Hey again.
I was not referring to the eyes ability to detect light waves. Or the ears ability to detect sound waves etc....
It is feasible that the paramagnetic membranes of fine dendrites become polarised in the presence eV radiation. That this causes a potential difference to develop across dendritic membranes. This change of potentials on the membrane cause Ca2+ ion channels to open etc....
It has been proven that humans also have Fe4O3 magnetite's located both behind the nose bone etc. but also in the trigeminal and associated nerves. As for humans ability to utilise these magnetite's there yet is any conclusive proof that it is either used or other wise.
We all know that in the genome of many animals that certain genes are turned on and others turned off to what part may this play in the overall truths that remain undiscovered.
As far as religion, spirituality such things seem highly implausible. I do not believe in such things. The hunt for truth must remain in facts, logical deduction, rational thinking, data & patterns analysis in research.