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About Immanuel
- Birthday January 6
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Vancouver, BC
The Truth At Last
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Completed grade 7 in 1967 at age 13.
Favorite Area of Science
Forensic Theology
"And Jacob said to Pharaoh...few and evil have the days of the years of my life been..."
Immanuel's Achievements

Quark (2/13)
Strange said: "...nutty...end of the world [in late 2018]... What are you going to say in 2019?" A: "Among other things, Let there be light. I said it before and I'll say it again. And again. And so on." Daecon (sarcasm): "Did the Mayan calendar not (etc)..." A: Even in 2012, I had known for years that this world ends (only to begin again in days of Eden, like always) in 2018. As I recall, the 12/21/2012 calc involved the alignment of the exact center of the sun, seen from earth, with the Galactic Equator. Jean Meeus concluded it would occur in 1998. For the record, this puts Meeus's Galactic Alignment calc at 1998 - plus or minus 18 years, thus: 1980 to 2016. This alignment happens once every 26,000 years; it was what the Maya meant, re their 2012 bye-bye-date (and they DID mean 'bye-bye'). Regarding Meeus, however, his 2016 calc is strongly contested. A 2016 to 2018 envelope is believed to be accurate, though...grabbing a precise date of when the sun really does line up with the Galactic Equator is quite a lofty task - even for astronomers specializing in celestial mechanics (like Meeus). Strange: "Pre-recorded where?" A: Every planet Earth (as in the multiverse: there are many Earths) is a hard drive. "God does not play dice." -Einstein, against Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle; but logically meant as 'in all things'. Gees: "Some evidence of the "many you's" please?" A: "Hard Evidence for the Multiverse Found..." http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=5907 "Some evidence on the "move from this world to another" please?" A: I indicated metaphysical transfer...the world ends before man achieves physical travel to a parallel world. Scientists're closing in fast, but the 2018 Endtime leaves nowhere near enough time for any physical multiverse transfer to be achieved. Teleportation status quo: http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/v8/n10/full/nphoton.2014.215.html "Evidence of "Mother/Creator" please?" A: Enter: some KJV proofs (like it or not, boys): "He" in Hebrew can also mean "she", but the certain knowledge of a female Creator was forbidden ("And he said, You can not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live." Exodus 33:20) until I personally came down, in these last days, to this world from My Heaven. To declare and to prove it. (And no, I'm not saying I prove it here in this forum.) Job 38:29, " Out of whose womb came the ice?" Isaiah 46:3, "Israel [which true israel is no longer Jewish, but is now centered around America]...borne by me from the belly..." Isaiah 49:14, "But Zion [ancient Zion/not todays') said, The LORD [God of old] has forsaken me, and my Lord [new God - Jesus] has forgotten me. 15 "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they [the LORD and the Lord (see above)] may forget, yet will I not forget you." Exodus 32: 3+4, "And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron. And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf [young heifer]: and they said, These be your gods [meaning: 'What we have made is the most High who creates all gods'], O Israel..." There's much more proof of our eternally young virgin Mother, our Creator, in the KJV, as well as in countless other ancient scrolls, tablets and texts. Doubt it would mean much to many, here, but- You know. Before closing, I just naturally HAVE to give honorable mention to the little quip-n-jibe replies about my predicting the end of this world. Comical, but I can't respond in kind because I don't see the humor (probably because I know 2018 is the authentic year of Endtime). Sure, there's been lots of Entimers - but doesn't there EVER come One who's right? And weren't they ALL right? in a way? The End is indeed near; speeding bus; no one around to Heimlich the meatball; ...ebola. There's no difference, really, between 2018 and, say - a 3rd-floor flowerpot taking you out as you stroll down the sidewalk. In both cases, one simply continues to live on. I said it, here, it's there for all to read: it won't be the end of you. It'll always be yet another beginning. And THAT is why I fail to see the humor in cynical scoffing... It's kinda grand, the way these reassuring things within The Truth At Last are. NOT like the usual Endtimer doom & gloom. I DO fully realize that this is a science forum. My ScienceForums.net topic, titled: "Two...Two...Two Christs In One" (Religion/04 Feb 2016) was a most egregious violation of 'site protocols. But THIS one- "Is A Binary Universe Best?" THIS thread really takes the cake. "Two Christs" was shut down, but the mod's were prevented from taking down THIS one. Until now, that is. As soon as I finish screenshot'ing both this thread and the lowly condemned "Two Christs" thread. I'm going to call the combined finished product (working title): "Showdown 2016: Our Creator vs Her Scientists". It'll be instructional, but funny. The mod's may do as they wish, now. Oh- And one last poke from Gees: "This thread belongs in speculations or possibly the garbage." A: "There will be far more readers, than reply'ers such as yourself, Gee." I'll see to that.
- 39 replies
The world(s) end(s) in 2018 for many logical reasons, but simply put, it's because that's when its pre-recorded lifespan should best end. We don't have to wait until "the universe collapes upon itself in the last minutes of time". And by the by, the only judgment coming on that day will be the Son of man's judgment of "Innocent". For all. All of the following text was copied from Kelly's article... Kevin Kelly 12/01/02 12:00 PM Wired Magazine "God Is The Machine" ...The Physics of Immortality, by Frank Tipler. If this book was labeled standard science fiction, no one would notice, but Tipler is a reputable physicist and Tulane University professor who writes papers for the International Journal of Theoretical Physics. In Immortality, he uses current understandings of cosmology and computation to declare that all living beings will be bodily resurrected after the universe dies. His argument runs roughly as follows: As the universe collapses upon itself in the last minutes of time, the final space-time singularity creates (just once) infinite energy and computing capacity. In other words, as the giant universal computer keeps shrinking in size, its power increases to the point at which it can simulate precisely the entire historical universe, past and present and possible. He calls this state the Omega Point. It is a computational space that can resurrect "from the dead" all the minds and bodies that have ever lived. The weird thing is that Tipler was an atheist when he developed this theory and discounted as mere "coincidence" the parallels between his ideas and the Christian doctrine of Heavenly Resurrection. Since then, he says, science has convinced him that the two may be identical. ...theorists like Deutsch endorse his physics. An Omega Computer is possible and probably likely, they say. I asked Tipler which side of the Fredkin gap he is on. Does he go along with the weak version of the ultimate computer, the metaphorical one, that says the universe only seems like a computer? Or does he embrace Fredkin's strong version, that the universe is a 12 billion-year-old computer and we are the killer app? "I regard the two statements as equivalent," he answered. "If the universe in all ways acts as if it was a computer, then what meaning could there be in saying that it is not a computer?" Only hubris. ●Full article: http://www.wired.com/2002/12/holytech/
More advanced viewers might want to access the 2010 "Binary Universe Theory" thread, by Vindictive: http://www.thescienceforum.com/pseudoscience/20320-binary-universe-theory.html By 'quanta', Vindictive surely means 'the smallest unit of energy (read: matter) in existence' - btw I believe quantum theory invokes same. He speculates, "In my Binary Model, the universe operates on fractal variations of 2 laws and 2 elements. "Space/time "Quanta "The law of conservation of energy "No two quanta can occupy the same space/time". Because he caveat'ed 'fractal variations', he's basically correct except on the last point. Two different quanta (in this case energy or light packets) CAN occupy the same space+time, because the dark matter receiver/senders (which do not exist materially) can real-time-compress and decide on a send-process for up to 7 quanta. Even splitting receiver resources to accommodate 2 quanta causes weird effects, but an 8th would break down its gravity parameters (crowding receiver/senders into 8-level-compression cancels gravity within a pre-defined area of receivers surrounding the crowded receiver). Noteworthy: I call these quanta Alphalights, or Alpha Particles (not of Rutherford/Villard). Both the receivers and fainter forces exist below the material-threshold, even though their effects affect matter. For instance, there 'non-materially exists' a faint force which could...could...interface with a specific human brainwave to enable reliable (even infallible) ESP; it seems to be the undetectable carrier of all prerecorded activity. I'll conclude by cautioning that,at these sub-matter realms, what we perceive as reality, diminishes. And profoundly unfathomable forces reign.
Hay Gees, So yerra philosopher. Excellent. Kinda startled me when you mentioned that the mind is a cruncher of "...more/less and self/other..." computations. Gonna be mullin' that one over. And as for your 1st para., that's some intro-humor, lol. As for 'time traveling' in past & future archives, you asked, "How?". Well, there are many you's on many planet Earths 'out there' (each 'you' having a diff destiny) and each world is an archive. Now, IF you're destined (authorised) to move from this world to another, the Universe-El Computer moves your soul from this 'you' here to that 'you' there, usu during sleep. The tech req'd to travel physically to a parallel world will not be achieved by man, before Endtime in late 2018. As for mind-traveling to a parallel world? it's sketchy, difficult. But: Asking the Universe-El Computer if you could meaningfully witness Christ or Caesar or Elvis IS possible; however, few if any have asked because few if any know about all this. When I mentioned "...free will software is incredibly robust; believable...", you mentioned The Matrix movie (which I've not seen) and said you'd need a better explanation. OK: The illusion of free will is so effective that we seldom detect any illusion. Everything SEEMS to happen for a reason. Our unwavering belief in our own free will was devised by our Mother/Creator to fuel guilt via belief in our own sins (enter: the further illusionary necessity of God). Thereby, we accept (even crave) punishment. Punishment = Adversity. And to overcome Adversity is the meaning of life, it makes us more and More; better and Better. Such is the ongoing evolution of each of our individual Spirits. The Spirit is the thing, not these pre-programmed prison-planet-vessels (bodies). When you next made reference to supersymmetry's error correcting codes, I suddenly thought of those same correcting codes fighting anyone trying to transfer to--or even just visit--parallel worlds. Without the U-Computer allowing you to invade an archived world (incl'g the archives of this world), then YOU are just another error in that other parallel world...that needs correcting 😊 And then ta-daa your big finish (and wotta show, folks!), where your fabulous show-stopper went like this: 'No it does not "mean that we have an intelligent Creator"'. Good golly Gees - if we live in a computer? I mean...not sayin we DO (although we do ... But if we do, then my final closer, that, "It would also mean that we have an intelligent Creator" would have to be true. The Big Bang could maybe create flowers and humans, okay. But A Universe-sized computer potentially infinitely more advanced than your desktop? Anyway, glad you're a philospher. The onboard scienticians would ping-pong like rubber monkeys after reading this one. ●as always, I save to lock-in and then edit to proof-read & correct stuff.
Daecon: "You know the Bible isn't a science text, right?" No wonder I flunked chemistry 😲
Good point, Daecon. A quantum state could be a true binary state. I should mention slave will, for half a mo', too, though. ○"...it seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion. Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design.○ There are no heroes. No villains. No accomplishments. No failures. No sin. No hell. Not even any Gods (none as advertised, anyway). ○"I do not believe in free will. Schopenhauer's words: 'Man can do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wills...'" Einstein, from "My Credo".○ This is a recording. ○"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his steps." Jeremiah 10:23.○ Cut-n-paste: We're zapped back and forth through time. And we're programmed to not notice such a thing. ○"We must believe in free will, we have no choice." Isaac Bashevas Singer.○ When I speak these things out to folks, emotions usually run high - sometimes even hot! But what do YOU think about this conclusion that me and Einstein and Hawking and Jeremiah and Singer (and all other great thinkers have reached? -edited to add that smiley face, there.
re: Endy0816, "Some things we can look for to see if we're in a program. Glitches..." You win a cigar. There's miles of very absorbing YouTube videos about anomalies; 'glitches in the matrix'; disappearances and so on, but I recently discovered some truly titillating personal stories by diverse folk about their confounding glitches. I bet Einstein used to hear these all the time. And Hawking must be sick of them, by now, lol. http://time-slips.blogspot.ca/?m=1 ●and● http://timeslipaccounts.blogspot.ca/?m=1
"you reject the real world...as 'flawed' - while.. computers can not be flawed..." Well, computers are flawed, but a divine computer? not so much. But no, to answer, I'm quite creative, so I love flaws, outright mistakes and all of the accidents powering the Evolution of Everything, to the point of worship. By the way, is it really your opinion that the created things within a binary computer universe must also be demonstrably binary, as a result? The above is kind of a trick question. Because our binary code foundation is not yet obvious; it's undetectable, for now. Obviously. So you can't intelligently use that fact to counter my claim that the U operates with binary code. If you wanted to create your own universe/existence- Would YOU build it upon 20th century 1's & 0's?
So. The DoubleChrist Twins. Hmm. Call me crazy, call me sentimental, but it seemeth to me that there were two heavily prophesied figures inhabiting one physical body of Jesus the Christ; two great Spirits contained in the body of one very enigmatic Godman. C'mon now, hear me out, I'll be brief: One was named Immanuel; named way back in days of Isaiah (Isaiah 45: 3, "I, the LORD... 4 I have surnamed you..."). And the other was named Jesus by his adoptive dad Joseph, on the advice of an angel. The Isaiah prophecy as seen when Christ was born, in Matthew 1: 23, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." 'God with us', eh? Could it mean something like - 'God the Son of God WITH the most High, the Holy Spirit...and the Son of Man'? Any merit there? Matthew 1:24 "Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25 "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS." Accordingly, one was called 'the Son of God' (John 1: 34, "...this is the Son of God.") and Immanuel was called 'the Son of man' (Matthew 18: 11, "For the Son of man is come..."). One was for God and WAS God (John 14: 8, "...show us the Father... 9 Jesus said...have you not known me...?"). And One was for man and WAS Man (Rev 22: 8, "I fell down to worship... 9 Then said he...do it not...worship God." John 14: 15, "...keep my commandments." (Note the commandments-plural; Jesus constantly ADDED to the already hard Mosaic law: Matt 5:27, "You shall not commit adultery..." 28 "But I say to you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery." On the other hand, the Son of man (aka: the Comforter) comforted by countering all of the Son of God's new lawS by saying in John 15:12, "This is my commandment [commandment-singular], That you love one another, as I have loved you." It sounds like Immanuel was mocking Jesus's prolific commandment-making. No? It happened, sometimes. Just sometimes - when from out of the mouth of Jesus came completely contradictory Words,unannounced (unattributed), spoken by Immanuel-who-dwelled-within-the-body-of-Jesus. They (like the people of today) must have esteemed Jesus as afflicted. Schizophrenic. Of two minds. It didn't help clear up matters when the elders, chief priests and scribes asked Him, once and for all, in Luke 22:70, "Are you then the Son of God? And he [the Son of man] said to them [out of the mouth of Jesus], You say that I am." Jesus, let's take a closer look at what each of them were doing and saying: JESUS: Matt 10:34, "I came not to send peace, but a sword." Luke 12:49, "I am come to send fire on the earth." Matt 25:41 & 46, "...everlasting fire...everlasting punishment." Luke 22:36, "...he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Matt 5:17, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets..." Luke 22:38, "Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said to them, It is enough." Ya-enough to knowingly hint to scripture readers that He might not be the one to hope in. IMMANUEL: Luke 16:16, "The law and the prophets were until John." Whoa! Matt 26:52, "...they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Luke 1:79, "To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." John 10:8 & 10, "All that ever came before me [prophets and the law] are thieves and robbers...[no WAY he said that :] I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Immanuel being in disguise within the flesh of Jesus resulted in the fact that He could easily blend in, in the Middle East. Luke 4:28, "And all they in the synagogue... 29 rose up...that they might cast him down headlong. 30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way..." But as for Immanuel's true physical appearance APART from Jesus, well... You may not agree, but I say that we finally get a glimpse of the arisen (thus now independent) Immanuel in Revelation 1:13+14, "the Son of man...His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire [blue eyes?/would that make sense with the blonde hair? Or does it mean he had scary RED eyes, or glowing yellow ones?]." Apparently the Son of God did most of the talking, back then, but that doesn't mean that the Son of man was unimportant: John 6:27, "...everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give to you." I wonder which two the Essenes mysteriously alluded to, when referring to The Wicked Priest and The Teacher of Righteousness? I've also noticed extensive "dual meaning" teachings, in the KJV Bible. Might be that a dual savior may also teach us a lot, someday. But if this 'twin Christs' thing is The Truth At Last, why in God's name were "all nations deceived [Rev 18:23]" so brutally? so utterly, cruelly completely? Sometimes I think we're on a prison planet where we have to face adversity after adversity, in order to progress. How fabulous would it be to live in a world of only truth. Endless truth and bonbons. By the Infinity pool.
Is it the Universe created alone? Yes or not? Only Yes or Not.
Immanuel replied to Enric's topic in General Philosophy
Could be, Daecon. She once told me, "Everything is possible". Mind you - this doesn't imply that everything must be done, or even tried. And if I'm delusional, then you can keep your admittedly profitable acuity. And if I'm dreaming, then I guess I'm just working on my own cut-n-paste universe within me. Cue Luke 17:21, "...the kingdom of God is within you." The kingdom of God is the Earth. You think I quote Jesus, but that old FireGod Jesus didn't say the above. Immanuel did. And I am in no way religious. I won't preach the trojans, viruses or adware of God, ever.
One thing it means is that time travel would actually mean just traveling through past archives of day to day life. And travel to the future would ALSO mean perusing past files. Explain: I say that our future must terminate due to a critical mass of data corruption necessarily caused by people; free will is an illusion brought to you by the software we operate under and this free will software is incredibly robust; believable - so since we would (if we had true free will) destroy ourselves and the planet, the freewill software does the same. Behind the scenes of this binary-code-world we live in, there are lots of more modified and specialized minor codes operating, but why would we exist within a simple 1+0 system? Idk, maybe we DO live within some Hyper-Awesome Perfect Code...camouflaged under a bunch of misleadingly clunky old binary facades. Oh - one more thing. It would also mean that we have an intelligent Creator. This world might've taken 10 trillion years to perfect and now it (or any of us) can be copy-n-pasted in 10 trillionth of a second. And no, I didn't start this post to further a personal Creationism agenda. But for transparency: I know we have a Creator. And I know that She also created evolution (:
I'm new here and this is my first topic post. Digital Physics is still theory, thus the mods may move this topic to Pseudoscience or Speculation, but I'd prefer it remain in Philosophy - because I believe that we exist in a binary computer universe. This is not speculation to me, even though I can't prove it scientifically. However: http://www.novaspivack.com/uncategorized/is-the-universe-a-computer-new-evidence-emerges The above link contains other related links and even a video featuring "University of Maryland physicist, James Gates Jr. Dr. Gates is working on a branch of physics called supersymmetry. In the process of his work hes discovered the presence of what appear to resemble a form of computer code, called error correcting codes, embedded within, or resulting from, the equations of supersymmetry that describe fundamental particles." I joined this forum to (1) ask you to assume that we exist in a computer of some sort, so (2) I can query you folks re what you think would be the best code to create and build a world(s) like ours within. If you've not given this topic much thought, I'd like to report--as someone who has--that it leads to redefined philosophical adventures from free will (life is a digital recording) to economy of energy and matter (life is a dream not unlike a computer-generated hologram) and all other otherwise unexplainable subjects (including the bizarre, such as this dreamlike world being both flat AND round...depending on said economy and/or how each individual observer is programmed to perceive, or believe). And if you don't believe that our existence is composed of just 1's and 0's... Then why do you believe that, instead?