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Everything posted by Widdekind

  1. Plasmids are pieces of DNA, that bacteria incorporate into their own genome: Such seems superficially similar, to (lysogenic) bacteriophage virus DNA, which enters bacterial cells, and is incorporated into the cell's internal functionings. Perhaps Plasmids underlie the Eukaryotic transition to diploid-ism, representing some sort of "proto-sexual reproduction" ??
  2. In his book 4th Dimension, Rudy Rucker says that matter & antimatter, induce (hyperspatial) curvatures, in spacetime, in "opposite" (hyperspatial) directions. From a Flatland perspective, if matter causes the rubber sheet to "sag down", then antimatter would cause an equal-but-opposite curvature "up". This is so, that when matter & antimatter combine, the resulting curvatures cancel, back into flat spacetime fabric. However, photons are their own anti-particles. Thus, any curvatures caused by the mass-energy-equivalent in photons, must be able to "self-cancel". Does that imply, that, whereas matter & antimatter cause curvatures of constant "sign" (hyper-spatially "out" or "in"), photons cause "oscillating curvatures" (hyper-spatially "out" and "in") ??? To wit, massive matter has a "frozen in" curvature (always "out" or "in"), whereas light has a "flexible & varying" curvature (alternating "out" & "in") ???
  3. Astronomers define the Hill Sphere Radius, about a gravitating planetoid, to be that orbital distance, beyond which, any satellites will be tidally stripped by the central star: So, seemingly, until the Earth's Moon's period is ~1 year (1:1 resonance), it will remain more tidally influenced by the Earth, than by the Sun, and remain bound to the former. So, seemingly, also, the Moon orbits the Earth >13x too quickly, to begin being affected / afflicted by tidal interactions w/ the Sun.
  4. When Enzymes "latch onto" their particular Substrate molecules, there is a "distortion of the bonds in the Substrate, which occurs on binding; these bonds, now under strain, are more readily broken" ([Open University -- S104, Bk. 5] Life, p.94). Thus, Electro-Mechanical Potential Energy (EMPE), latent in the "unsprung" Enzyme, is applied to electron bonds in the Substrate molecule, physically stretching out those electrons' Molecular Bonding Orbitals (MBOs), and thereby "partially breaking" those bonds, raising their EMPE, and making them easier to break: [math]EMPE_{enzyme} \rightarrow EMPE_{substrate}[/math] To wit, Enzymes transfer latent "unsprung" EMPE, to their specific Substrates, upon being "sprung", by binding with the same. This "Energy effect" happens in addition to the "spatial positioning effect", per PPs by Steevey & Mississippichem. When, boosted by both physical phenomena, the various Substrates are assembled into the final reaction Product, that Product, by "pulling its pieces together", re-stresses the electron bonds of the Enzyme's Binding Sites, "pulling the traps back open", and so "re-setting" the same, into their "unsprung" states. To wit, the Product molecule transfers EMPE back to the Enzyme: [math]EMPE_{enzyme} \rightarrow EMPE_{substrates}[/math] [math]\Sigma s_i \rightarrow P[/math] [math]EMPE_{product} \rightarrow EMPE_{enzyme}[/math] Electron bonding orbitals possess spring-like EMPE, so that stressing & stretching the same requires, and stores, Work Energy. EMPE, latent in the "unsprung" Enzyme, does Work on Substrate bonds. Then, as it assembles, the Product does Work on the "sprung" Enzyme bonds, "popping the traps [binding Sites] back open", and returning the Enzyme to its "unsprung" state.
  5. In 1966, a BOAC aircraft flying over Mt. Fuji was beset by turbulence, broke apart, and crashed (DC What You Can't See -- In the Air (DVD)). Could some sort of SONAR system, facing forward from the cockpits of passenger planes, perceive pockets of turbulence ? Could such systems "Whale / Dolphin blast" forward-fired intense SONAR pulses, to break apart those pockets, before finally flying through them ??
  6. When large asteroids collide, wouldn't they emit (some) Gravity Wave radiation "ripples" through spacetime ? When large stars Supernova, wouldn't they also emit such "spacetime sound-waves" ?? Couldn't GW detectors be used, to "hear" the "crashings" of asteroids & comets, in the asteroid belt (say), or the "snap crackle pop" of distant SNs ?? In the cold darkness of space, a "good pair of ears" (GW detectors) could conceivably be beneficial.
  7. The 3D hyper-spherical volume, of a hyper-spherical Closed Cosmic spacetime, is (??): [math]S_3 = \pi R^2 S_1 = \pi R^2 (2 \pi R) = 2 \pi^2 R^3[/math] With [math]R^2 = a_0^2 = D_H^2 / \delta\Omega_m[/math], w.h.t.: [math]S_3 = \frac{2 \pi^2 D_H^3}{\delta \Omega_m^{3/2}}[/math] and [math]D_H = 4000 Mpc[/math], w.h.t.: [math]S_3 = 15.5 \times 10^6 \; Gly^3[/math] ??? Note that S2 = 107,000 Gly2 (???).
  8. If one could somehow measure, the 'strength' of a Bohmian Pilot Wave, for a given quantum particle, over some finite volume of space... would that knowledge uniquely specify, that Pilot Wave, over the rest of space ?
  9. ROUGH DRAFT Consciousness is correlated to brain electrical activity. Now, an actual electrical signal, sent by some neuron, by virtue of being observable, must (??) represent a Type I 'quantum jump' WFC process. Such suggests, that before any 'actualized' electrical signal is sent, by any constellation of neurons engaged in cognition, Type II 'incorporeal ghost-phase' quantum evolution (of WFs according to SWE) was previously occurring, in a 'pre-observed sub-reality', presumably of the coherently quantum-entangled WFs, of the neurons 'cognition structures'. If so, then any 'quantum computations' occurring within the brain, have already happened, by the time any electrical impulses are discharged, across the neuronal-net, involved in the thinking of the thought. And, if so, actualized electrical discharges merely convey the results of those prior quantum calculations. Such suggests the following schematic of the brain's (proposed) quantum calculation procedure: WFs, of 'cognition structures', of neurons in a Neural Net, carry out quantum-coherent quantum computation, in 'incorporeal pre-observed ghost-phase' (Type II evolution) Completion of Quantum Computation triggers 'quantum jump' WFC (Type I evolution) Such might mean, that whenever scientists record actualized electrical activity in (human) brains, they are only recording the after-effects of thought -- to wit, the conveyance, of quantum-calculated result-data, from one Neural Net, to another (a 'conscious thought'). But, the actual 'thinking', reflecting the 'pre-observation quantum-coherent quantum-calculation', occurred, before the final 'result-thought' was 'determined into actualization'. Again, electrical activity in the brain, reflects post-quantum-calculation information transmission, not the 'incorporeal ghost-phase' quantum-calculation. The 'magic' of cognition, has happened already, by the time Neural Nets activate actualized electrical discharges.
  10. Possibility Preferencing Process would allow Quantum Coherence to survive "thermal harassment" by "ignoring the abuse" whilst "focusing on the goal" A Possibility Preferencing Process (P3) would allow Quantum Systems (QS's) to maintain Quantum Coherence (QC) 'through the flak' of thermal agitations, by allowing QS's to "de-select" Wave Function Collapse (WFC) opportunities, with "extraneous" mass-energy. By "refusing" WFC, with "external QS's", somehow recognized as "other"; and, by "choosing" WFC, only with "internal QS's", somehow recognized as "self"; then, a vast armada, of mutually-self-entangled Quantum Objects (qo's), could maintain strongly-quantum mechanical QC, despite the presence of interloping "intruding" qo's, by essentially "ignoring" those "other" qo's, as if they were not even there. If so, Living Systems may operate, in a "virtual vacuum", maintained by a "callous disregard" for "out-group member" qo's. For example, interacting bio-molecules, inside a living cell, may effectively "ignore" the Cell Water molecules, as "beneath their consideration". Such a "haughty disdain", would allow biologically active molecules to "stay focused" on Life-maintenance tasks, even as sports-players actively ignore the antics of fans, to focus fully on their free-throws & field-goals. Such a proposed P3 would be integrally associated with a "sense of self", to wit, a "soul". Note that this proposed P3 would only affect von Neumann Type I Quantum Jump WFC's. During 'normal' Type II quantum evolution, according to the SWE, the "incorporeal WF's", of "self-organized" biologically active qo's, would still be "scattered & dispersed", by interactions with "intruding" qo's (which would apply appropriate potential terms, to the Hamiltonians, in the SWE). However, despite the "scattered smearing" of their "harassed WF's", self-organized qo's would "stoically refuse" all Type I WFC's associated with those "other, non-group member" qo's. Only upon 'proper' quantum interactions, with the appropriate "same, in-group member" qo's, would Type I WFC finally be triggered, according to the particular preferences, of the self-organized qo's, by the "magic means", of the proposed P3. Thus, the only difference, between macro-quantum coherence, in (1) isolated QS's; and (2) 'preference-isolated' self-organized QS's; would be in the "actual evolution" of the "incorporeal WF's", the "messy sloppy noise" of which, would be made moot, upon "preferenced possibility actualization" (selective WFC), by the proposed P3. Such thermal agitations, would only influence actual observed outcomes, if they were sufficiently strong, to completely "skew" the "spread of possibilities" present, in the thermally-agitated incorporeal WF's, beyond the 'point' where 'proper' quantum interactions could still occur.
  11. Allegation (?): Enzymes are "spring-loaded", storing Mechanical Potential Energy (MPE). When an enzyme binds with a reactant, the "spring-loaded catch-mechanism" is tripped, "trapping" the reactant into the enzyme's active binding site. This "clamping" process imparts the enzyme's stored MPE into the chemical bonds of the reactant, thereby supplying some significant fraction of the Activation Energy (AE) required to run the relevant chemical reaction (MPE --> AE). Then, the "clamped" reactants bind, into their new chemical combination, which has allot lower total energy. So much energy is released, in their (exergonic) reaction (RE), that the new chemical compound "jerks free & loose" from the enzyme, "kicking open" the enzyme's chemo-mechanical "clamp", resetting the "trap", and re-imparting the requisite MPE to do so (RE --> MPE + excess).
  12. Trying to put explicit units back into this source (eqs. 121-125) could conceivably yield: [math]A \equiv \frac{4 \pi G \rho_0 a_0^3}{3 c^2} = \frac{H_0^2 a_0^3}{2 c^2}\frac{\rho_0}{\rho_c} \equiv \frac{H_0^2 a_0^3}{2 c^2} \Omega_m[/math] [math]a = A (1 - cos(\eta) )[/math] [math]c t = A (\eta - sin(\eta) )[/math] If so, one would presumably set a = a0 in the first equation, to solve for the conformal time [math]\eta (d \eta \equiv c dt / a)[/math], and then plug the same, back into the second equation, to calculate the age of the current (closed) cosmos, given the original choice of (matter-only) density. EDIT -- No, that wouldn't work. There are three (3) unknowns, a0, t0, [math]\eta_0[/math]. A third equation is required. What about... [math]H \equiv \frac{\dot{a}}{a} = \frac{sin(\eta) \dot{\eta}}{1 - cos(\eta)}[/math] [math]= \frac{c}{A} \frac{sin(\eta)}{(1 - cos(\eta))^2}[/math] using the definition of conformal time (above). Thus, at the present epoch, [math]H_0 = \frac{c}{A} \frac{sin(\eta_0)}{(1 - cos(\eta_0))^2} \implies \frac{H_0 A}{c} = \frac{sin(\eta_0)}{(1 - cos(\eta_0))^2}[/math] [math]a_0 = A (1 - cos(\eta_0))[/math] [math]\therefore \frac{H_0 a_0^2}{A c} = sin(\eta_0)= \sqrt{1 - cos(\eta_0)^2} = \sqrt{1 - (1 - \frac{a_0}{A})^2} = \sqrt{\frac{2 a_0}{A} - \frac{a_0^2}{A^2}}[/math] [math]\therefore \frac{H_0 a_0^2}{c} = sin(\eta_0)= \sqrt{2 a_0 A - a_0^2}[/math] [math]\therefore \frac{H_0^2 a_0^4}{c^2} = 2 a_0 A - a_0^2[/math] [math]\therefore \frac{H_0^2 a_0^4}{c^2} = \frac{H_0^2 a_0^4}{c^2} \Omega_m - a_0^2[/math] [math]\therefore \frac{H_0^2 a_0^4}{c^2}(\Omega_m - 1) = a_0^2[/math] [math]\therefore a_0^2 = \frac{c^2}{H_0^2 \; \delta \Omega_m}[/math] [math]\therefore a_0^2 \equiv \frac{D_H^2}{\delta \Omega_m}[/math] where we have defined the mass-density over-contrast [math]\delta \Omega_m[/math] in the usual way. This relation, in turn, allows us to determine the current conformal time [math]\eta_0[/math], from: [math]a_0 = A (1 - cos(\eta_0))[/math] where [math]A = D_H \frac{\Omega_m}{2 \; \delta \Omega_m^{3/2}} = a_0 \frac{\Omega_m}{2 \; \delta \Omega_m}[/math] [math]cos(\eta_0) = 1 - \frac{a_0}{A} = 1 - \frac{2 \; \delta \Omega_m}{\Omega_m}[/math] Note that the conformal time runs from [math]0 < \eta < 2 \pi[/math], with the cosmic scale-factor a peaking at [math]\eta = \pi[/math]. Thus, the maximum 'size' & age of the universe are: [math]a_{max} = 2 A[/math] [math]c t_{max} = 2 \pi A[/math] so that the 'size' growth-ratio is: [math]\frac{a_{max}}{a_0} = \frac{\delta \Omega_m}{\Omega_m}[/math] If so, then, for [math]\delta \Omega_m \approx 0.02[/math] & [math]D_H \approx 14 Gly[/math], space will expand by a further factor of 50 (from [math]a_0 \approx 100 \; Gly \rightarrow 5 \; Tly = 5000 \; Gly[/math]); and, the cosmos will exist, for a total of 16 Tyr = 16,000 Gyr. Note, though, that [math]a_0[/math] is a Radius of Curvature, so that the actual linear distance, through space, from (hyper-)pode to anti-(hyper-)pode, is [math]\pi[/math] times further. If so, then the maximum age of the universe exactly corresponds to the maximum 'girth', of space, at the 'equator' of spacetime. Traveling at the speed-of-light, matter would barely have time to 'circum-navigate' the 'hyper-globe' of spacetime.
  13. No -- I meant what I said, I asked a question... that's what I did, seriously, I asked a question, on a "Science" forum... Yeah. I thought the answer might be yes, maybe not. Thanks. I would like to know, what the grav. influence of the Sun is, on the E-M system. Surely, it exerts some sort of influence, that an 'ideal' isolated E-M system, "in deep space", would not experience. 2e30 kg, at only 1 AU, I would naively guess something would happen. Apparently, 13:1 is "too big" to be a resonance... why would that be ? Note, tho, that I thought the sidereal month was much closer to 28 days, at 13.4:1, the alleged "resonance number" (13.4) is "right in the middle" between 13-14... which looks rather random. (Sorry if I hit "a nerve", on an alleged 13:1 ratio... oops.)
  14. Once a fertilized egg begins dividing, at what point do the new (daughter) cells start specializing ? For example, do all nerve cells originate, from one of the 4 cells in the embryo, after 2 divisions ? By what means, do identical cells "sort out", the "who does what" ? What is the "ok, my line will produce the nervous system", "hey, ok, I'll do the digestive track", ..., etc., "sorting out" procedure, amongst developing embryo cells ?? (Thanks in advance, for any answers, to my questions.)
  15. If spacetime was shrinking, everything inside spacetime would be approaching towards everything else... and so they would all see each other's light blue-shifted. Spacetime is expanding. Spacetime is curved. To visualize that curvature, you need (at least) one higher dimension, than those you are visualizing (<= 3 for space, <=1 for time).
  16. Some scientists say, that the LHC can "recreate the conditions [quite close to] of the Big Bang". But, what if our Cosmos is Closed ? Then, mere moments after the Big Bang, Space was still "Hyper-Curved", compared to today, after space has expanded for 14 G.yr., and is not very far from Flat. Unless the LHC can recreate those conditions of Hyper-Closed-Curvature, as the "backdrop" for the LHC particle collisions, then High Energy collisions in Flat space (today) != High-Energy collisions in Hyper-Curved Closed space ('Big Bang') (conveying the concept, if being a little imprecise w/ words).
  17. Thanks for your questions (1) What nation on Earth could, right now, construct such a 'slow-boat' Super-Ship ? Mankind cannot do it at present -- there is a difference, between what can be envisioned, and what can actually be implemented. What you have shown, is that such a Super-Ship is not "inconceivable to the minds of Mankind"... not that it can be built at present. To paraphrase Shakespeare, "the reach exceeds the grasp". And, imagine that you need to cross the galaxy, or even inter-galactic space ? Such "Space Hyper-Missions", lasting thousands, or even millions of years, are far beyond modern Mankind today. How would you repair the ship, from a million years of accumulated damage ?? And, what if the target system / world was inhabited by advanced technological hostiles ? What weapons would you load-out that (as yet speculative) Super-Ship ? (2) If we did, as you suggested, and landed upon a planet, upon which we could land, w/ said suggested Super-Ship... to wit, a world inhabited, at 'most', by pre-technological higher animals... then, as Carl Sagan said, "to us they would be... brutes". Carl Sagan's exact words were, "to us, they'd be gods, or brutes", b/c technology, once sparked, develops rapidly. That is my ultimate position & point -- there are two ways Mankind could come into Contact with aliens: by being the active, Space-Faring "Super-Species", encountering "(comparative) primitives" [humans = gods to them] by being passive recipients, upon Earth, of "Wonder-Craft" Hyper-Influence, of (comparatively) Hyper-Advanced Hyper-Aliens [humans = brutes to them] So, ultimately, I'm not really disagreeing with you -- either "we'd be the gods", or "they'd be the gods", but, since technology develops so much more rapidly than biological evolution, whoever became "technological" first, would be the active agent in Contact, and would be the "Wonder-Gods" to all the "brutes" they encountered. (3) For the record, I do predict, that the current SETI search is, to be blunt, "embarrassingly ill-conceived". For, either they'd be gods to us, in which case their "means of manifesting", an "effective presence", upon this planet, would be god-like and way beyond radar; or, we'd be the gods, and we won't directly detect the presence of "the primitives", even when we touch down on their worlds, since alien "microbe-oids" and "pre-tek animal-oids" would not be sending any signals, of any kind, anywhere near as advanced as radar. Again, the key concept is time-scales -- technology obeys "Moore's Laws", and "doubles in power" rapidly, over time scales of years or decades... whereas it took millions of years for human IQs to "double in power". Thus, whoever became technological first would be "God-like" to whomever they came into Contact with (unless there was some "Cosmic-fluke", and two separate species, in separate star-systems, evolving in different environments & conditions, happened to "go technological", at exactly the same time -- which possibility seems highly unlikely).
  18. In the OP, the Space-Time (x,t) grid wraps around the surface of the "vase". Only that curved, 2D surface represents Space-Time, everything else is the higher-D 'hyperspace', through which Space-Time can be considered to curve. I would appeal to the original CGI artist.
  19. According to Wikipedia: I only know of Fungi who do such things, and Fungi are multi-cellular organisms "at root". What were you pondering w/ your post ?
  20. Interpretation: The "magic" of Life, lies more in the "Metabolism", than in "Replication". Such seemingly suggests a poignant parallel, to "macro-animal" instincts, wherein Survival (perpetuating Metabolism) = Instinct #1; & Replication (sex) = Instinct #2. Let us look, at the simplest, single-celled Life presently upon this planet -- Prokaryotes. A Prokaryotic single-celled organism is a "streamlined, stripped down, bare-bones basic" sort of cell, composed primarily of a cell-membrane (barrier, defining 'self' vs. 'non-self'), ribosomes (protein synthesis), & DNA (self-replication): Source: [barCharts] QuickStudy -- Biology (chart) Now, without the DNA, such a simple single cell, would basically be (1) barrier (defining 'we' vs. 'they'); (2) ribosomes (protein synthesis for Metabolism): Such a cell would be a swimming Metabolic engine, consuming, storing, & accessing / utilizing energy, from its environment, perpetually, if w/o replication. This seemingly suggests, that the "[Quantum] Magic" of Life, lies in the Metabolism of (chemical) Energy. Indeed, Furthermore, Energy is subject to cosmic Conservation Laws, which can influence Quantum Wave Function Collapse, in Quantum-Entangled systems (wherein the 'collapse' of one system, into a given fixed energy state, forces entangled systems, to collapse into corresponding fixed energy states, to conserve global energy accounts). Thus, via Anabolism (energy storage) & Catabolism (energy use), Living cells can "manipulate" an "energy reservoir", which, if "entangled" with cellular sub-systems' Wave Functions, could "articulate" those sub-systems, by exploiting the non-random WFCs, of energy-conservation-constrained, quantum-entangled, WFs.
  21. Thanks again ! This seemingly suggests, that the "magic" of Life, lies more in the "Metabolism", than in "Replication". To wit, such seemingly suggests, perhaps, a poignant parallel, to "macro-animal" instincts, wherein Survival (perpetuating Metabolism) = Instinct #1... and Replication (sex) = Instinct #2.
  22. The technology required, to cross the colossal Cosmos we happen to inhabit, would be, by far, beyond the best presently produceable, upon this planet. To wit, such technology would be "Hyper-Tek". And, according to Isaac Asimov, "any technology sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic". Doctor John Mack, and Physicists Carl Sagan, Seth Shostak, Terence Dickenson, all emphatically emphasize, that such "Hyper-Tek", maybe millions of years more modern than Mankind in the present period, would be wondrous & god-like. To wit, the "hurdle is so high", to project power & presence, across this colossal Cosmos, wherein inter-galactic distances are measured in millions & billions of light-years, that by the time any advanced aliens could do so ("smart something else's, somewhere else"), those aliens would be hyper-advanced ("super-smart something else's, somewhere else"). In sum, by the time aliens could contact Earth, their contact would make itself manifest in Magical Miracles, Signs of Sorcery, & Works of Wonder (even as advanced human technology would mystify the minds of monkeys, many millions of years more primitive than people). Thus, to quote Carl Sagan, "to us, they would be gods". Actual alien contact, would be Hyper-Alien Hyper-Contact; and, their projection of power & presence, upon this planet, would be with Works of Wonder, Signs of Sorcery, & Miracles of Magic. To wit, by very definition, of those aliens, being, by far, superior to anything upon this planet at present... actual alien contact, being Hyper-Alien Hyper-Contact... would appear Super-Natural. So, in-so-far, as no humans actually believe, in the Super-Natural, Supra-Terrestrial, Supra-Planetary presence of projected power upon this planet (at present), then all humans can confidently conclude, that no Hyper-Aliens have Hyper-Contacted humanity (to date).
  23. What about flagellated single-celled prokaryotes (say) ? If a single-celled prokaryote is subjected to a chemical gradient, so that Chemo-receptors are triggered all over the cell... but mostly in some given direction... then how do all those triggered pathways "compete" and "determine a winner", so that the cell "steers" in that direction ("up" the gradient "hill", towards higher concentrations [or vice versa, if fleeing some sort of toxin, say]) ? Thanks again for your informative responses. Is not "multi-nucleation" a sure sign of multi-cellularity ? What about algae ?? Thanks again for everyone's responses !
  24. The Sun gravitationally influences the Earth-Moon system. The Sun may not be the dominant influence, but perhaps it tends to "pin" or "stick" sidereal months at or near (integer) orbital resonances, so that the Moon's month spends more time in orbital periods corresponding to the same, than it would, were the Earth-Moon an isolated system, in Deep Space. (NOTE: I simply asked a question...)
  25. If the 3D figure used up 2D for space, it could not then depict both +1D for time and +1D for hyper-spatial curvature (w/in human-visualizable 3Ds). If you use up 2D for space, you must use the remaining 3rd dimension for hyper-spatial curvature. Then, hyper-curved space (not space-time) looks like a sphere, the 2D closed surface of which represents curved & closed space. If space, in 2D, was a 2D planar disk, it would (1) be flat, not hyper-curved; (2) have an 'edge', not be self-closed. Neither is the case.
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