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Everything posted by DanMP

  1. It's hard for me to see this, but probably you are right. This is right for the light clocks. Actually this is the light clock explanation ... I asked how this explains time dilation in general, for any clock or thing. Did you watch Ryan’s video?
  2. I created a new topic for time dilation discussion I started above: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/93360-simple-explanation-for-time-dilation/ (here it was off-topic)
  3. Time dilation is usually explained in a simple way using a "light clock" (1, 2). Here I started a discussion about gravitational time dilation, offering a simple explanation I found on internet, but in that place is off-topic and, anyway, I want to extend this discussion, including time dilation in SR. This one was explained in a simple fashion (see here) and rewarded, although the explanation is not only naive but also incomplete. So, I want to discuss this further. First, I want to "hear" how the light clock explanation for gravitational time dilation (see link above) works for up and down movement of the light. Second, I want to "hear" how the longer time needed for the light to complete the cycle, seen in light clock explanations, explains time dilation in general. In Ryan’s video (the one rewarded) there is a beginning of an explanation ... What do you think about it? Please keep in mind, first, that I totally agree with relativity's results/predictions and second, that I don't expect from you the mathematical models and equations used to make the predictions, I want simple answers to the questions above, the physical explanation of time dilation.
  4. Fizeau experiment and Sagnac effect are explained completely and correctly only using special relativity (Lorentz transformations), although the speeds involved are far smaller than c (the speed of light in vacuum). Don't you think that we should have a "classical" explanation for them? Do you know any? As I wrote here, Sagnac effect is explained in a classical way only when light is travelling through vacuum or air. When the refractive index is greater than 1, SR is used.
  5. In the same place we have both redshift and blueshift, depending on the light source beeing down or up. How exactly does this explain time dilation in the light clock above, or in any clock? My "maths" is not so good I hoped that there is a simple, logical explanation. I'll try to read Sean Carrol's notes next day(s).
  6. Enter the site and scroll down. It explains gravitational time dilation imagining a light clock (2 mirrors ...) in which the light paths become longer closer to a gravity well due to spacetime deformation. Pound–Rebka_exp. is a gravitational redshift experiment. How it can explain gravitational time dilation? Try again my link to see what I meant. This is not what I'm questioning. I totally agree with all that GR predicts. I just want to see/read a proper explanation, if possible ... Here? I searched for "clock" and found nothing.
  7. Really? Maybe when we have rotating mirrors. What Newtonian/Galilean explanation do you know for the fibre optic conveyor (see Figure 5 in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagnac_effect)? Anyone?
  8. Really? How? Like this: https://www.academia.edu/9724931/Gravitational_time_dilation_explained_for_beginners_ ? If so, what if the photon movement is up-down? How the "path"/time increases than? And how this apply to (affect) a real clock? Sorry if my questions are off-topic here. Please redirect me/them to a proper place.
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