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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. Um. No. I'm calling you out here. This is exactly what you said: You're saying I(or trump voters) am trying to "avoid responsibility for your actions as long as the immoral action is done by someone you put in power." By saying this, you're very directly saying there is some kind of responsibility that I(or trump voters) am supposed to have. This is not a straw man. This is exactly what you said. So again, I ask you. How is the responsibility for Trump and Stormy Daniels my(or trump voters) fault? I am not doing so, I am pointing out your statement was stupid. You've laid the direct responsibility for Trumps actions with Stormy Daniels on Trump Voter's shoulders.(see above) So. If that's the case, you'd also have to lay direct responsibility for Bill Clintons actions of Bill Clintons voters. And let me make this clear. I don't believe Trump Voters made trump do something before anyone cast a vote for him. Nor do I believe Clinton voters made Clinton screw his intern. It's ridiculous.
  2. The actions of Trump and Stormy Daniels is our fault how? Additionally, what about Bill Clinton? Are you saying everyone who voted him in has to take responsibility for the immoral actions he did? Not sure you thought that one through. Additionally, when you get into the pro-life / pro-choice debate, you have to ask yourself this same question from our perspective. You seem to have it in your head that Republicans and evangelicals are just in love with Trump. That's not the case. To them, he was the lesser of two evils. Then, you have the party loyalists who'll defend him no matter what. Yet, some people have the nerve to group everyone who voted for Trump into one group. Not that simple. Alright. Reading through some of those, a lot of them are geared towards government transparency.
  3. a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl. This says identifies. Transgender is identifying as a different gender. Both this man, and the rest of the transgender community use the word "identifies" So why is this different? It's not hatred, it's non belief.
  4. I am an "evangelical" and I don't understand this. A common phrase around here, popularized by one of the Grahams: "He's my president. Not my moral advisor." Funny thing is, when lawyers go to investigate Congress this get's thrown out the window.
  5. I was mistaken then. Yes, but that hardly falls under "reducing presidential power", as you pointed out. Which, is what I highly doubt will happen. I was 100% unaware of this. What powers were cut?
  6. No, I don't. However, exchange some of the adjectives with others, and you'll get the same moaning and begrudging. You missed the point. Point is, whenever the president isn't who someone wanted, they're always "the worst president ever" "gonna ruin everything" "never gonna be the same" "worlds gonna end" "gonna sell us out to X" And guess what. It turns out to be political rhetoric. As always. Because it's just two parties fighting about what's actually true: Lie #1 or Lie #2. Meanwhile, truth get's lost in the background.
  7. You know, that sounds familiar...... Oh yeah. I listened to it for 8 years from the Republicans moaning and groaning about Obama......
  8. And the deal was signed in 2013. Why do you not care if they were already cheating in 2014? What case are you trying to make by saying that? What in the world makes you think we should disregard the fact they were bypassing the deal, just because it was in 2014? You should stop being a Democrat fanboy and open your eyes. (or better yet, don't make false assertions about who's a fanboy to who) For the record, I despise the Republicans.
  9. What about it isn't normal? I know I'm just a kid who can't possibly know anything. However. I do come from a strong Republican area. And I know you don't put much credit in Republicans. However, the same things Democrats are saying about Trump now, about how he's too powerful and they need to take power away, was said about Obama as well. Both sides think the president has too much power when he's on the opposite team. When he's on their team, however, suddenly he doesn't have enough power. I find this laughable. Both sides are shielding possible criminal activity from the investigation. Congress voted unanimously from both parties in both house and senate in 2013 to repeal legislation that'd hold Congress accountable. Additionally, as soon as an investigation is launched into congress, they also unanimously move to say that the investigation is illegal. The shielding you're talking about is just partisan fighting. It's just Democrats vs Republicans. The real battle? It's Democracy vs Political Parties. Both sides do it. It's not one side always being innocent and wanting accountability and the other side just corrupt pigs who are hiding things. Both sides are corrupt. Both sides are hiding things. Both sides will never be convicted because it's all show. They make accusations(almost all of them are true) but they never convict them. As soon as they do that, it would set off a chain reaction and they'd all be in prison.
  10. Which side would want to take power away from the president? Edit: To clarify, since Bill Clinton has been in office, each president afterward has used more and more of what's called "executive power".(Also to clarify, Bill Clinton didn't start this trend. It's just where it picked up) Executive power is where the president can pass rules, change policy, etc, without passing it through Congress. Essentially political bulldozing. For the most part, it's been limited for the majority of the United States history, until a few decades ago where an uptick in usage started to cause more controversy. When Obama entered the office, he was very cautious about using executive power. He saw it as wrong because it bypassed several things, and he didn't see it as very "democratic"(not as in the party). He went on to pass more executive orders than any other president in history. Trump is poised to do the same. He entered office talking big about how bad it is.......and now he's doing the same thing Obama did.
  11. A single deal is not going to ruin the entire USA's reputation for making deals with everyone. Additionally, Iran isn't following the conditions anyways. https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/iran-already-cheating-nuclear-deal They're making hundreds of billions from oil sales, as a direct result of lifting the sanctions. So they're receiving the money, but they're not playing along with the rules of the game, which is a major reason Trump has said he's pulling out of the deal. Not just because Obama has made the deal. What is the point of the deal if Iran isn't following it? If you can give me a compelling reason why then please do. But at the moment I don't understand why we should stay in the deal.
  12. Undependable? I mean, the regime would have to be pretty stupid not to realize that different presidents will do different things. Like North Korea? Syria?
  13. I'd be extremely surprised if that was the case.
  14. Well, you said it first, and who am I to disagree, after all, the ignorant is just the ........struggling to find a good vocabulary word here. You win.
  15. I thought being transgender was believing you were a different gender. Not just pretending you are because you want to be. But whatever. Everyone to their own devices. Fair enough. Here are some other articles. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/stefonknee-wolschtt-transgender-father-leaves-family-in-toronto-to-start-new-life-as-a-six-year-old-a6769051.html https://www.mediaite.com/online/meet-the-52-year-old-father-who-identifies-a-6-year-old-girl/ http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/transgender-woman-leaves-wife-7-kids-live-girl-article-1.2463795 Indeed, the army of the righteously ignorant is growing strong. I don't really think you can just treat the LGBTQ+ community as fake or not relevant. They have a lot more political power then you think.
  16. I'd definitely say that's a myth. Emotional intelligence isn't automatically correlated to your actual intelligence. And challenging him with something he doesn't enjoy, while being a challenge, will make him feel less worth because he has a much harder time succeeding at it. Meanwhile, the thing he's good at(math) is being wasted trying to hit a stupid ball with a metal stick.
  17. The absolutely best thing I'd recommend is going to a library, finding books that interest him(mathematics) and letting him select the ones he wants. Bookstores are another place you could do this, however, then you have to pay for the books.
  18. So you deny there is a 52 year old man who thinks he's a 6 year old girl?
  19. Fun fact. I found it funny tbh. Because the video was on one topic, not all topics. However, he actually does happen to have an article about polygamy, and his opinion of it. Except, his opinion is mostly focused on the LGBTQ+ community pushing for polygamy...... So I'm not going to post the link. However, just google steven crowder polygamy if you're interested. I learned that a long time ago. Today I learned the name Australia has 3 a's. And every single one of them is pronounced differently.
  20. Found the STOCK act, decided to go look for the public information, only to find Congress had already decided to modify it to not include that. And, claimed it was unconstitutional for people to investigate them.

  21. https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/transgender-people-and-law Because they keep winning court cases that say if they don't in the case of being Trans-Gender, it's gender discrimination. Because the only possible reason you'd deny legally changing someone's gender is gender discrimination. The exact same concept will apply. It doesn't matter what you're born as. It matters what you choose to be. If you choose to be black, and the government refuses to recognize it, it's racial discrimination.
  22. But then that means the government isn't respecting your right to be who you want to be. Legally.
  23. Well then Affirmative Action get's kicked out the window, and I've never experienced white privilege.
  24. Trans-Race is not saying you're mixed race. It's saying you're clearly a white person, but you're saying you're fully African-American, or vice versa. Or you being an Indian and saying you're fully Asian, or vice versa.
  25. 4 years ago I would have said it'd be impossible for a man to win the woman of the year award. It came about. Additionally, while I don't have solid evidence, the current culture surrounding people who are Transmorphic is currently unconditional acceptance. I doubt it'll be long before they're pushing for acceptance of this. The article StringJunky posted earlier mentioned a woman who was Trans-Race. She's pushing for legal recognition of it.
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