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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. Uh huh. You're telling me, you were not assuming in your head that the ways I treated them differently were dumb before I told them? That you had no assumptions, no conclusions, and then when you put the question mark behind it you said it in 100% serious, non-sarcasm, guessing? If so you really need to learn how to guess. Because that came off heavily as predetermined sarcasm. Especially since it didn't provide any examples and was a guess about the qualities of said actions and not actual actions.
  2. No. I understand it's a median. I'm not moving the goalposts. I spoke of the ways I treat genders differently. Yes. You automatically considered it dumb, without evaluating what I did differently. You have automatically come to the conclusion I am wrong, without even knowing what I do. So I provided evidence pointing to differences between the genders, how they act, how they learn, how they handle things, and how they typically are. I'm not moving the goal posts. I treat them different because they are different. And I have to back that up with you. But if providing evidence for why I do something is moving the goalposts perhaps I shouldn't use evidence? More evidence. Just because you'll probably come to a conclusion on my motives on treating them differently before I tell you what they are. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-gail-gross/how-boys-and-girls-learn-differently_b_5339567.html Hell, even this encourages you to understand they are different and treat them as such:http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/nov04/vol62/num03/With-Boys-and-Girls-in-Mind.aspx https://www.rd.com/advice/parenting/how-boys-and-girls-learn-differently/ https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1571&context=etdarchive Anyways, this is off topic. I have no further interest in persuing this.
  3. If you think men and women are the same you're living in an illusion. They're equal, by all means. However, there is no possible way you're telling me you believe there are no differences between men and women. Besides plumbing. Actual, scientific studies, can show you that men and women think differently. They take different approaches to things. They use portions of their brain differently. They have different hormones in their bodies. Does it make men or women better than one another? No. But it does make them different. https://www.livescience.com/41619-male-female-brains-wired-differently.html https://stanmed.stanford.edu/2017spring/how-mens-and-womens-brains-are-different.html https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hope-relationships/201402/brain-differences-between-genders https://www.thecut.com/2015/08/male-female-brains-are-just-a-little-different.html https://www.thecut.com/2017/04/heres-the-biggest-study-yet-on-sex-based-brain-differences.html I deal with kids a lot, young kids. Depending on if they're a boy or a girl, also depends on how I try to cheer them up if they're sad. You can call it dumb, I don't care. I care more about making them happy then how sexist they might think it is in 10 years, nor how you think about how dumb it is.
  4. Okay. So we should let Assad alone. But wait a second....... that would counteract your previous point: Last I checked people in Syria are suffering pretty badly. In fact, they were suffering so badly they attempted to overthrow Assad(and other reasons, but suffering is definitely a contributing factor). So. Do you think Assad is a nice forgiving person, that he's just gonna stop being so mean to his own people? It's one of the reasons they rebelled in the first place. I can understand what you're saying. It's a fairly logical position however it's flawed. Diplomacy with someone like Assad is basically saying a few stern words and vowing never to let him get away with something so horrific again, and then doing the same thing when he does, in fact, do it again. This is not the first time he's used chemical weapons. Do I think Trump's plan is the best? Not really. Do I know of a better one? Not really. Other than not using twitter so much. It's easy to criticise someone, however, unless you have a better way, your criticism will hardly be taken well.
  5. No. Besides the draft example, which is what we're talking about, there is no other circumstance where I could think that my views would even matter in legislation. Women not being in the draft. Fair enough. For the record to anyone else, the definitions: sex·ist ˈseksist/ adjective 1. relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. mi·sog·y·nist məˈsäjənəst/ noun 1. a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. My turn to ask questions. You're correct, I treat different genders differently. Care to take a guess in what ways?
  6. And my line of thinking applies to males as well. However, there is a push in legislation to include women in the draft. So regardless of your thinking of males in this topic, it was about your opinion on women being added.
  7. Perhaps you're right. However, I guess I'll continue being me, because I haven't changed my opinion. I don't think women should be forced to sign up for the draft.
  8. Syria's War Nearing Resolution? Not anymore.............
  9. What would you do? Tell them not to use chemical weapons on children? I actually take this as a bad sign. It's possible the reason it's taking so long is that he's running his plan through Congress. And that's a sign something big is happening.
  10. Cool. I'm assuming that'd be insanely expensive right now. Unless someone miraculously learns how to reland rockets...............Elon, get the block 5 ready. Let's say you have 2 separate modules, 1 that's large enough for astronauts to inhabit for some time, and another that's much smaller and is just a counterweight. The large one could spin at whatever speed they need, and an equation could tell the system how fast to spin the smaller one to counteract the speed of the larger centrifuge. Would that work? It'd help save the cost of building 2 of them.
  11. Out of curiosity, couldn't you add two modules and each spins in a separate direction? Would that counteract the effect of one? Assuming we have the technology to spin them both to the same speed, at the same time.
  12. You failed to mention that only 171,000 were accepted out of around 500,000 applications for the Vietnam war. So your link actually supports my point that it's considerably harder because only around 34% were accepted, as compared to your average of 63.5%. http://www.swarthmore.edu/library/peace/conscientiousobjection/co website/pages/HistoryNew.htm
  13. Getting the objection when you've voluntarily signed up is far easier than getting it when you've been drafted. Additionally, you're only talking about 9 to 30 accepted cases of combat objection out of a military of 1.4 million people.
  14. You have to prove it goes against your belief. Being a pacifist, political beliefs, etc, don't count. Basically religion only. And very rarely as well. Can't just opt out.
  15. Women are free to enlist. Define stuck. I've justified it, you just don't think that it qualifies as enough justification to you. I see men and women differently, and I know for a fact that no matter what I say, it won't change your opinion. So I'm not going to say why.
  16. Because we're talking about majorities here. Popular vote.
  17. And what's your opinion on this subject? I can do better than that, however, it boils down to the same facet of thinking: I view men and women differently. Because of the many different views I have on men and women, and the fact I see them as two very different categories of people, it influences how I feel about them. It's not about them having a vagina and breasts. It has much more to do with their psychology. Men are more likely to support a war. Men should be the ones to fight it then. But a man getting his legs blown off is much more acceptable to me than what happened to women under ISIS. Men were typically executed. Women literally begged for death. Plenty of documentaries, stories, interviews, etc, if you're interested.
  18. Because I'm a sexist who hates women I assume. I have a sister and a brother. I'd be upset if my brother was drafted, I'd be far more upset if my sister was drafted.
  19. One of them includes what typically happens to female prisoners of war. I need not describe. Another is that while I have no problem with women in the military, I feel wrong about forcing women to join.
  20. I stopped trying to get rid of the label after someone said I was sexist for commenting that for most teenager single mothers who struggle to provide for their kid, there was a guy involved making that child and then left. And I said those guys turned their back on the responsibility to help take care of the child. I was called a sexist because apparently, I assume that single women aren't capable without men and that I should try and get over my bigoted mindset. So I gave up at that point and I've stopped trying to get rid of the label. But this is beside the point and off-topic.
  21. I highly doubt a draft will be required anytime soon.
  22. Nah, I'm sexist. I fully embrace it at this point. I think men have a responsibility to do things that women should not be responsible to do. Like dying in wars. I have no problem with women in the military, but I also don't think it's their responsibility.
  23. The right to register for the draft? Wouldn't that be the same as simply enlisting in the army?
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