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Everything posted by catman

  1. First of all, brainiac, if you are going to pick on someone for their poor use of grammar, make sure you use correct grammar yourself.. it's "for all INTENTS and purposes" not intensive purposes.. And second, there is no "proof" of anything in this discussion.. so tellung someone that they have no proof god created the universe is, well, just plain ridiculous.. this whole topic of discussion is nothing but people's personal beliefs. I personally don't follow the god theory, but that is for a separate discussion other than this one. Before you can even begin to theorize about where space ends.. you must first answer the question: "when did space begin?" For that you must have an understanding of space AND time, and be open to the idea that there is TWO sides to both... it's mind bending stuff.. but we as humans, because we are born, and we die, and everything we come in contact with basically does the same thing.. we think everything must have a beggining and an end.. we are so limited in our thought process that this is all we can believe. How ignorant is THAT?
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