Thank you for the reply. Sorry I didn't know that it was to be posted in another section. I will do so right now.
Regarding principles of heat transfer, I am only aware of 2: Fourier's law and that of Stephan Boltzman
The question is in fact last part of a series of questions. In the first few questions, we need to find the heat flux at the interior of the wall for conditions given: External temp (T) =Tint + Asinwt where Tint Internal temp = 19 degree and A(amplitude) = 10 degrees and period = 24 hours; thickness of wall = 20 cm and that of insulation = 12cm. Conductivity of wall = 2 SI and of insulation = 0.2 SI.
We need to first evaluate flux density for a given period ( between 14th and 15th day, etc.). That's not so difficult as we can employ software (like COMSOL).
Now the last question. It is in french so I try my best to translate:
' If we use theoretical expression, noted here T(x), of the temperature as obtained in the model of a semi infinite wall, at what position of x should we evaluate -Kdt/dx to find the value of flux density obtained in questions above ( I obtained 3,4 W/m2)