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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. What agenda would that be though?
  2. Man was with God before Adam ate the fruit. After he ate the fruit, man was separated from God. There was no need for it to be in man's heart before he ate the fruit. If you want to say the answer is just being made up then fine. However, it's a simple answer, it makes sense, and it's not complicated. So it's more like simply refusing to believe it's not a contradiction, rather than the answer being made up.
  3. If both God and the Snake agree on something, so be it. However, the motives of it were not. God wanted them to remain innocent, so told them not to eat it. Snake didn't, so told them to eat it. Where's the contradiction?
  4. You said pennies. A number is a concept. 1 + 1 = 2 2 + 2 = 4 That's how it is.
  5. What does that have to do with it? The number 1 plus the number 1 is the number 2. Unless you're disputing this, Marcus was wrong.
  6. 2+2 = 4. Read that aloud. Now read this: "Marcus was wrong."
  7. If it's evolution causing it then, who are you to say that it's immoral for them to do so? What makes humans so different from all other animals? Do we arrest animals who rape other animals? No, actually. According to Christianity, the basic laws of God is written in our hearts.(Romans 2: 12-16) I.E. Murder, rape, etc, we already know to be morally wrong without anyone having to tell you "Hey! That's wrong!"
  8. Perhaps. We are getting off topic, my apologies.
  9. Good for you. Just because that's the way it is for you, doesn't mean that's how it is for everyone.
  10. You're overthinking something that is fairly simple. Nobody is perfect, and typically people, in general, lean towards more selfish behaviors rather than ones that help others.
  11. Hence my point.
  12. Typically dealing in absolutes doesn't work well. Just saying. I agree. However, put two toddlers in a room with an entire pile of toys, and just wait how long it takes before they're trying to constantly take what toys the other has. Replace toddlers with adults, replace room with the world, and the pile of toys with land/power/resources.....
  13. I didn't say there was a small minority of good people who impose rules to force everyone else to be half-decent. I'm saying people have good parts and bad parts. Some people are really honest, others aren't, some people are really rude, others aren't, some people are control freaks, others aren't, some people are racists, others aren't, some people are sexist, others aren't. Some people steal, other's don't. Etc. You're telling me you disagree that someone can be part good and part bad? That everyone has to be entirely evil or entirely bad?
  14. I'd agree with Zapatos. People are bad by default, but the bad parts of people don't always overlap. So individually, this species wouldn't have gotten far, but socially, it was already regulated. Additionally, it's not like the bad person doesn't realize what he's doing is bad, he typically realizes and tries not to do it. Take a chronic liar for example. He typically knows it's bad to lie, but he still does it.
  15. What happens every single time? I'm certain you're not trying to insinuate that every single police officer or town deputy gets out of control. Please clarify. And to not get into the definition argument, by rare I meant relatively. It happens often enough that we notice, yes, however when you look at the number of police officers who abuse their position compared to how many their are, you'll find a different story.
  16. It's my belief that it can't be stopped. I'm not saying we shouldn't prevent it by taking measures, however, this is rare. Maybe you don't believe me, however, I assure you. This is not happening in every town, city, state. Additionally, this seemed like a personal grudge against his ex-wife, not something he'd randomly arrest everyone for. I highly doubt this would have shown up in his mental health screening. Perhaps this could have been prevented, but it's not like her life was utterly ruined and destroyed.
  17. As long as humans have any form of control in the government, there will be mistakes, bad decisions, and misguided people in power. Humans aren't perfect.
  18. My father has died from Malaria. It was quick, but the next few weeks are gonna be tough.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      So sorry to hear this, Raider. I didn't know him, but I know he was proud of you. Enormous loss, my heart goes out to you.

    3. Raider5678


      Thank you.

      He has several memorials dedicated to him actually. He was a missionary and died when he went over to Africa to build a women's refuge. So he has a memorial there. He spent 3 months in Brazil once building homes for those in need, and he has a memorial at the school he worked at here in the USA. I attended the last funeral just a few hours ago.

    4. Hypsibius


      My heart goes to you. I'm sorry about your loss Raider.

  19. Would you assume a pistol, two rifles, and a decent shotgun a lot? That'd mean around 64 million Americans would own a gun if the guns were split evenly to 4. That'd be 1/5 Americans. Just curious. However, the true story lies with the fact of gun collectors/sportsman/avid hunters/and gun sellers. Collectively, they own most of the guns.
  20. I wanted to know if religion had been discussed. I am not however, wanting to even go down that road at the moment.
  21. I was curious. Carry on. What don't you want God to do? I mean, you capitalized his name and everything.
  22. I haven't read through all 8 pages, but has religion been discussed in the context of inner peace during this discussion yet?
  23. The people that had these things done to them, had done the same things to the previous inhabitants of the land. They sacrificed their children as well.
  24. Horribly twisted crimes against other humans during that time was literally the norm. It wasn't just one nation doing so.
  25. I don't get it.
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