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Everything posted by drivenmaker12

  1. I had a lecture today that included cell volume and reciprocal cell volume calculations and I did not get it at all. The equations we used are attached. We went through two problems in class and I was wandering if anyone can shed some light on them at all? like what they are and how you would actually work them out? I have loads of these calculations to do during my course and I really need to get to grips with them Problem 1 A protein crystallises in a monoclinic unit cell with cell parameters a=100.02Å b=90.57Å c=68.33Å =90.0o =104.48o =90.0o . What is the cell volume (V) and what is the reciprocal cell volume (V*)? Problem 2 A protein crystallises in an orthorhombic unit cell with cell parameters a=45.69Å b=150.22Å c=75.87Å = = =90.0o . What is the cell volume (V) and what is the reciprocal cell volume (V*)?
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