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Everything posted by mustang292

  1. If that were truly the case then, it could all be traced back to just one person who started it all. And then who did it to him? Maybe you should say Most instead of All. And by the way, a friend mentioned to me the other day that he was getting angry with foreigners because he has seen so many arrested for sex offenses with children. After talking about it for awhile, we came to the conclusion that for many of them, they have been brought up to believe that young teenage girls get married at like 13 in their countries, and they haven't learned our laws are different yet. By the way, Nature says that a girl having a period is her beginning for child bearing. Yet, as a society, we have decided that 18 is the age now. Why? Because, look at a 13 year olds thought process, its called immature. They don't know what they want and with our educational process an 18 year old can have much more knowledge about the decisions they want to make. LOL, I just recapped what I just wrote and it sounds like I was talking in circles. Oh well, I'm not a psychologist. Just throwing stuff out there to be contemplated.
  2. Daddy, how was I born ? Ah, very well, one day you need to find out anyway! Mom and Dad got together in a chat room on MSN. Dad set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber cafe. We snuck into a secludes room, and then your mother downloaded from your dad's memory stick. As soon as dad was ready for an upload, it was discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall. Since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later the blessed virus appeared. And that's the story.
  3. I believe it was George Washington who said that our government would only last about 300 years. Well we past it. However, I don't think it can go on much longer without some kind of major overhaul. You can't trust any you elect in to office anymore. We now have the technology to have a True Government by the People. We all have access to computers and we all should be able to vote on a law instead of letting these scum bags who we think we can trust make them for us. I mean, come on. Did you know that in Virginia it is illegal to have any other kind of sex than missionary? You can't tell me that the majority wanted that law. That's just one stupid law. There are a Sh*t load of others.
  4. Coral, unless you have a deree in psychology, you might want to rethink what you just said. My uncle was a gay pedophile (not proud to admit it) and he molested my brother. He went to jail for it, got aids while he was in their and died a few years ago. He was never trusted by us, didn't agree to our opinions and was definetily not the nicest guy in the neighborhood. The situation happened at my aunts house where my brother was visiting and my uncle came in unexpectadly during the middle of the night. (you don't need to know the rest.) Instead of making a statement maybe you should say "I think" instead. Example: I think there are many reasons from alcohol to the sexually depraved. Who knows? I am not a psychologist.
  5. I think it's too hard to decide unless I was on the jury. I know of too many people who were convicted of crimes and then later released after being found truly innocent. The guy is definitely not mainstream, but Lisa Presley was on Oprah the other day and said they had regular sex just like a regular married couple. So, what was that all about then. A publicity stunt would have been just the marriage, they went further than that. She also said she never saw him do anything out of the ordinary. Now, you would think that someone that close to him would know more than all the tabloid readers who have already decided he is guilty. I won't say yes or no, because I am not on the jury to see all the evidence.
  6. I just thought this was cool and the ramifications are incredible. Why was this never looked at as being an important discovery? -----> http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/ast01sep98_1.htm
  7. This is neat. For a conspiracy theory, this looks like full body(space suit)weathered by time and covered with dust. Up top right would be the head, a little lower you can see the arm sleeves as if someone laid down on their side and died. All the way to the bottom for the legs.
  8. Well this is the question he has asked over again, and noone has addressed it. Okay, I said I hope it helps. If not fine. But would you then stop jumping around his question and answer it smarty?
  9. Dolphins use Sonar to find prey. This fact alone leaves us with alot of mysteries as to what the Brain itself can do. I believe it is highly feasable that we could have the capacity to do the same if not more if only evolution would push us to need to use it. There are alot of crackpots out there, however, I have had too many experiences of my own to dicount ESP.
  10. Here us.2u, try this site, I hope it helps you.---> http://www.ldolphin.org/vanFlandern/gravityspeed.html
  11. Long live the Jews! Einstein was Jewish and barely escaped the Nazi camps. However you want to judge it Einstein was brilliant (and lucky). Go figure, I'm of German decent. That's okay though, because I'm not pregidous. Long Live the Jews!
  12. I see them too when I close my eyes. I believe it to be the microbes retaining the light after I have closed my eyes. I'll watch them when I'm really bored and open and close my eyes to see their behavior.
  13. SUFFICIENT I was TRULY self sufficient for the last year and a half. I needed nothing, plenty of money. I recently started a new job out of pure boredom. Being Self Sufficient doesn't make you happy. I acchieved every goal I had for myself. Then after achieving those goals I realized I was still not happy. Happiness is in the eyes of the beholder. Chidren are happy. Are they Self Sufficient? No, They are however Ignorant (That part I agree with you) It's just that your statement of only acheiving happiness by being Self-Sufficient is way off the mark.
  14. I do not agree with this statement. When I was a youngster I was always happy (dependant). Now, I am 31 Self Sufficient and miserable.
  15. You must be "The One" they've been looking for. Go for it NEO! LOL.
  16. My ex was on Prozac and she just seemed to get even more pshychotic from it. I would recommend staying away from it. As for Marijuana though, I know so many people that do it and they have never had any adverse side effects. It should be legalized. The U.S. Government already grows their own. What's up with that?
  17. Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and Italy.
  18. Swansont How much clearer do I need to be? I put his name to show it was his statement, And I Put the link so onemind could go read the complete information on it. If I wanted credit, I would not have included his name or a link. I gave pertinent information to onemind about his question with the reference of where I got it from. I helped him to answer his question, which is something I don't see much of anyone else in this forum do.
  19. Horner and a spokeswoman for Science predicted the paper would stir controversy. "It will be controversial because of those preconceived ideas about what can and cannot be preserved over long periods of time," Horner said. "It has always been thought that cells couldn't be preserved, but there really wasn't any evidence to back up those ideas, other than no one having found cellular preservation before."
  20. LOL, your nuts.
  21. I think he would definately lose the election.
  22. Go here for more--->http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/980301b.html
  23. A burnt rubber doll was mistaken for a badly injured alien and taken to a hospital in Brazil. It happened after people in Aracruz found a burnt ‘body’ on the ground after seeing a fireball fall from the sky. A police spokesman told Terra Noticias Populares: “Many people were terrified thinking that an alien invasion was taking place. “They thought the doll was a burnt ET and more than 50 people called the station.” I JUST THOUGHT THIS WOULD CHEER UP EVERYONES DAY! LOL!
  24. And if you had read this part of my first post you would see that your response was completely irrelivant and it was stated obviously as to which type of Time Travel I meant. Now Go away Stalker.
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