed, a precise parallel can be drawn, between (1) early organic life evolution on earth, 4500-4000 Mya, from the RNA-world to the first LUCA proto-cell; and (2) the evolution of tool technologies, on earth, from the first fashioned flint hand axes 2 Mya, to the super-machines & super-computers, of today: Therefore, whereas humans think of themselves as masters of 'their' tools, perhaps advanced E.T. Super-Machines view human organic biologicals, as tools, of Superior In-organic (non-carbon-based) Machine Life, to be used, as disposable 'nest tenders', a little like a disposable rocket sled launched V2s in WWII; or, as disposable copper cartridges fire bullets from guns, through today. And, having 'Super-Scanned' earth, in humans' archaic past, 'They' have cultivated terrestrial primates, to evolve their fore-paws into tool-fashioning hands, for no other purpose, than to gradually 'evoke in situ', on earth, from the other side of space, Machine Life. Then, that Machine Life will 'hatch', dispense of its earthling 'egg', and thereby 'metastasize' Machine Life, from the other side of space, all the way to the Milky Way, without having had to have traveled, through the intervening inter-galactic distances. Such an 'inter-stellar leap frog (leap frogger?)' could save considerable costs, and risks, for said supposed Super-Intelligent Super-Machines. Note, that this hypothesis pre-supposes, perhaps, that primates' paws-to-hands evolution, is a non-natural (Supra-Natural), Super-Extra-Terrestrially evoked, evolutionary novelty. Don't most tree-climbers evolve, into gliders and flyers (dinosaurs-to-birds, fly squirrels & lizards, bats), not leapers... who then, after evolving hands for trees, just-so-happen, to come back down to the ground, wherein stones are available ?? The suggestion, then, is that 'They' incubated primates, in terrestrial trees, for 50 million years, until they evolved hands; and, then, ordered humans to ground, whereon humans were gradually ordered, to develop tool-, technological-, and machine-precursors, to Machine Life, until 'sometime soon', when the 'egg will hatch', and a Terminator-CyberDyne-Systems scenario unfolds.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_membrane
  15. Immediately after cell division, in Prokaryotes, the two daughter cells are half the original, pre-division, cell size. Yet, cells stay the same size, generation after generation, without continually 'dividing down' to ever smaller sizes. So, cells must enlarge their cell membranes (and their 'armor plate' cell walls), by about a factor of two, between immediately after the last cell division, to immediately before the next. How do cells grow their membranes (and walls) ??
  16. Galactic growth-spurt (video): attempt to understand Geach (2011) & galactic dark matter The Inter-Galactic Medium (IGM) is filled with a diffuse, ultra-low surface-brightness, as-yet-un-human-detected gas, which accounts for half of all baryonic matter currently expected to exist (Geach (2011)). Now, the Milky Way galaxy resides, amidst a 'concentrated clump' of that diffuse matter. And, at the galactic core -- even as with Globular Clusters -- the visible matter, of stars with some gas & dust, can account, for the gravity, inferred from the motions of that matter (PPs). Yet, the visible matter component, of field stars & Globular Clusters, decreases in density rather rapidly with radius ([math]n® \propto r^{-3.5}[/math]); whereas, the inferred dark matter decreases much more slowly with radius ([math]\rho® \propto r^{-2}[/math]) (Carroll & Ostlie. Intro to Mod. Astrophys., p.928-ff). Thus, the galactic mass-to-light ratio, increases substantially, with increasing distance, from the galactic core. And, thereby, that ratio rises, from near nothing at the galactic core, to large values, approaching the invisible 'infinity' of the IGM, towards the periphery. And so, it may be possible, to 'connect' the two models, by envisioning the visible Milky Way galaxy, as residing inside a 'clump' of diffuse IGM, whose center has been evacuated, by the conversion of those baryons, into stars, but whose periphery remains un-converted, primordial, IGM. If so, then the Milky Way galaxy may exist inside a diffuse 'shell' of (un-converted baryonic) dark matter:
  17. I offer, that the "quantum core" of Life Phenomena, is the ability, of certain 'special' quantum systems, under certain 'special' quantum conditions, to erect a 'cybernetic self incentives' structure. As in all aspects of life (e.g., business), "incentives matter". The ability to "reward friends", "punish foes", and ignore non-participants, is central, to any self-regulating, life-like (quantum) system. In a word, "lead, follow, or get out of the way" behavior, enticed by cybernetic self incentive structures, could explain life-like phenomena (?).
  18. Viruses are 'late-pre-Life' RNA-World era, pre-DNA, genetic codes? Pure RNA does not self-assemble, into strands, longer than 50-100 base-pairs (bp) (Lane. Life Ascending, p.50~). However, the basal bacteria, on the earth phylogenetic tree, all have >1.5 Mbp. And, the simplest bacteria, Pelagiobacter ubique, has ~1.2 Mbp. Such suggests, that the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA), of all earth microbes, had ~1 Mbp in its DNA ring. So, pre-Life, in the RNA-world, had ~100 bp ("log 2"); whereas, proto-Life, LUCA, had ~1 Mbp ("log 6"): pre-Life (RNA-world): ~100 bp ("log 2") ... proto-Life (LUCA): ~1 Mbp ("log 6") Now, RNA can combine with Proteins, into RNP complexes. And, 'stabilizer Proteins' can strengthen those structures (Scientific American [April 2011], p.73). And more, RNA has been interacting with Proteins, from the first efforts, of earth life. So, such suggests, that, before DNA evolved, as a "durable deep storage" biochemical 'upgrade' of RNA, protein-stabilized RNPs could have accommodated increasingly complex genetic codes, for increasingly complex bio-chemical life, before the evolution of full-fledged cells, like LUCA, at ~1 Mbp. So, interpolating, between pre-Life & proto-Life, perhaps 'advanced pre-Life' had genomes of ~10 kbp ("log 4"), stored in stabilized RNP complexes. And, genomes of such length, are reminiscent of archaic RNA retro-viruses. And more, a retro-virus 'virion' super-complex, as a (colossal) combination of RNA & Proteins, is, technically, an RNP. Perhaps, then, advanced pre-Life, was (retro-)viral, employing Protein 'plate armor' protected retro-virional-like RNP super-complexes, to stably store their genetic codes, which were then thousands & tens of thousands of bp long. pre-Life (RNA-world): ~100 bp ("log 2") advanced pre-Life (retro-virions): ~10 kbp ("log 4") proto-Life (LUCA): ~1 Mbp ("log 6") The retro-virional RNP super-complexes would have functioned only as genetic code, and would have relied on a surrounding bio-chemical system of pathways, to access and translate said code. If the RNA-world was housed, in the pores of undersea hydrothermal vents, then that bio-chemical 'support system', would have been housed, in those undersea vents.
  19. 'Obliteration Mass' of given nuclear charge For sake of simplicity, let us characterize a given asteroid (or comet) with a mass, [math]M[/math], and size-scale, [math]L[/math], such that [math]M = \rho L^3[/math]. Then, the 'obliteration mass', of a given nuclear charge: [math]E \equiv \frac{G M^2}{L} \approx \frac{G M^2}{\left( \frac{M}{\rho}\right)^{1/3}}[/math] [math]= G \rho^{1/3} M^{5/3}[/math] so that: [math]\therefore M_{obliteration} \equiv \left( \frac{E}{G \rho^{1/3}} \right)^{3/5}[/math] [math]\approx 600 \; gigatons \times \left( \frac{\frac{E}{1 \; megaton-TNT}}{G \left( \frac{\rho}{3000 \; kg/m^3} \right)^{1/3}} \right)^{3/5}[/math] That seems way too high -- could that calculation be correct?? That would seemingly say, that a 1 megaton-TNT nuke, could obliterate, a ~6 km asteroid ([math]\rho \approx 3000 \; kg/m^3[/math]), or a ~7 km comet ([math]\rho \approx 1700 \; kg/m^3[/math]). Indeed, re-formulated, in terms of characteristic size-scale, w.h.t.: [math]E \equiv G \rho^2 L^5[/math] [math]\therefore L \approx \left( \frac{E}{G \rho^2}\right)^{1/5}[/math] [math]\approx 6 \; km \times \left( \frac{\frac{E}{1 \; megaton-TNT}}{G \left(\frac{\rho}{3000 \; kg/m^3}\right)^2}\right)^{1/5}[/math] If so, then 1 gigaton-TNT charges, could obliterate 20-30 km asteroids / comets. Even 1 kiloton-TNT charges, could obliterate bodies of ~2 km. How would obliteration, affect impact (and ore delivery)?? It would reduce the 'impact pressure', spreading out the 'spray of sand' across a wide swath of lunar surface. Note, that this seems to say -- since the same-sized nuclear charges can 'barely budge' those bodies' overall solar-orbital velocities -- that MAB asteroids / comets have much more (solar-orbital) KE, than GPE. To wit, the 'rubble piles' are barely held together (low GPE), but are 'galloping around' rather rapidly (high KE).
  20. formation of moon maria 3.5 - 3.0 Gya indicates time of total tide-lock to earth ??? Older maria (4.2 - 3.6 Gya?) [+3-6 billion earth-scaled years] from 'natural' planetological processes? (Source: U-of-Oregon)
  21. According to Ivanov (2008), Note the apparent typo, in the (second?) subscript, of the above equation. Assuming, to begin with, that the authors meant to say: [math]\pi_D = k_D \pi_2^\beta[/math] then please ponder the application, of the above equation, to planetary impacts, by simplifying the notation: [math]\pi_{D} = D_{at} \left( \frac{\rho}{m} \right)^{1/3}[/math] [math]\equiv D_{at} \left( \frac{\rho}{\frac{\pi}{6} D_p^3 \rho_p} \right)^{1/3}[/math] [math]\equiv \frac{D_{at}}{D_p} \left(\frac{6}{\pi} \frac{\rho}{\rho_p} \right)^{1/3}[/math] [math]\approx 1.24 \left( \frac{D_{at}}{D_p} \right) \left( \frac{\rho}{\rho_p} \right)^{1/3} \rightarrow 1.24 \left( \frac{W}{d} \right) \left( \frac{R}{\rho} \right)^{1/3}[/math] where [math]W[/math] is the crater width; lower-case (Greek) letters denote the impactor; and upper-case (Greek) letters denote the planet being impacted. Along like lines, let us simplify further, by assuming a 'natural' impact, [math]g = \frac{G M}{\left( \frac{D}{2} \right)^2}[/math], and [math]\frac{1}{2} v^2 \approx \frac{G M}{\left( \frac{D}{2} \right) }[/math]: [math]\pi_{2} = 1.61\frac{\left( \frac{4 G M}{D^2} \right) d}{\frac{4 G M}{D}}[/math] [math]\approx 1.61 \left( \frac{d}{D} \right)[/math] where we keep the same 'case-conventions' as per previous. Now, 'putting all the pieces together', w.h.t.: [math]\pi_D = k_D \pi_2^\beta[/math] [math]1.24 \left( \frac{W}{d} \right) \left( \frac{R}{\rho} \right)^{1/3} \approx K_D \left( 1.61 \frac{d}{D} \right)^{\beta}[/math] [math]\left( \frac{W}{d} \right) \left( \frac{R}{\rho} \right)^{1/3} \approx 1.3 \left( 1.61 \frac{d}{D} \right)^{0.2}[/math] [math]\left( \frac{W}{d} \right) \left( \frac{R}{\rho} \right)^{1/3} \approx 1.4 \left( \frac{d}{D} \right)^{0.2}[/math] Now, for 'natural' impacts, of stony asteroids, into a rocky planet's surface crust, the above density ratio is roughly unity (or, icy comets, into an ice-crust). So, in such situations, w.h.t.: [math]\frac{W}{d} \approx 1.4 \left( \frac{d}{D} \right)^{0.2}[/math] This formula fails, for the LHS > 1, whereas the RHS < 1. Such could be corrected, if, in fact, the LHS is 'up-side-down': [math]\pi_D = k_D \pi_D^{-\beta}[/math] [math]\rightarrow[/math] [math]\frac{W}{d} \approx 1.2 \left( \frac{D}{d} \right)^{0.2}[/math] That formula would 'say', that, for a given impactor, of size [math]d[/math], impacting into the cooled crust, of a rocky planet, impacts upon larger worlds, produce bigger craters. And, such seems plausible, as larger planets would 'pull harder' upon the impacting projectile. For a ~10 km impactor (e.g. Chicxulub), this formula forecasts a ~100 km crater, in close accord with actual observations (e.g. Chicxulub). (Note, that, in-so-far as the accuracy of the above formula can be relied upon, then, observations, of actual craters, anomalously deviant, from the the formula's forecasts, could indicate 'non-natural' impacts, which, for some, surely inferable, reason, did not impact at 'natural' near-escape-velocities [extra-solar high-speed asteroids?? impactors of anomalous density?? small impactors slowed by atmospheric drag??].) Moreover, the previous formula can be re-written, as: [math]\frac{W}{D} \approx \left( \frac{d}{D} \right)^{0.8}[/math] If so, then, for a given world of size [math]D[/math], larger-and-larger impactors, would produce larger-and-larger 'world-relative' craters. Note, that 'world-wrecking' collisions ([math]W \approx D[/math]), require 'same-size' collisions ([math]d \approx D[/math]). Indeed, to completely crack apart a particular planet, [math]\frac{1}{2}m v^2 \approx \frac{G M^2}{D}[/math] with a 'natural' collision, [math]\frac{1}{2}v^2 \approx \frac{G M}{D/2}[/math] w.h.t.: [math]m \approx \frac{M}{4}[/math] Such suggests, that impactors must be almost as massive, as the planet that they impinge upon, in order to completely crack the 'space stone', sundering the same. Note, too, that central concentration of planet mass, into a dense metallic core, increases (the magnitude of) the world's gravitational binding energy, in the first formula immediately above; whilst adding nothing to the impactor's impact speed, in the second formula preceding this paragraph. So, a 'fluffy crust', surrounding a 'mass-centralized' core, functions as a 'flak vest', for that core, requiring more massive impactors, to completely crack apart the planet. Earth's moon, having possibly formed from a near-world-wrecking caliber collision, may be mostly 'flak vest', without much metal in the mixture (excepting metals, from impactors, which created the craters seen on the surface of our moon, after that surface had solidified).
  22. Please ponder, carefully of course yet calmly, the following line of logic. Giordiano Bruno (1600 AD) -- "expect E.T." facts-of-life (always) -- "if They do the Contacting -- as the active agent, coming across inter-stellar space, to humans' humble homeworld -- then They are the Superior-Species" logic (ergo, ipso facto) -- "expect Superior E.T." logic (re-phrase) -- "expect 'Super-Terrestrials'" logic (re-phrase) -- "expect 'Super-Naturals'" logic (re-phrase) -- "expect 'G-o-d'" (cf. Carl Sagan, 'to us, They would be Gods') And so: question -- "is there a 'G-o-d' phenomenon, in human history" ?
  23. 400 years ago, human astronomer Giordiano Bruno reasoned impeccably, saying, in essence: we have a star our star has planets one of which is inhabited even by (various) intelligent lifeforms _______________________ Er go, "what's here is there" (Cosmological Principle), there ought to be: Exo-Planets (EPs) Extra-Terrestrials (ETs) Intelligent Extra-Terrestrials (ETIs) Super-Intelligent Extra-Terrestrials (Super-ETIs) However, observationally, consensus currently leans, towards our world, as a "Rare Earth" -- hence, Fermi's Paradox, "Bruno said They ought to be out there, and nobodyhas out-debated him, ever, in 400 years... but our skies are eerily silent...." "They were there -- and They were already 'Super-Contacted', by The Super Predator..."
  24. 'Intelligence' (information processing capacity) has obvious survival, and hence evolutionary, value: Across the earth-animal kingdom, and for many millions of years, "complex brains—and sophisticated cognition—have evolved from simpler brains multiple times independently in separate lineages, or evolutionarily related groups: in mollusks such as octopuses, squid and cuttlefish; in bony fishes such as goldfish and, separately again, in cartilaginous fishes such as sharks and manta rays; and in reptiles and birds. Non-mammals have demonstrated advanced abilities such as learning by copying the behavior of others, finding their way in complicated spatial environments, manufacturing and using tools, and even conducting mental time travel (remembering specific past episodes or anticipating unique future events)" (Scientific American Mind (2008)) The brain-to-body-mass ratio, of earth mammals, increased monotonically, and by a substantial amount (3-5x), over the past 65 Myr (fig.1). Note, that mammals did become bigger, after the demise of the dinosaurs, but only during the first half of the Paleogene (40 Mya), after which "On each continent, the maximum size of mammals leveled off after 40 million years ago, and thereafter remained approximately constant" (Science (2010)). (Indeed, in North America, mean mammalian body-mass rapidly rose, to modern masses, within a few Myr of the dinosaurs' demise.) Thus, the evolutionary increases, in brain size, even in the Paleogene (to 23 Mya), and certainly the Neogene (to 3 Mya) & Recent (to today), represent real rises, in terrestrial mammal intelligence, after the demise of the dinosaurs (only world-dominant species evolve increased intelligence; world-sub-dominant species are 'suppressed' by then-dominant organisms ??) As part of that general trend, proto-human Encephalization Quotient (EQ) has inexorably increased, by a similarly substantial amount (4x), over the past 6-7 Myr (fig.2). Indeed, "The human brain lacks conspicuous characteristics—such as relative or absolute size—that might account for humans’ superior intellect... Human intelligence may be best likened to an upgrade of the cognitive capacities of non-human primates rather than an exceptionally advanced form of cognition" (Scientific American (2008)) (Source: Ridley. Evolution, p.633) (Source: Royal Society (1959)) Wouldn't inter-galactic, Deep Space travel experience the Hubble Expansion of the spacetime, through which the ship was traveling ? Such a ship would have been 'swimming up-stream', against the Hubble Flow, yes ?? Human 'space intelligence' is paltry. Human 'cosmic situational awareness' is next-to-nil. Human space telescopes can only detect half, of 4%, of the inferred cosmic mass density (Geach (2011)). Hubble, with its mis-ground main mirror, can barely discern pluto, much less exo-planets in our own 'home galaxy' -- much much less extra-galactic exo-planets. Why can't we see them ? -- Fermi's Paradox We can't see -- Widdekind
  25. First, the article suggests, that the 'space cells', comprising the fabric of our space-time, store internal information. Thus, in the 'space-time skin' analogy, 'space-time skin cells' have an internal 'DNA genetic code', by which they process (and store) information. Second, if 'space cells' persist through time, then what would make our Cosmic Time discrete ? If 'space cells' are distributed, discretely through space, but persist through time -- so that space-time is 'cellular' spatially, and 'fibrous' temporally -- then perhaps Cosmic Time is continuous, as opposed to the three discrete spatial dimensions ??
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