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Everything posted by Electron1

  1. Unlike most scientists who's opinions have become shrouded by theirs own opinions and maintaining their reputation. My mind is open within logical & rational thinking of course. There is not enough scientific data indicating either way currently. In all interdisciplinary associated areas of research it is commonly stated how little is actually known about the intricacies of human biology and cell complexities. We currently only posses the knowledge of an overview of how most of the body operates. This for some scientists ignorance/arrogance that this level of knowledge is all there is to know. Common human trait throughout history every centaury past and present mankind has this belief their current understanding of science is all there is to know. There is a lack of research in the area of electromagnetic perception in humans. The use if any of the magnetite's FE4O3 and the paramagnetic sensory connections remain underdetermined. This is in part due to the difficulties involved with studying such intricacies in in vivo. Studies in in vitro can be miss-leading, but even these studies are expanding but limited. The tissue is so intricately complex that progress & studies are slow going. We did evolve from a predatory fish millions of years ago that possessed electromagnetic perception. There is currently no supporting evidence or significant understanding of the human genome to establish whether this remnant still exists and is inactive DNA turned off. Electroreceptors in fish evolved from the nervous system analogously becoming specialised sensory organs over millions of years. The basis of what they evolved from are electro-receptive dendritic sensors. Embedded in the human skin 1st order - bare ended dendrite 2nd order - electro/mechano-receptor 3rd order - mechano-receptor
  2. I presume that you are not a scientist. If you read carefully what I had written I was referring to human beings using this magnetite. There is no data to suggest they do. There are well documented cases of all other forms of life responding to earths EMF. How these magnetite's intricately interact with the brain still remains mostly unsolved. Reptiles, birds, cows etc... are thought to use this sensory perception.
  3. Hey again. I was not referring to the eyes ability to detect light waves. Or the ears ability to detect sound waves etc.... It is feasible that the paramagnetic membranes of fine dendrites become polarised in the presence eV radiation. That this causes a potential difference to develop across dendritic membranes. This change of potentials on the membrane cause Ca2+ ion channels to open etc.... It has been proven that humans also have Fe4O3 magnetite's located both behind the nose bone etc. but also in the trigeminal and associated nerves. As for humans ability to utilise these magnetite's there yet is any conclusive proof that it is either used or other wise. We all know that in the genome of many animals that certain genes are turned on and others turned off to what part may this play in the overall truths that remain undiscovered. As far as religion, spirituality such things seem highly implausible. I do not believe in such things. The hunt for truth must remain in facts, logical deduction, rational thinking, data & patterns analysis in research.
  4. To add to this. I would be inclined to believe all human beings posse a form of electromagnetic perception. But only a few may be consciously aware of this. A remnant of when we evolved from fish millions of years ago. The genetic code for this may still exist in the human genome? You guys spoke of what would be the sensory organs. Well theoretically the electro-sensitive cells would be associated with the sensory dendritic connections (First order dendrites - Exteroreceptors). Much like electroreceptors and how they operate using thousands of Ca2+ ion channels on each electroreceptor. The potential is developed across membranes. This in turn opens Ca2+ ions channels allowing signal conduction via ion potentials down the dendritic connection to localised synapse. Or in the case of electroreceptors through the electro-receptive cell to the localised synapse. It must also be noted that electroreceptors are essentially extensions of the nervous system sensory receptors that are merely due to evolution on the skins surface (of the epidermis) rather than embedded within the body ( below the epidermis & dermis ). Due to the surface area of these membranes it is unlikely they would be stimulated by most of man made electromagnetic frequencies. As for telepathy I'd have to be against it. having researched the electromagnetic & magnetic fields and radiation produced by the head region alone. Such radiation is too infinitesimal to propagate any substantial distance from a living body.
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