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Everything posted by mustang292

  1. Well, just hope it's not a smart rapist. If he sees the rip cord, he'll just pull it out first. But, now that I see the diagram, it does look like they took safety precautions for the woman. AGREED Now the only question is how many malicious women that would use it against their husbands just because they had an argument.
  2. I can assure you that the U.S. Government is working on "Sci-Fi" weapons. I happened by an Estate sale where a CIA agent had died. I went to the basement and found tons of files. I packed as many as I could into a chest and took them upstairs to see if they would let me buy them. Yep! I have about 250 or so files some marked "Laser and other Buck Rogers Type Weapons". Pictures Too! Most of it marked Top Secret. I've had them for years now, and still haven't gone through all of it. It's alot of info. Crazy stuff. They have been working on this stuff for a long time.
  3. I just feel sorry for the unsuspecting man in the womans life if she is pissed off at him. You know it would happen.
  4. Well, I guess I should have stated that I meant the Unknown Universe as well. Those calculations are only for the known universe. I guess I'm looking theoretical now. I agree.
  5. Thought this was interesting. Anyone for input? http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050419/ap_on_sc/liquid_surprise_4
  6. 404 ERROR on all 3 links in your first post. Secondly, if that last one is from India Daily then, no, it is not a credible source at all.
  7. If there were only as many stars as we have neurons, then that doesn't even come close to what I am suggesting. Jut TRY and imagine more stars than atoms that make up the earth. It is truly astonishing. This is what I want to know if we can say.
  8. I have heard many times that there are more Stars than there are grains of sand on every beach on the Earth. Can we take that further and say there are more Stars than there are Atoms that create the Earth?
  9. mustang292


    E.T. may be either more advanced or less advanced than us. There are too many possibilities to say either. We could be the first, last, or somewhere in between. I believe that there are E.T. I cannot speculate as to how advanced they are. What I want to know is, why are all these so called pictures of them, always naked?!
  10. This is my result: Fifth Level of Hell The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx.
  11. This is more about what I'm talking about, and here is the site ---> http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/msad13jan99_1.htm If anyone else can find more info, please add it. Thanks!
  12. I say keep the Religion section. I like to read other peoples opinions. This is how we all keep open minds. Science has alot to do with religion. Sounds to me like someone had their feelings hurt, or they read something that screwed with their way of thinking and now they want it gone. Thats just rediculous.
  13. This isn't a pride issue, and I am not trying to crucify you. I just wanted to find out if your statement was absolute. But with the information I read, the experiment was flawed. So therefore it has still yet to be proven. Your statement misleads the reader to believe it has been proven.
  14. Let's do some investigation on that shall we? This link gives more insite into the experiment you are talking about. ---> http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/feature/story/0,13026,1150835,00.html
  15. This is what intrigued me. We took bacteria to the moon, left it completely open to the elements, and they came back alive, AND NOBODY EVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT IT. The Mars thing is still indefinite.
  16. I watched a documentary the other day about a black man who was arrested,tried, and convicted of raping a white woman. He spent 20 years in jail until some highschool students examined his case for a school project. They had DNA tests run and found that he was innocent. The woman at the time said it was a black man. The officer who arrested him said that he was the only black man in town with a white girlfriend, so they assumed it had to be him. Because of their choice to decide him guilty before trial, the town generally decided he must be and convicted him. He has lost an entire lifetime because of it. I thought about it for days because it ticked me off so bad. When the general population makes assumptions of guilt before a trial, It does effect what the jury, prosecution and Judge will do. It's not morally right. (I am white by the way) Coral_Rhedd, your posts reak of a closed mind. Even in your other threads. It takes 100 posts for you to open your mind and realize that you are not the only one on this earth. Maybe you have just had one of those lucky lives where no one has ever accused you of something you didn't do. Sorry, I was getting a little frustrated.
  17. Coral_Rhedd, here is the dictionary's description of the term. Main Entry: pe·do·phil·ia Pronunciation: "pE-d&-'fi-lE-& Function: noun Etymology: New Latin : sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object - pe·do·phil·i·ac /-'fi-lE-"ak/ or pe·do·phil·ic /-'fi-lik/ adjective
  18. It's called peer pressure. Good for you if you didn't fall for it. They were a bunch of horny toads. Your Dad was being naturally protective of you. I have a 2 year old daughter, and it's amazing how I just naturally freak out if I hear her scream in another room because I don't want her to be hurt in anyway. I believe I will probably react the same way your father did. I won't get crazy angry though.
  19. uh hum... don't even go there. In my relationship it turned out that I was used by a psycho woman who was a pathelogical liar. (Even her own mother had been sending her to therapy) I didn't know this, and I fell for her manipulation. She told me so many horrible things had happened to her, that I felt empathetic and I fell for all of it. Even when she said she couldn't get pregnant. hah! dumb me. We have since broken up and custody battle is on. "Awful" people can be man or woman. I plan to teach her how to identify the bad boys and stay away, while trying to be an Honest caring person herself. My ultimate goal is to teach her independence so she will not need a man to provide for her. That way she can take her time and choose wisely who she wants to be in a relationship with. Sexy outfits will be off limits as far as I am concerned until she is 17-18 ready to understand the consequences of her actions. Any younger than that and I believe it coaxes boys and men for that manner to make sexual inuindos to her that will only lead to her becoming sexually active before she is mentally ready to handle it. Thanks for wishing me luck though. It is pretty hard being a single father with a 2yr daughter. No baby changing rooms in the mens rooms. (People stare at us when I take her into the bathroom with me.) Guess its still not mainstream yet. Where's the equality? And thanks for clearing that up Callipygous.
  20. Go here for your news! ----->> http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/2164.asp LOL
  21. I wasn't in the Jury. The Jury consisted of people who were able to read and look at the True evidence without having to read the distorted Tabloids. They said not guilty. I accept their decision.
  22. I am going to assume you are female (Coral Rhedd). So maybe I should try and explain it to you differently. You see a male walking passed you. He is 6 foot tall looks like he works out has facial hair nicely cropped, dressed to the nines (your thinkin he's 20ish) and check him out while he passes you. You turn to your friend and say "He's Hot!" your friend says, "That's my next door neighbor he is only 13. I give up if this doesn't work for you. I don't know how to explain it in any more detail than I did before. If someone else understands what I'm saying please put it in better words for Coral to understand. Thanks.
  23. Guess you didn't read about the Salem Witch Trials. Yes, they should all be considered innocent until proven guilty. Otherwise you open up pandoras box.
  24. It depends on their development. If she has Full breasts and such. Some of them look freakin' 20 years old if their parents let them wear make up! Breasts are evolutions way of getting a man to be attracted to a woman. It's quite simple. It is society's responsibility to realize the difference. Secondly, I just want to add how mad I am when I see parents let their young teenagers run around in make up, padded braws and tight shorts that say stupid things like Precious on them. I have a 2-year old daughter, and I will NEVER let her do something like that until she is 17-18 when I decide she knows how to make her own decisions. These parents who do that are just asking for their children to be stalked and taken. That Pisses me off! Learn some Freakin' Responsibility!
  25. I usually get my news from the NASA channel and MSNBC. Then I turn it to Sci-Fi so I can watch StarGate SG-1 !!!
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