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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. What did you mean you're not aware of any evidence that we should conquer the universe? Are you suggesting that there could be evidence for such a thing? Or?
  2. No, I wasn't asking for evidence. I just have no idea what you meant by that statement, could you clarify?
  3. Pet hypotheses?
  4. I have an idea. Well, hypothesis. But I can't 100% prove it. However, I have reasonable evidence to back it up.
  5. " I don't know of any evidence that says we should conquer the Universe; however, we are a species who like to conquer." I was just asking what you meant by that.
  6. Technically in science we don't ever 100% KNOW. However, we can make observations and come to reasonable conclusions. Epps was a flight engineer. Her replacement is a Medical Specialist. These are two different roles, and it points more to a difference in WHO they needed for the ISS then what race they wanted in the ISS. With this, while neither of us know for 100% certain, we can make reasonable assumptions.
  7. Also, unless I'm wrong her replacement was a medical specialist was she not? I think I read that somewhere.
  8. It can be. But then why does anyone bother speculating? The default position by the media was that it was racism. That's pretty obvious. If they didn't want to point to racism, they wouldn't have said anything. Nobody would have cared if they said: "Astronaut replaced." They brought race into the factor on purpose to get views. Providing points to why that could be wrong isn't necessarily wrong.
  9. The fact she was exchanged for a Hispanic woman casts doubt though. Racists, from the few I've met, typically believe THEIR race is superior. So changing her out with a caucasian would have been the preferred move. Well, I guess it's also possible it's a Hispanic Racist in the HQ but then we're just getting into conspiracy theory territory.
  10. New Theory. Nasa was actually racist against Hispanic people before, and that's why she wasn't originally going to the ISS. Then the management changed and they decided it was better to be racist against black people so they changed her out with a Hispanic woman. There's an unground pool going around Nasa HQ as well as to when they should become racist on Hispanics again, but to appease the previous management they'll replace the Hispanic woman with an Asian woman instead of a Black woman. Then they'll decide they'll just be blatantly racist and change it to an old white male astronaut. #GovernmentConspiracy #We'reAllDoomed #RacistNasaConspiracy #GetYourTinFoilHats
  11. I see no reason for racism to be the default position either.
  12. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2018/01/22/nasa-pulled-this-astronaut-from-a-space-station-crew-her-brother-blames-racism/?utm_term=.e7ba7e573772 There are rumors going around that Nasa is racist because they pulled a black astronaut from the ISS mission in June and replaced her with a Hispanic woman. Thoughts?
  13. Evidence that says we should conquer the universe?
  14. Necromancy.
  15. Man I love my job.

    Until I've written several thousand lines of code and the end still isn't in sight.

  16. However, it's still a democracy. We can vote who we'd like. Detrimental to ourselves or not.........
  17. Technically, polls say around 80% of Americans say they're Christian. So that's democracy. The first point that is.
  18. I always think the country first. It leads to confusion around Thanksgiving. Either way, could you clarify exactly what you mean? I think I know pretty well, but just to make sure.
  19. I'm starting to think that given enough time, in a democracy, people will ultimately give away what makes them free.
  20. You're going down a rabbit hole. Just warning you.
  21. They are right. I agree. You also have to note though, the GOP probably sees it the same way, that it's the Democrats who should back down and are forcing the government shutdown.
  22. I feel like the Democrats are more in favor of keeping the government open, however, if they back down and open the government back open they'll appear weak to many more people who'd rather see Democrats wait until the other side says "chicken." The Republicans, however, might be the first to give in my opinion. If it's not over by Tuesday morning though, this could go on a while.
  23. Good point. I've gotten off track.
  24. That bigfoot has nothing to do with this discussion. People's belief about which party is racist does.
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