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Everything posted by mustang292

  1. In an issue of Time magazine I Read that we had determined that the Universe will be ever expanding until even one atom will be the size of a Planet. I understand the science behind that. Your Crunch theory has been determined to be wrong already. I believe that the Universe however vast it is, does have an edge that is ever expanding, and we may never be able to see the edge with our telescopes. (Wow, then again, we may be so far from the original big bang that we could never locate it either. I think I just answered my own question.) And Thanks reverse I liked your analogy.
  2. Why can we not use the direction of other galaxies that are moving away from us and the speed they are traveling to triangulate the origin of the Big Bang. I mean all galaxies are most likely to still be moving away from the Big Bang which means if we can identify only a few galaxies to our so called Northe south east and west, and the speed and direction from us and us from them, We should be able to determine which direction all of them are going and triangulate the origin of the Big Bang. Right? We need to clone Einstein. \ . . . . / \ . . . / \ . . / \ . . / \ . . / \ . / \ . / \ / Bang! P.S. I think we are all living in the time that we will finally find definitive life somewhere other than earth. Even if it's only bacteria. Let's hope for something more interesting though.
  3. HI, I don't have an answer for your question, however I have one of my own if anyone has any ideas. Why can we not use the direction of other galaxies that are moving away from us and the speed they are traveling to triangulate the origin of the Big Bang. I mean all galaxies are most likely to still be moving away from the Big Bang which means if we can identify only a few galaxies to our so called Northe south east and west, and the speed and direction from us and us from them, We should be able to determine which direction all of them are going and triangulate the origin of the Big Bang. Right? We need to clone Einstein.
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