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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. As it was, and still is, he's claiming it out of random thought. Do you believe theres more violence at Donald rallies or Bernie's and Hillary's combined? If you think its not trumps, then please loom again. I'm telling him to actually look at it from a reasonable point of view. Also, please stop down voting me, I only have like 4 reputation.
  2. I don't really know a lot about liquid nitrogen, i figured it would take quite a bit of It to cool even a small section... Then again I'm probably wrong.
  3. Still waiting for proof. I'm quite sure there is some, but I would like to see you actually do the research rather then just claim random things. Really? I have found I've usually been misinformed in a lot of political matters, can you give some examples?
  4. I got a spam email. Someone wishes to leave me their entire enheritence because they were recently diagnosed with terminal scoliosis

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raider5678


      Try replying to spam emails. I sent this:

      I'm so sorry to hear that! I would like to see your medical report before I accept the money a land a stuff for obvious reasons.

    3. arc


      "I didn't know scoliosis could be terminal. I guess a curved spine can kill you these days." Sure, it gets so bad your head gets stuck in your butt.... most spammers suffer from it.:)

    4. Moontanman


      HEY! Can I have half of the money? Lets see 50% of nothing is... nothing! Oh boy I get... no wait... never mind...

  5. Perhaps your right. But once again, would you think it was alright if we tortured them to save lives?
  6. Can you give me some more information, Top speed of the slug Acceleration rate Power of the electromagnetic accelerator Also, to have enough liquid nitrogen alone would cost a fortune. About 400 trillion dollars. Per minute.
  7. I would like to correct what you are claiming. At no point did he say he would torture the families.he said specifically he would kill the families, and torture the militants. Which, in all areas, wouldn't be fair. Though, the terrorist do a whole lot worse then waterboarding to our soldiers. Waterboarding doesn't have the person screaming and begging for death. Also, the constitution says: No use of cruel or unusual punishment. If in an attempt to save lives, torture isn't actually prohibited by the constitution, it is inside the Geneva Convention.
  8. Proof there are violent protests against Hillary and Bernie? Interestingly enough I found this a while back. http://www.infowars.com/craigslist-ad-get-paid-15-an-hour-to-protest-at-the-trump-rally/ What's civil disobedience? I think its breaking the law, but I'm not sure. Also, someone is suing trump for inciting them to be violent. Which, if you think about it, means they have no control over themselves.
  9. It was my belief that the border was owned by the us government.
  10. If you read the thread you can see it slowly transitions so that what he says isnt hijacking, but replying to what other people have said.
  11. I'm afraid to get into this disscussion, but I guess I will. A creates B. B creates B. Which sounds more logical? Of course, logic falls apart in philosophy.
  12. It was my belief that they decided worm holes may be real because they would be possible with the current theory of general relativity.
  13. You can get the number by simply looking it up.http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/just-facts/how-united-states-immigration-system-works-fact-sheet That should explained. Everything. Know, I have looked and found nothing that convicts you. Not guilty! Either way, do you look up everything everyone says? As it was, it SEEMED like you didn't think Hillary lied much at all. Once again, IT ONLY SEEMED like that. Which would mean you were accepting what Hillary said more readily then what Trump said. This isn't evidence, just a conclusion I came out with. You DO look up some things Hillary says, but you would sooner look up what Trump said then what she said. Is this true?
  14. Ok, I'm confused. Please explain. Speaking of complainers, what if we just grew bamboo,and thorn bushes about a mile wide? Easier to patrol then a wall. Bamboo can grow a foot a day, thorn bushes are quite tricky to trim, remove, or make a path through. And I'm speaking from experience, I work on a farm. How about this, currently I would rather Donald Trump then the other two. If I don't vote, its one less vote for trump. This is figurative by the way, I cant vote. Also, I'm not giving a pass to anyone. I'm simply pointing out that either way is still bad, even if one is better then the other. The immigrant was an illegall immigrant. Also, it seems I have phrased something wrong. I don't mind immigration, I'm against illegal immigration. So it IS the law. They did the math, and came out with the proper number of immigrants we could handle annually without ruining us, and I trust whoever did the math. But I think you should still have to go through the immigration process before your allowed in. Am I the idiot?
  15. We support Trump because we don't want to support Hillary or Bernie Sanders. Hillary exaggerates quite a bit if you noticed. She also seems to simply be trim to appease people. She talked to an illegal immigrant, and said that she's trying to get him citizenship, so she should vote for him. This is in video. On the news. Look it up. I find people are irrational when it comes to immigration. As soon as you say its not a good idea to have immigration in large proportions, its instantly "racist" or your an evil man who doesn't care about anyone. Also: https://www.google.com/search?q=obama+stuttering&oq=obama&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39l2j0.1933j0j4&client=tablet-android-gigabyte&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 So the guy stutters. Who cares?
  16. If you add up the numbers, you can't try Hillary half the time. As for trump, believe the oppiste of what he says lol. Either way, they still lie. If your wondering, I count half true as half false. Would you believe something half true? Probably not. Also, yes. My dads voting for Donald trump. But I'm wiling to bet your parents were democrats.
  17. http://www.politifact.com/personalities/hillary-clinton/statements/byruling/false/I would also like to point out, that I don't like any of the candidates. It seems your simply accepting every thing Hillary says without looking it up. You simple nod your head in agreement. For years, I have found every political candidate lies lies lies lies. Usually they're big too. Edit: And I can't vote yet.
  18. Irrational babbling eh? I can live with that. Though on no account did I remotely claim we needed the bible to make better citizens. What you did there is called strawmanning. To sum it up, you took what I said and purposefully twisted it to make me seem like a fool,which seems stupid to me, but if you want to do it then fine. Also,during this entire thread, you have done nothing but insult people and call their arguments pointless that contribute nothing to the conversation, which makes you a hypocrite. Rather then clogging up this thread with useless insults, twisting peoples words, and acting like a little child, please act responsibly and contribute something ok? Now,I come from a town full of achoholics, drug addicts, fighting, murders,and much worse things. My family is very poor, and in all probability I won't be able to get into college. Yet, I'm still happy. The reason is because I know Jesus. Maybe I'm insane, maybe its irrational, but I can make the irrational choice to make my self feel better ok? May e you come from a rich family, and your all Mr. Know it all, but not everyone is as perfect as you. Once again. Leave. It. Go.
  19. Can you point out some of his lies? Like big ones that actually matter. I usually end up missing the point.
  20. I am saddened to what happens to threads like this. Either way, I may point out that you can't disprove god exists, even though there's a lot of things you can't disprove. (Like a tea cup orbiting Neptune ) which trying to prove to someone that their god isn't real rarely works with christians. Its kind of pointless trying too. Also, being a christian doesn't make you a fool, nor does being an atheist. Infact, the christian bible preaches about a lot of good things that you should\shouldn't do, if they truely follow the bible they make the best citizens, so don't critizse them. Whether you believe in it or not, it doesn't matter. Why must you constantly try to stamp out religion just because you don't believe in it? Sure your going to say your just pointing out things,but is that really the truth -.-? Once again, state your opinion, arguing will never get you anywhere for arguing religion.
  21. I can out with the snake. It has no legs. Its the only one who smells with his tounge, etc. Seems obvious to me...
  22. All of it pretty much describes me.. Though I figured out that admitting I was wrong is easier then arguing what can't be true. Though it took awhile, I must have been a nightmare before 10 years old lol.
  23. Which means you wish to end up in...... Nice story man. Very cool. I still wonder why people simply refuse to accept that there MAY be a God, and that maybe not EVERY freaking thing that happens is a co-incidence. I mean, come on, it starts to get stupid after a while. "It was a co-incidence that the helicopter lost engine power for a moment, turned 47 degrees, and on a crashed airplane down below a flare randomly went off even though the unconscious pilot never touched it, alerting the pilot that someone was down there, resulting in the rescuing of a survivor." I mean, what else could it be besides co-incidence? Just stop constantly downing someone, and let them believe what they want to believe ok?
  24. Wait a second, how are the test biased? I did have an I.Q. test in 3rd grade, I got 136! Yayayayayay! I can see patterns!!!!! Who cares? I mean, sure, it means your analytical process is better/faster then other people, but does that mean your smart? It doesn't automatically teach you another language, or teach you molecular physics(or in my case, grammar.) If it means something to you, good for you. If it doesn't it don't matter. Nobody else really cares, so brag all you like, nobody will mind unless your being annoying with it. That's my opinion on it. Doing a little bit of phycology, this is what I'm thinking. (Confirmed by a two day battery of tests by a neuropsychologist) He seems to have left his "rant" mode when typing this part. Hes much more calm and collective, but then again, that might not mean anything. If it does mean anything, it means he was once one of those who was proud of his I.Q. Score, and may still be. scum bag screw up for my entire 20s Hes back in "rant" mode, and he's downing himself. Like self - punishment of some sort. Mad at himself. You should get the picture. supposedly "gifted" I am. You should be too. This is an odd part. It seems to conflict what I first thought on him, but I stay with my original thoughts. He was once proud of his I.Q. It mattered to him. The fact alone that he grew up and thinks he did terrible in life is a testament to that.
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