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Elia Gomez

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  1. The way memories are stored is an interesting and basic question in neurophysiology. How do you find this video? I 'd like feedback and constructive criticism. Thank you.
  2. I totally agree with you now, I really didn't think much about the word vitality, And since English isn't my first language, I didn't consider the other contexts this word may have, and that can contribute to making the word vague. It's just that I couldn't find the appropriate word to express (being alive) or (being a living thing). maybe I should have just said "life". However, the whole thing (my post) wasn't meant to be about my choice of the word that expressed possessing the property of life -not saying that it's ok to use vague or obscure words-, But what I mainly questioned about the definition in the original post, was the overall idea; whether we can say physiology studies the mechanisms and processes that occur in the body of an organism?. I had someone telling me that "studying mechanisms of living" was far from any possible definition of physiology. and that physiology on the other hand was "studying the functions of parts of the body". I couldn't see much difference between the two definitions. So I decided to ask online. I hope it doesn't seem like i'm so caught up in semantics.
  3. Thanks a lot for the explanations. Actually iNow, it's not that i feel something is missing from the existing definition. I'm a pre-medical student, and this is the first time I'm introduced to physiology. And, I just wanted to make sure I understood what this branch of science is exactly concerned with, and thus be able to appreciate the relevance and importance of the topics we study. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my post.
  4. Is it legit to say that physiology is studying the "mechanisms" that provide the body with Vitality?
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