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Everything posted by sirtheory

  1. your on the right track. hold on let me elaborate Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. -AE wow ok, i ask for it to be moved to a more appropriate section , and its the trash. and block me of making threads. but thank you on your view, one more reason my fire to save this earth flames passionately
  2. theres no such thing, as you " shoot " it will create your " vacuum " at the end barrel. or make a black hole
  3. -.- what are you not parse about
  4. i am creating a software that tells the computer how to scan a vacuum tank and with the code from the "code "computer to find entangled electrons and change atoms into what is desired; well trying atleast
  5. Well thank you for that, I am in terms with history with what im creating to better the life of humanity in all love and firm connectivity to my community
  6. its cause i have a scanner, and im trying an exp 3d with wave vector k and ω has a wave function Particle in a box Main article: A particle is restricted to a 1D region between x = 0 and x = L; its wave function is: To normalize the wave function we need to find the value of the arbitrary constant A; solved from its because i want the scanner to push the electrons making the desired atom im working on these experiments :l i believe i might be in the wrong section too
  7. then go (input : acc) s' else return (input : acc) Finished n t -> put t >> return (T.take n input : acc) {-# INLINE scan #-}
  8. by using the ma pull in the electrons to acquire the desired electrons to the entangled line being formed to the atom. Transforming the Schwinger–Tomonaga equation into the language of the density matrix or to be interactive using the interactive photons to change the element composition of the field. ma as the weight liner
  9. ok give me a second to explain. ive thought about this as a child , creating notes and such. So by looking at an atom and see its entanglement and studying will dismantle the entanglement. so see the entanglement, and use that entanglement as a line, with the starting atom as the anchor A---------------------------------------------------------------------A^2 ^Oxygen atom ^entangled line ^ N/A Atom ofc, it will be a supercomputer with mathematics such as but tweaked where we can use the line as a dense 1d blackhole that pulls the endpoint atom into a vacuum we use the information aspect of the atom to transfer into the vacuum . the pools are the vacuums for the targeted areas
  10. So by seeing the entanglement could we program a computer to pull the atom into a pool from where it was ? I understand that studying the entanglement will disentangle if. Like a spinning coin, why see if it will land on heads or tails; instead of just pooling it in and organizing it as such
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