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Everything posted by Nikosmith

  1. But as far as say wiping down your laptop keyboard, cell phones, etc.... This should be enough? Correct. Like I said I clean phones, laptop, desktop keyboards and mouse. You know.. The things that you touch everyday. I like to give them a good wipe down with isopropyl alchol (70 percent) every few days or maybe just once a week.
  2. Questions for somebody intelligent out there. I like to clean my keyboards, remote controls, sometimes faucet and door handles, etc. with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). I do this usually when somebody in the household is sick or has been sick. Ill do it randomly like once a week as well. Does this kill germs on surfaces? It damn sure gets everything nice and clean looking I know that. Ive done this forever as I learned it from my parents. So is it an effective way to disinfect these surfaces?
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